blob: ff7f274e09f5ca36f661bd1e33288d427a59666a [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable = missing-docstring, unused-variable, bare-except, broad-exception-caught
from collections import namedtuple
import contextlib
from contextlib import contextmanager
# Positive
def cm():
contextvar = "acquired context"
print("cm enter")
yield contextvar
print("cm exit")
def genfunc_with_cm(): # [contextmanager-generator-missing-cleanup]
with cm() as context:
yield context * 2
def name_cm():
contextvar = "acquired context"
print("cm enter")
yield contextvar
print("cm exit")
def genfunc_with_name_cm(): # [contextmanager-generator-missing-cleanup]
with name_cm() as context:
yield context * 2
def genfunc_with_cm_after(): # [contextmanager-generator-missing-cleanup]
with after_cm() as context:
yield context * 2
def after_cm():
contextvar = "acquired context"
print("cm enter")
yield contextvar
print("cm exit")
def cm_with_improper_handling():
contextvar = "acquired context"
print("cm enter")
yield contextvar
except ValueError:
print("cm exit")
def genfunc_with_cm_improper(): # [contextmanager-generator-missing-cleanup]
with cm_with_improper_handling() as context:
yield context * 2
# Negative
class Enterable:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def genfunc_with_enterable():
enter = Enterable()
with enter as context:
yield context * 2
def genfunc_with_enterable_attr():
EnterableTuple = namedtuple("EnterableTuple", ["attr"])
t = EnterableTuple(Enterable())
with t.attr as context:
yield context.attr * 2
def good_cm_except():
contextvar = "acquired context"
print("good cm enter")
yield contextvar
except GeneratorExit:
print("good cm exit")
def good_genfunc_with_cm():
with good_cm_except() as context:
yield context * 2
def genfunc_with_discard():
with good_cm_except():
yield "discarded"
def good_cm_yield_none():
print("good cm enter")
print("good cm exit")
def genfunc_with_none_yield():
with good_cm_yield_none() as var:
yield "discarded"
def good_cm_finally():
contextvar = "acquired context"
print("good cm enter")
yield contextvar
print("good cm exit")
def good_cm_finally_genfunc():
with good_cm_finally() as context:
yield context * 2
def genfunc_with_cm_finally_odd_body():
with good_cm_finally() as context:
if context:
yield context * 2
yield context * 3
def genfunc_wrapped():
yield "wrapped"
def cm_bare_handler():
contextvar = "acquired context"
print("cm enter")
yield contextvar
print("cm exit")
def cm_base_exception_handler():
contextvar = "acquired context"
print("cm enter")
yield contextvar
except Exception:
print("cm exit")
def genfunc_with_cm_bare_handler():
with cm_bare_handler() as context:
yield context * 2
def genfunc_with_cm_base_exception_handler():
with cm_base_exception_handler() as context:
yield context * 2