blob: 3257e84705f4276300972cc44ac573d1a775f354 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Sylvain Thenault (
# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE).
# --
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""some various utilities and helper classes, most of them used in the
main pylint class
import sys
from os import linesep
from logilab.common.textutils import normalize_text
from logilab.common.configuration import rest_format_section
from logilab.common.ureports import Section
from logilab.astng import Module
from pylint.checkers import EmptyReport
class UnknownMessage(Exception):
"""raised when a unregistered message id is encountered"""
'I' : 'info',
'C' : 'convention',
'R' : 'refactor',
'W' : 'warning',
'E' : 'error',
'F' : 'fatal'
'I' : 0,
'C' : 16,
'R' : 8,
'W' : 4,
'E' : 2,
'F' : 1
def sort_checkers(checkers):
"""return a list of enabled checker sorted by priority"""
checkers = [checker for checker in checkers if checker.is_enabled()]
checkers.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(-x.priority, -y.priority) )
return checkers
def sort_msgs(msg_ids):
"""sort message identifiers according to their category first"""
msg_order = 'EWRCIF'
def cmp_func(msgid1, msgid2):
"""comparison function for two message identifiers"""
if msgid1[0] != msgid2[0]:
return cmp(msg_order.index(msgid1[0]), msg_order.index(msgid2[0]))
return cmp(msgid1, msgid2)
return msg_ids
def get_module_and_frameid(node):
"""return the module name and the frame id in the module"""
frame = node.frame()
module, obj = '', []
while frame:
if isinstance(frame, Module):
module =
obj.append(getattr(frame, 'name', '<lambda>'))
frame = frame.parent.frame()
except AttributeError:
frame = None
return module, '.'.join(obj)
class Message:
def __init__(self, checker, msgid, msg, descr):
assert len(msgid) == 5, 'Invalid message id %s' % msgid
assert msgid[0] in MSG_TYPES, \
'Bad message type %s in %r' % (msgid[0], msgid)
self.msgid = msgid
self.msg = msg
self.descr = descr
self.checker = checker
class MessagesHandlerMixIn:
"""a mix-in class containing all the messages related methods for the main
lint class
def __init__(self):
# dictionary of registered messages
self._messages = {}
self._msgs_state = {}
self._module_msgs_state = {} # None
self._msg_cats_state = {}
self._module_msg_cats_state = None
self.msg_status = 0
def register_messages(self, checker):
"""register a dictionary of messages
Keys are message ids, values are a 2-uple with the message type and the
message itself
message ids should be a string of len 4, where the to first characters
are the checker id and the two last the message id in this checker
msgs_dict = checker.msgs
chkid = None
for msgid, (msg, msgdescr) in msgs_dict.items():
# avoid duplicate / malformed ids
assert not self._messages.has_key(msgid), \
'Message id %r is already defined' % msgid
assert chkid is None or chkid == msgid[1:3], \
'Inconsistent checker part in message id %r' % msgid
chkid = msgid[1:3]
self._messages[msgid] = Message(checker, msgid, msg, msgdescr)
def get_message_help(self, msg_id, checkerref=False):
"""return the help string for the given message id"""
msg = self.check_message_id(msg_id)
desc = normalize_text(' '.join(msg.descr.split()), indent=' ')
if checkerref:
desc += ' This message belongs to the %s checker.' % \
title = msg.msg
if title != '%s':
title = title.splitlines()[0]
return ':%s: *%s*\n%s' % (msg.msgid, title, desc)
return ':%s:\n%s' % (msg.msgid, desc)
def disable_message(self, msg_id, scope='package', line=None):
"""don't output message of the given id"""
assert scope in ('package', 'module')
msg = self.check_message_id(msg_id)
if scope == 'module':
assert line > 0
self._module_msgs_state[msg.msgid][line] = False
except KeyError:
self._module_msgs_state[msg.msgid] = {line: False}
if msg_id != 'I0011':
self.add_message('I0011', line=line, args=msg.msgid)
msgs = self._msgs_state
msgs[msg.msgid] = False
# sync configuration object
self.config.disable_msg = [mid for mid, val in msgs.items()
if not val]
def enable_message(self, msg_id, scope='package', line=None):
"""reenable message of the given id"""
assert scope in ('package', 'module')
msg = self.check_message_id(msg_id)
msg.checker.enabled = True # ensure the related checker is enabled
if scope == 'module':
assert line > 0
self._module_msgs_state[msg.msgid][line] = True
except KeyError:
self._module_msgs_state[msg.msgid] = {line: True}
self.add_message('I0012', line=line, args=msg.msgid)
msgs = self._msgs_state
msgs[msg.msgid] = True
# sync configuration object
self.config.enable_msg = [mid for mid, val in msgs.items() if val]
def _cat_ids(self, categories):
for catid in categories:
catid = catid.upper()
if not catid in MSG_TYPES:
raise Exception('Unknown category identifier %s' % catid)
yield catid
def disable_message_category(self, categories, scope='package', line=None):
"""don't output message in the given category"""
assert scope in ('package', 'module')
for catid in self._cat_ids(categories):
if scope == 'module':
self.add_message('I0011', line=line, args=catid)
self._module_msg_cats_state[catid] = False
self._msg_cats_state[catid] = False
def enable_message_category(self, categories, scope='package', line=None):
"""reenable message of the given category"""
assert scope in ('package', 'module')
for catid in self._cat_ids(categories):
if scope == 'module':
self.add_message('I0012', line=line, args=catid)
self._module_msg_cats_state[catid] = True
self._msg_cats_state[catid] = True
def check_message_id(self, msg_id):
"""raise UnknownMessage if the message id is not defined"""
msg_id = msg_id.upper()
return self._messages[msg_id]
except KeyError:
raise UnknownMessage('No such message id %s' % msg_id)
def is_message_enabled(self, msg_id, line=None):
"""return true if the message associated to the given message id is
if not self._module_msg_cats_state[msg_id[0]]:
return False
except (KeyError, TypeError):
if not self._msg_cats_state.get(msg_id[0], True):
return False
if line is None:
return self._msgs_state.get(msg_id, True)
return self._module_msgs_state[msg_id][line]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return self._msgs_state.get(msg_id, True)
def add_message(self, msg_id, line=None, node=None, args=None):
"""add the message corresponding to the given id.
If provided, msg is expanded using args
astng checkers should provide the node argument, raw checkers should
provide the line argument.
if line is None and node is not None:
line = node.fromlineno
# should this message be displayed
if not self.is_message_enabled(msg_id, line):
# update stats
msg_cat = MSG_TYPES[msg_id[0]]
self.msg_status |= MSG_TYPES_STATUS[msg_id[0]]
self.stats[msg_cat] += 1
self.stats['by_module'][self.current_name][msg_cat] += 1
self.stats['by_msg'][msg_id] += 1
except KeyError:
self.stats['by_msg'][msg_id] = 1
msg = self._messages[msg_id].msg
# expand message ?
if args:
msg %= args
# get module and object
if node is None:
module, obj = self.current_name, ''
path = self.current_file
module, obj = get_module_and_frameid(node)
path = node.root().file
# add the message
self.reporter.add_message(msg_id, (path, module, obj, line or 1), msg)
def help_message(self, msgids):
"""display help messages for the given message identifiers"""
for msg_id in msgids:
print self.get_message_help(msg_id, True)
except UnknownMessage, ex:
print ex
def list_messages(self):
"""output a full documentation in ReST format"""
for checker in sort_checkers(self._checkers.values()):
if == 'master':
prefix = 'Main '
if checker.options:
for section, options in checker.options_by_section():
if section is None:
title = 'General options'
title = '%s options' % section.capitalize()
print title
print '~' * len(title)
rest_format_section(sys.stdout, None, options)
prefix = ''
title = '%s checker' %
print title
print '-' * len(title)
if checker.__doc__: # __doc__ is None with -OO
print linesep.join([l.strip()
for l in checker.__doc__.splitlines()])
if checker.options:
title = 'Options'
print title
print '~' * len(title)
for section, options in checker.options_by_section():
rest_format_section(sys.stdout, section, options)
if checker.msgs:
title = ('%smessages' % prefix).capitalize()
print title
print '~' * len(title)
for msg_id in sort_msgs(checker.msgs.keys()):
print self.get_message_help(msg_id, False)
if getattr(checker, 'reports', None):
title = ('%sreports' % prefix).capitalize()
print title
print '~' * len(title)
for report in checker.reports:
print ':%s: %s' % report[:2]
class ReportsHandlerMixIn:
"""a mix-in class containing all the reports and stats manipulation
related methods for the main lint class
def __init__(self):
self._reports = {}
self._reports_state = {}
def register_report(self, r_id, r_title, r_cb, checker):
"""register a report
r_id is the unique identifier for the report
r_title the report's title
r_cb the method to call to make the report
checker is the checker defining the report
r_id = r_id.upper()
self._reports.setdefault(checker, []).append( (r_id, r_title, r_cb) )
def enable_report(self, r_id):
"""disable the report of the given id"""
r_id = r_id.upper()
self._reports_state[r_id] = True
def disable_report(self, r_id):
"""disable the report of the given id"""
r_id = r_id.upper()
self._reports_state[r_id] = False
def is_report_enabled(self, r_id):
"""return true if the report associated to the given identifier is
return self._reports_state.get(r_id, True)
def make_reports(self, stats, old_stats):
"""render registered reports"""
if self.config.files_output:
filename = 'pylint_global.' + self.reporter.extension
self.reporter.set_output(open(filename, 'w'))
sect = Section('Report',
'%s statements analysed.'% (self.stats['statement']))
checkers = sort_checkers(self._reports.keys())
for checker in checkers:
for r_id, r_title, r_cb in self._reports[checker]:
if not self.is_report_enabled(r_id):
report_sect = Section(r_title)
r_cb(report_sect, stats, old_stats)
except EmptyReport:
report_sect.report_id = r_id
def add_stats(self, **kwargs):
"""add some stats entries to the statistic dictionary
raise an AssertionError if there is a key conflict
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key[-1] == '_':
key = key[:-1]
assert not self.stats.has_key(key)
self.stats[key] = value
return self.stats
### ### - - - - import utils - - - - ### ###
from os.path import dirname, basename, splitext, exists, isdir, join, normpath
from logilab.common.modutils import modpath_from_file, get_module_files, \
def expand_modules(files_or_modules, black_list):
"""take a list of files/modules/packages and return the list of tuple
(file, module name) which have to be actually checked
result = []
errors = []
for something in files_or_modules:
if exists(something):
# this is a file or a directory
modname = '.'.join(modpath_from_file(something))
except ImportError:
modname = splitext(basename(something))[0]
if isdir(something):
filepath = join(something, '')
filepath = something
# suppose it's a module or package
modname = something
filepath = file_from_modpath(modname.split('.'))
if filepath is None:
errors.append( {'key' : 'F0003', 'mod': modname} )
except ImportError, ex:
errors.append( {'key': 'F0001', 'mod': modname, 'ex': ex} )
filepath = normpath(filepath)
result.append( {'path': filepath, 'name': modname,
'basepath': filepath, 'basename': modname} )
if not (modname.endswith('.__init__') or modname == '__init__') \
and '' in filepath:
for subfilepath in get_module_files(dirname(filepath), black_list):
if filepath == subfilepath:
submodname = '.'.join(modpath_from_file(subfilepath))
result.append( {'path': subfilepath, 'name': submodname,
'basepath': filepath, 'basename': modname} )
return result, errors