blob: ecfac3328c63cf9bb6eae1f6149014065adceed1 [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring, missing-function-docstring, protected-access
import unittest.mock
import pylint.lint
def check_configuration_file_reader(config_file):
"""Initialize pylint with the given configuration file and check that
what we initialized the linter with what was expected.
args = ["--rcfile", str(config_file), __file__]
# If we used `pytest.raises(SystemExit)`, the `runner` variable
# would not be accessible outside the `with` block.
with unittest.mock.patch("sys.exit") as mocked_exit:
# Do not actually run checks, that could be slow. Do not mock
# `Pylinter.check`: it calls `Pylinter.initialize` which is
# needed to properly set up messages inclusion/exclusion
# in `_msg_states`, used by `is_message_enabled`.
with unittest.mock.patch("pylint.lint.pylinter.check_parallel"):
runner = pylint.lint.Run(args)
# "logging-not-lazy" and "logging-format-interpolation"
expected_disabled = {"W1201", "W1202"}
for msgid in expected_disabled:
assert not runner.linter.is_message_enabled(msgid)
assert == 10
assert runner.linter.config.reports
return runner
def test_can_read_ini(tmp_path):
# Check that we can read the "regular" INI .pylintrc file
config_file = tmp_path / ".pylintrc"
[messages control]
disable = logging-not-lazy,logging-format-interpolation
jobs = 10
reports = yes
def test_can_read_setup_cfg(tmp_path):
# Check that we can read a setup.cfg (which is an INI file where
# section names are prefixed with "pylint."
config_file = tmp_path / "setup.cfg"
[pylint.messages control]
disable = logging-not-lazy,logging-format-interpolation
jobs = 10
reports = yes
def test_can_read_toml(tmp_path):
# Check that we can read a TOML file where lists and integers are
# expressed as strings.
config_file = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
[tool.pylint."messages control"]
disable = "logging-not-lazy,logging-format-interpolation"
jobs = "10"
reports = "yes"
def test_can_read_toml_rich_types(tmp_path):
# Check that we can read a TOML file where lists, integers and
# booleans are expressed as such (and not as strings), using TOML
# type system.
config_file = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml"
[tool.pylint."messages control"]
disable = [
jobs = 10
reports = true