blob: 3466609cf1e04c6e892f88e4f313e48593a01914 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the LGPL:
# For details:
# Copyright (c)
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import unittest
from import Callable, Iterator
from typing import Any
import pytest
import astroid
from astroid import extract_node, nodes
from astroid.const import PY310_PLUS, PY312_PLUS
from astroid.exceptions import InferenceError
from astroid.manager import AstroidManager
from astroid.util import Uninferable, UninferableBase
def _add_transform(
manager: AstroidManager,
node: type,
transform: Callable,
predicate: Any | None = None,
) -> Iterator:
manager.register_transform(node, transform, predicate)
manager.unregister_transform(node, transform, predicate)
class ProtocolTests(unittest.TestCase):
def assertConstNodesEqual(
self, nodes_list_expected: list[int], nodes_list_got: list[nodes.Const]
) -> None:
self.assertEqual(len(nodes_list_expected), len(nodes_list_got))
for node in nodes_list_got:
self.assertIsInstance(node, nodes.Const)
for node, expected_value in zip(nodes_list_got, nodes_list_expected):
self.assertEqual(expected_value, node.value)
def assertNameNodesEqual(
self, nodes_list_expected: list[str], nodes_list_got: list[nodes.Name]
) -> None:
self.assertEqual(len(nodes_list_expected), len(nodes_list_got))
for node in nodes_list_got:
self.assertIsInstance(node, nodes.Name)
for node, expected_name in zip(nodes_list_got, nodes_list_expected):
def test_assigned_stmts_simple_for(self) -> None:
assign_stmts = extract_node(
for a in (1, 2, 3): #@
for b in range(3): #@
for1_assnode = next(assign_stmts[0].nodes_of_class(nodes.AssignName))
assigned = list(for1_assnode.assigned_stmts())
self.assertConstNodesEqual([1, 2, 3], assigned)
for2_assnode = next(assign_stmts[1].nodes_of_class(nodes.AssignName))
self.assertRaises(InferenceError, list, for2_assnode.assigned_stmts())
def test_assigned_stmts_nested_for_tuple(self) -> None:
assign_stmts = extract_node(
for a, (b, c) in [(1, (2, 3))]: #@
assign_nodes = assign_stmts.nodes_of_class(nodes.AssignName)
for1_assnode = next(assign_nodes)
assigned = list(for1_assnode.assigned_stmts())
self.assertConstNodesEqual([1], assigned)
for2_assnode = next(assign_nodes)
assigned2 = list(for2_assnode.assigned_stmts())
self.assertConstNodesEqual([2], assigned2)
def test_assigned_stmts_nested_for_dict(self) -> None:
assign_stmts = extract_node(
for a, (b, c) in {1: ("a", str), 2: ("b", bytes)}.items(): #@
assign_nodes = assign_stmts.nodes_of_class(nodes.AssignName)
# assigned: [1, 2]
for1_assnode = next(assign_nodes)
assigned = list(for1_assnode.assigned_stmts())
self.assertConstNodesEqual([1, 2], assigned)
# assigned2: ["a", "b"]
for2_assnode = next(assign_nodes)
assigned2 = list(for2_assnode.assigned_stmts())
self.assertConstNodesEqual(["a", "b"], assigned2)
# assigned3: [str, bytes]
for3_assnode = next(assign_nodes)
assigned3 = list(for3_assnode.assigned_stmts())
self.assertNameNodesEqual(["str", "bytes"], assigned3)
def test_assigned_stmts_starred_for(self) -> None:
assign_stmts = extract_node(
for *a, b in ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6, 7)): #@
for1_starred = next(assign_stmts.nodes_of_class(nodes.Starred))
assigned = next(for1_starred.assigned_stmts())
assert isinstance(assigned, astroid.List)
assert assigned.as_string() == "[1, 2]"
def _get_starred_stmts(self, code: str) -> list | UninferableBase:
assign_stmt = extract_node(f"{code} #@")
starred = next(assign_stmt.nodes_of_class(nodes.Starred))
return next(starred.assigned_stmts())
def _helper_starred_expected_const(self, code: str, expected: list[int]) -> None:
stmts = self._get_starred_stmts(code)
self.assertIsInstance(stmts, nodes.List)
stmts = stmts.elts
self.assertConstNodesEqual(expected, stmts)
def _helper_starred_expected(self, code: str, expected: UninferableBase) -> None:
stmts = self._get_starred_stmts(code)
self.assertEqual(expected, stmts)
def _helper_starred_inference_error(self, code: str) -> None:
assign_stmt = extract_node(f"{code} #@")
starred = next(assign_stmt.nodes_of_class(nodes.Starred))
self.assertRaises(InferenceError, list, starred.assigned_stmts())
def test_assigned_stmts_starred_assnames(self) -> None:
self._helper_starred_expected_const("a, *b = (1, 2, 3, 4) #@", [2, 3, 4])
self._helper_starred_expected_const("*a, b = (1, 2, 3) #@", [1, 2])
self._helper_starred_expected_const("a, *b, c = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) #@", [2, 3, 4])
self._helper_starred_expected_const("a, *b = (1, 2) #@", [2])
self._helper_starred_expected_const("*b, a = (1, 2) #@", [1])
self._helper_starred_expected_const("[*b] = (1, 2) #@", [1, 2])
def test_assigned_stmts_starred_yes(self) -> None:
# Not something iterable and known
self._helper_starred_expected("a, *b = range(3) #@", Uninferable)
# Not something inferable
self._helper_starred_expected("a, *b = balou() #@", Uninferable)
# In function, unknown.
def test(arg):
head, *tail = arg #@""",
# These cases aren't worth supporting.
"a, (*b, c), d = (1, (2, 3, 4), 5) #@", Uninferable
def test_assigned_stmts_starred_inside_call(self) -> None:
"""Regression test for"""
code = "string_twos = ''.join(str(*y) for _, *y in [[1, 2], [1, 2]]) #@"
stmt = extract_node(code)
starred = next(stmt.nodes_of_class(nodes.Starred))
starred_stmts = starred.assigned_stmts()
self.assertIs(next(starred_stmts), Uninferable)
# Generator exhausted after one call
with self.assertRaises(StopIteration):
def test_assign_stmts_starred_fails(self) -> None:
# Too many starred
self._helper_starred_inference_error("a, *b, *c = (1, 2, 3) #@")
# This could be solved properly, but it complicates needlessly the
# code for assigned_stmts, without offering real benefit.
"(*a, b), (c, *d) = (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6) #@"
def test_assigned_stmts_assignments(self) -> None:
assign_stmts = extract_node(
c = a #@
d, e = b, c #@
simple_assnode = next(assign_stmts[0].nodes_of_class(nodes.AssignName))
assigned = list(simple_assnode.assigned_stmts())
self.assertNameNodesEqual(["a"], assigned)
assnames = assign_stmts[1].nodes_of_class(nodes.AssignName)
simple_mul_assnode_1 = next(assnames)
assigned = list(simple_mul_assnode_1.assigned_stmts())
self.assertNameNodesEqual(["b"], assigned)
simple_mul_assnode_2 = next(assnames)
assigned = list(simple_mul_assnode_2.assigned_stmts())
self.assertNameNodesEqual(["c"], assigned)
def test_assigned_stmts_annassignments(self) -> None:
annassign_stmts = extract_node(
a: str = "abc" #@
b: str #@
simple_annassign_node = next(
assigned = list(simple_annassign_node.assigned_stmts())
self.assertEqual(1, len(assigned))
self.assertIsInstance(assigned[0], nodes.Const)
self.assertEqual(assigned[0].value, "abc")
empty_annassign_node = next(annassign_stmts[1].nodes_of_class(nodes.AssignName))
assigned = list(empty_annassign_node.assigned_stmts())
self.assertEqual(1, len(assigned))
self.assertIs(assigned[0], Uninferable)
def test_sequence_assigned_stmts_not_accepting_empty_node(self) -> None:
def transform(node: nodes.Assign) -> None:
node.root().locals["__all__"] = [node.value]
manager = astroid.MANAGER
with _add_transform(manager, astroid.Assign, transform):
module = astroid.parse(
__all__ = ['a']
def test_not_passing_uninferable_in_seq_inference(self) -> None:
class Visitor:
def visit(self, node: nodes.Assign | nodes.BinOp | nodes.List) -> Any:
for child in node.get_children():
visit_module = visit
visit_assign = visit
visit_binop = visit
visit_list = visit
visit_const = visit
visit_name = visit
def visit_assignname(self, node: nodes.AssignName) -> None:
for _ in node.infer():
parsed = extract_node(
a = []
x = [a*2, a]*2*2
def test_uninferable_exponents() -> None:
"""Attempting to calculate the result is prohibitively expensive."""
parsed = extract_node("15 ** 20220609")
assert parsed.inferred() == [Uninferable]
# Test a pathological case (more realistic: None as naive inference result)
parsed = extract_node("None ** 2")
assert parsed.inferred() == [Uninferable]
def test_uninferable_list_multiplication() -> None:
"""Attempting to calculate the result is prohibitively expensive."""
parsed = extract_node("[0] * 123456789")
element = parsed.inferred()[0].elts[0]
assert element.value is Uninferable
def test_named_expr_inference() -> None:
code = """
if (a := 2) == 2:
a #@
# Test a function call
def test():
return 24
if (a := test()):
a #@
# Normal assignments in sequences
{ (a:= 4) } #@
[ (a:= 5) ] #@
# Something more complicated
def test(value=(p := 24)): return p
[ y:= test()] #@
# Priority assignment
(x := 1, 2)
x #@
ast_nodes = extract_node(code)
assert isinstance(ast_nodes, list)
node = next(ast_nodes[0].infer())
assert isinstance(node, nodes.Const)
assert node.value == 2
node = next(ast_nodes[1].infer())
assert isinstance(node, nodes.Const)
assert node.value == 24
node = next(ast_nodes[2].infer())
assert isinstance(node, nodes.Set)
assert isinstance(node.elts[0], nodes.Const)
assert node.elts[0].value == 4
node = next(ast_nodes[3].infer())
assert isinstance(node, nodes.List)
assert isinstance(node.elts[0], nodes.Const)
assert node.elts[0].value == 5
node = next(ast_nodes[4].infer())
assert isinstance(node, nodes.List)
assert isinstance(node.elts[0], nodes.Const)
assert node.elts[0].value == 24
node = next(ast_nodes[5].infer())
assert isinstance(node, nodes.Const)
assert node.value == 1
@pytest.mark.skipif(not PY310_PLUS, reason="Match requires python 3.10")
class TestPatternMatching:
def test_assigned_stmts_match_mapping():
"""Assigned_stmts for MatchMapping not yet implemented.
Test the result is 'Uninferable' and no exception is raised.
assign_stmts = extract_node(
var = {1: "Hello", 2: "World"}
match var:
case {**rest}: #@
match_mapping: nodes.MatchMapping = assign_stmts.pattern # type: ignore[union-attr]
assigned = next(
assert assigned == Uninferable
def test_assigned_stmts_match_star():
"""Assigned_stmts for MatchStar not yet implemented.
Test the result is 'Uninferable' and no exception is raised.
assign_stmts = extract_node(
var = (0, 1, 2)
match var:
case (0, 1, *rest): #@
match_sequence: nodes.MatchSequence = assign_stmts.pattern # type: ignore[union-attr]
match_star = match_sequence.patterns[2]
assert isinstance(match_star, nodes.MatchStar) and
assigned = next(
assert assigned == Uninferable
def test_assigned_stmts_match_as():
"""Assigned_stmts for MatchAs only implemented for the most basic case (y)."""
assign_stmts = extract_node(
var = 42
match var: #@
case 2 | x: #@
case (1, 2) as y: #@
case z: #@
subject: nodes.Const = assign_stmts[0].subject # type: ignore[index,union-attr]
match_or: nodes.MatchOr = assign_stmts[1].pattern # type: ignore[index,union-attr]
match_as_with_pattern: nodes.MatchAs = assign_stmts[2].pattern # type: ignore[index,union-attr]
match_as: nodes.MatchAs = assign_stmts[3].pattern # type: ignore[index,union-attr]
match_or_1 = match_or.patterns[1]
assert isinstance(match_or_1, nodes.MatchAs) and
assigned_match_or_1 = next(
assert assigned_match_or_1 == Uninferable
assert and match_as_with_pattern.pattern
assigned_match_as_pattern = next(
assert assigned_match_as_pattern == Uninferable
assigned_match_as = next(
assert assigned_match_as == subject
@pytest.mark.skipif(not PY312_PLUS, reason="Generic typing syntax requires python 3.12")
class TestGenericTypeSyntax:
def test_assigned_stmts_type_var():
"""The result is 'Uninferable' and no exception is raised."""
assign_stmts = extract_node("type Point[T] = tuple[float, float]")
type_var: nodes.TypeVar = assign_stmts.type_params[0]
assigned = next(
assert assigned is Uninferable
def test_assigned_stmts_type_var_tuple():
"""The result is 'Uninferable' and no exception is raised."""
assign_stmts = extract_node("type Alias[*Ts] = tuple[*Ts]")
type_var_tuple: nodes.TypeVarTuple = assign_stmts.type_params[0]
assigned = next(
assert assigned is Uninferable
def test_assigned_stmts_param_spec():
"""The result is 'Uninferable' and no exception is raised."""
assign_stmts = extract_node("type Alias[**P] = Callable[P, int]")
param_spec: nodes.ParamSpec = assign_stmts.type_params[0]
assigned = next(
assert assigned is Uninferable