blob: 87431e0bb031fc6bb8e509d4854340ea40e20976 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the GPL:
# For details:
# Copyright (c)
from __future__ import annotations
from import ValuesView
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from pylint.exceptions import InvalidMessageError, UnknownMessageError
from pylint.message.message_definition import MessageDefinition
from pylint.message.message_id_store import MessageIdStore
from pylint.testutils._run import _Run as Run
EMPTY_FILE = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve() / "regrtest_data" / "")
def test_len_str(msgid_store: MessageIdStore, msgids: dict[str, str]) -> None:
assert len(msgid_store) == len(msgids)
str_result = str(msgid_store)
assert "MessageIdStore: [" in str_result
assert " - W1234 (warning-symbol)" in str_result
assert " - W1235 (warning-symbol-two)" in str_result
assert " - C1234 (convention-symbol)" in str_result
assert " - E1234 (error-symbol)" in str_result
assert "]" in str_result
def test_get_message_ids(msgid_store: MessageIdStore, msgids: dict[str, str]) -> None:
"""We can get message id even with capitalization problem."""
msgid = next(iter(msgids.keys()))
msgids_result = msgid_store.get_active_msgids(msgid.lower())
assert len(msgids_result) == 1
assert msgid == msgids_result[0]
def test_get_message_ids_not_existing(empty_msgid_store: MessageIdStore) -> None:
with pytest.raises(UnknownMessageError) as error:
w9876 = "W9876"
assert w9876 in str(error.value)
def test_register_message_definitions(
empty_msgid_store: MessageIdStore,
message_definitions: ValuesView[MessageDefinition],
) -> None:
number_of_msgid = len(message_definitions)
for message_definition in message_definitions:
if message_definition.old_names:
number_of_msgid += len(message_definition.old_names)
assert len(empty_msgid_store) == number_of_msgid
def test_add_msgid_and_symbol(empty_msgid_store: MessageIdStore) -> None:
empty_msgid_store.add_msgid_and_symbol("E1235", "new-sckiil")
empty_msgid_store.add_legacy_msgid_and_symbol("C1235", "old-sckiil", "E1235")
assert len(empty_msgid_store) == 2
message_ids = empty_msgid_store.get_active_msgids("E1235")
assert len(message_ids) == 1
assert message_ids[0] == "E1235"
message_ids = empty_msgid_store.get_active_msgids("old-sckiil")
assert len(message_ids) == 1
assert message_ids[0] == "E1235"
assert empty_msgid_store.get_symbol("C1235") == "old-sckiil"
assert empty_msgid_store.get_symbol("E1235") == "new-sckiil"
assert empty_msgid_store.get_msgid("old-sckiil") == "C1235"
assert empty_msgid_store.get_msgid("new-sckiil") == "E1235"
with pytest.raises(UnknownMessageError):
with pytest.raises(UnknownMessageError):
def test_duplicate_symbol(empty_msgid_store: MessageIdStore) -> None:
empty_msgid_store.add_msgid_and_symbol("W1234", "warning-symbol")
with pytest.raises(InvalidMessageError) as error:
empty_msgid_store.check_msgid_and_symbol("W1234", "other-symbol")
assert (
"Message id 'W1234' cannot have both 'other-symbol' and 'warning-symbol' as symbolic name."
in str(error.value)
def test_duplicate_msgid(msgid_store: MessageIdStore) -> None:
msgid_store.add_msgid_and_symbol("W1234", "warning-symbol")
with pytest.raises(InvalidMessageError) as error:
msgid_store.check_msgid_and_symbol("W1235", "warning-symbol")
assert (
"Message symbol 'warning-symbol' cannot be used for 'W1234' and 'W1235'"
in str(error.value)
def test_exclusivity_of_msgids() -> None:
"""Test to see if all checkers have an exclusive message id prefix."""
err_msg = (
"{} has the same prefix ('{}') as the '{}' checker. Please make sure the prefix "
"is unique for each checker. You can use 'script/' "
"to get a unique id."
runner = Run(["--enable-all-extensions", EMPTY_FILE], exit=False)
# Some pairs are hard-coded as they are pre-existing and non-exclusive,
# and we don't want to rename them for backwards compatibility
checker_id_pairs = {
"00": ("main", "miscellaneous"),
"01": (
"02": ("classes", "refactoring", "multiple_types"),
"03": ("classes", "format"),
"04": ("imports", "spelling"),
"05": ("consider-using-any-or-all", "miscellaneous"),
"07": ("exceptions", "broad_try_clause", "overlap-except"),
"12": ("design", "logging"),
"17": ("async", "refactoring"),
"20": ("compare-to-zero", "empty-comment", "magic-value"),
for msgid, definition in runner.linter.msgs_store._messages_definitions.items():
if definition.shared:
if msgid[1:3] in checker_id_pairs:
assert (
definition.checker_name in checker_id_pairs[msgid[1:3]]
), err_msg.format(msgid, msgid[1:3], checker_id_pairs[msgid[1:3]][0])
checker_id_pairs[msgid[1:3]] = (definition.checker_name,)