blob: 96d98ed6c53f6a977ae185d33275504b5654c877 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the GPL:
# For details:
# Copyright (c)
"""Functional tests for the code examples in the messages' documentation."""
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
if sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 9):
from collections import Counter
from collections import Counter as _Counter
class Counter(_Counter):
def total(self):
return len(tuple(self.elements()))
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Counter as CounterType
from typing import TextIO, Tuple
import pytest
from pylint import checkers
from pylint.config.config_initialization import _config_initialization
from pylint.lint import PyLinter
from pylint.message.message import Message
from pylint.testutils.constants import _EXPECTED_RE
from pylint.testutils.reporter_for_tests import FunctionalTestReporter
MessageCounter = CounterType[Tuple[int, str]]
def get_functional_test_files_from_directory(input_dir: Path) -> list[tuple[str, Path]]:
"""Get all functional tests in the input_dir.
This also checks the formatting of related.rst files.
suite: list[tuple[str, Path]] = []
for subdirectory in input_dir.iterdir():
for message_dir in subdirectory.iterdir():
assert_msg = (
f"{subdirectory}: '{}' is in the wrong "
f"directory: it does not start with '{}'"
assert, assert_msg
_add_code_example_to_suite(message_dir, suite, "good")
_add_code_example_to_suite(message_dir, suite, "bad")
if (message_dir / "related.rst").exists():
with open(message_dir / "related.rst", encoding="utf-8") as file:
text =
assert text.startswith(
), f"{message_dir / 'related.rst'} should be a list using '-'."
return suite
def _add_code_example_to_suite(
message_dir: Path, suite: list[tuple[str, Path]], example_type: str
) -> None:
"""Code example files can either consist of a single file or a directory."""
file = f"{example_type}.py"
directory = f"{example_type}"
if (message_dir / file).exists():
(message_dir.stem, message_dir / file),
elif (message_dir / directory).is_dir():
dir_to_add = message_dir / directory
len_to_add = len(list(dir_to_add.iterdir()))
assert len_to_add > 1, (
f"A directory of {example_type} files needs at least two files, "
f"but only found one in {dir_to_add}."
(message_dir.stem, dir_to_add),
TESTS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "data" / "messages"
TESTS = get_functional_test_files_from_directory(TESTS_DIR)
TESTS_NAMES = [f"{t[0]}-{t[1].stem}" for t in TESTS]
class LintModuleTest:
def __init__(
self, test_file: tuple[str, Path], multiple_file_messages: list[str]
) -> None:
self._test_file = test_file
self._multiple_file_messages = multiple_file_messages
_test_reporter = FunctionalTestReporter()
self._linter = PyLinter()
self._linter.config.persistent = 0
# Check if this message has a custom configuration file (e.g. for enabling optional checkers).
# If not, use the default configuration.
config_file: Path | None
msgid, full_path = test_file
pylintrc = full_path.parent / "pylintrc"
config_file = pylintrc if pylintrc.exists() else None
print(f"Config file used: {config_file}")
args = [
print(f"Command used:\npylint {' '.join(args)}")
def runTest(self) -> None:
def is_good_test(self) -> bool:
return self._test_file[1].stem == "good"
def is_bad_test(self) -> bool:
return self._test_file[1].stem == "bad"
def get_expected_messages(stream: TextIO) -> MessageCounter:
"""Parse a file and get expected messages."""
messages: MessageCounter = Counter()
for i, line in enumerate(stream):
match =
if match is None:
line ="line")
if line is None:
lineno = i + 1
elif line.startswith(("+", "-")):
lineno = i + 1 + int(line)
lineno = int(line)
for msg_id in"msgs").split(","):
messages[lineno, msg_id.strip()] += 1
return messages
def _get_expected(self) -> MessageCounter:
"""Get the expected messages for a file or directory."""
expected_msgs: MessageCounter = Counter()
if self._test_file[1].is_dir():
for test_file in self._test_file[1].iterdir():
with open(test_file, encoding="utf8") as f:
expected_msgs += self.get_expected_messages(f)
with open(self._test_file[1], encoding="utf8") as f:
expected_msgs += self.get_expected_messages(f)
return expected_msgs
def _get_actual(self, messages: list[Message]) -> MessageCounter:
"""Get the actual messages after a run."""
messages.sort(key=lambda m: (m.line, m.symbol, m.msg))
received_msgs: MessageCounter = Counter()
for msg in messages:
received_msgs[msg.line, msg.symbol] += 1
return received_msgs
def _runTest(self) -> None:
"""Run the test and assert message differences."""
expected_messages = self._get_expected()
actual_messages_raw = self._linter.reporter.messages
if self.is_good_test():
assert not actual_messages_raw, self.assert_message_good(
if self.is_bad_test():
bad_files = [(self._test_file[1])]
if self._test_file[1].is_dir() and not self.is_multifile_example():
bad_files = list(self._test_file[1].iterdir())
assert len(actual_messages_raw) >= len(bad_files), self.assert_message_bad(
bad_files, actual_messages_raw
assert expected_messages == self._get_actual(actual_messages_raw)
def assert_message_good(self, messages: list[Message]) -> str:
good = self._test_file[1]
msg = f"There should be no warning raised for '{good}' but these messages were raised:\n"
file_representations = {}
for message in messages:
if message.path not in file_representations:
with open(message.path) as f:
file_representations[message.path] = [
line[:-1] for line in f.readlines()
message.line - 1
] += f" # <-- /!\\ unexpected '{message.symbol}' /!\\"
for path, representation in file_representations.items():
file_representation = "\n".join(representation)
msg += f"\n\n\nIn {path}:\n\n{file_representation}\n"
return msg
def is_multifile_example(self) -> bool:
"""Multiple file example do not need to have one warning for each bad file."""
return self._test_file[0] in self._multiple_file_messages
def assert_message_bad(self, bad_files: list[Path], messages: list[Message]) -> str:
each = "each file in " if len(bad_files) > 1 else ""
msg = (
f"There should be at least one warning raised for "
f"{each}'{self._test_file[1]}' ({len(bad_files)} total)\n"
raised_files: set[Path] = set()
for message in messages:
missing_files = set(bad_files) - raised_files
for missing_file in missing_files:
msg += f"- Missing warning in {missing_file}\n"
if messages:
msg += f"'{messages[0].symbol}' might need to be added in 'known_multiple_file_messages'.\n\n"
return msg
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_file", TESTS, ids=TESTS_NAMES)
def test_code_examples(test_file: tuple[str, Path]) -> None:
known_multiple_file_messages = ["cyclic-import", "duplicate-code"]
lint_test = LintModuleTest(test_file, known_multiple_file_messages)