blob: 2eb4b36f75aaae10d419033d678b2932a683dac2 [file] [log] [blame]
Order doesn't matter (not that much, at least ;)
* Sylvain Thenault (Logilab): main author / maintainer
* Torsten Marek (Google): maintainer, contributor
* Claudiu Popa: maintainer, contributor
* Daniel Balparda (Google): GPyLint maintainer (Google's pylint variant),
various patches
* Martin Pool (Google): warnings for anomalous backslashes, symbolic names for
messages (like 'unused'), etc
* Alexandre Fayolle (Logilab): TkInter gui, documentation, debian support
* Julien Cristau, Emile Anclin (Logilab): python 3 support
* Sandro Tosi: Debian packaging
* Mads Kiilerich, Boris Feld, Bill Wendling, Sebastian Ulrich:
various patches
* Brian van den Broek: windows installation documentation
* Amaury Forgeot d'Arc: check names imported from a module exists in the module
* Benjamin Niemann: allow block level enabling/disabling of messages
* Nathaniel Manista: suspicious lambda checking
* David Shea: invalid sequence and slice index
* Carl Crowder: don't evaluate the value of arguments for 'dangerous-default-value'
* Michal Nowikowski: wrong-spelling-in-comment, wrong-spelling-in-docstring,
parallel execution on multiple CPUs and other patches.
* David Lindquist: logging-format-interpolation warning.
* Brett Cannon: Port source code to be Python 2/3 compatible, Python 3
* Vlad Temian: redundant-unittest-assert and the JSON reporter.
* Cosmin Poieană: unichr-builtin and improvements to bad-open-mode.
* Viorel Știrbu: intern-builtin warning.
* Dan Goldsmith: support for msg-template in HTML reporter.
* Chris Rebert: unidiomatic-typecheck.
* Steven Myint: duplicate-except.
* Radu Ciorba: not-context-manager and confusing-with-statement warnings.
* Bruno Daniel: check_docs extension.
* James Morgensen: ignored-modules option applies to import errors.
* Wolfgang Grafen, Axel Muller, Fabio Zadrozny, Pierre Rouleau,
Maarten ter Huurne, Mirko Friedenhagen and all the Logilab's team (among others):
bug reports, feedback, feature requests... Many other people have contributed
by their feedback or even patches, if I've forgotten you, send me a note !
* Cezar Elnazli: deprecated-method
* Stéphane Wirtel: nonlocal-without-binding
* Dmitry Pribysh: multiple-imports, not-iterable, not-a-mapping, various patches.
* Laura Medioni (Logilab, on behalf of the CNES): misplaced-comparison-constant,
no-classmethod-decorator, no-staticmethod-decorator, too-many-nested-blocks,
too-many-boolean-expressions, unneeded-not, wrong-import-order, ungrouped-imports,
wrong-import-position, redefined-variable-type
* Aru Sahni: Git ignoring