blob: c681641cabfc40288824af7fc59cced5ece56c18 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Check unpacking non-sequences in assignments. """
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, invalid-name, attribute-defined-outside-init, unused-variable, no-absolute-import
# pylint: disable=using-constant-test, no-init, missing-docstring, wrong-import-order,wrong-import-position,no-else-return, useless-object-inheritance
from os import rename as nonseq_func
from functional.u.unpacking import nonseq
__revision__ = 0
# Working
class Seq(object):
""" sequence """
def __init__(self):
self.items = range(2)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.items[item]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.items)
class Iter(object):
""" Iterator """
def __iter__(self):
for number in range(2):
yield number
def good_unpacking():
""" returns should be unpackable """
if True:
return [1, 2]
return (3, 4)
def good_unpacking2():
""" returns should be unpackable """
return good_unpacking()
class MetaIter(type):
"metaclass that makes classes that use it iterables"
def __iter__(cls):
return iter((1, 2))
class IterClass(metaclass=MetaIter):
"class that is iterable (and unpackable)"
class AbstrClass(object):
"abstract class"
pair = None
def setup_pair(self):
"abstract method"
raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self):
"error should not be emitted because setup_pair is abstract"
x, y = self.pair
a, b = [1, 2]
a, b = (1, 2)
a, b = set([1, 2])
a, b = {1: 2, 2: 3}
a, b = "xy"
a, b = Seq()
a, b = Iter()
a, b = (number for number in range(2))
a, b = good_unpacking()
a, b = good_unpacking2()
a, b = IterClass
# Not working
class NonSeq(object):
""" does nothing """
a, b = NonSeq() # [unpacking-non-sequence]
a, b = ValueError # [unpacking-non-sequence]
a, b = None # [unpacking-non-sequence]
a, b = 1 # [unpacking-non-sequence]
a, b = nonseq # [unpacking-non-sequence]
a, b = nonseq() # [unpacking-non-sequence]
a, b = nonseq_func # [unpacking-non-sequence]
class ClassUnpacking(object):
""" Check unpacking as instance attributes. """
def test(self):
""" test unpacking in instance attributes. """
self.a, self.b = 1, 2
self.a, self.b = {1: 2, 2: 3}
self.a, self.b = "xy"
self.a, c = "xy"
c, self.a = good_unpacking()
self.a, self.b = Iter()
self.a, self.b = NonSeq() # [unpacking-non-sequence]
self.a, self.b = ValueError # [unpacking-non-sequence]
self.a, c = nonseq_func # [unpacking-non-sequence]
class TestBase(object):
'base class with `test` method implementation'
def test(data):
'default implementation'
return data
class Test(TestBase):
'child class that overrides `test` method'
def __init__(self):
# no error should be emitted here as `test` is overridden in this class
(, self.bbb, self.ccc) = self.test(None)
def test(data):
'overridden implementation'
return (1, 2, 3)
import platform
def flow_control_false_positive():
# This used to trigger an unpacking-non-sequence error. The problem was
# partially related to the fact that pylint does not understand flow control,
# but now it does not emit anymore, for this example, due to skipping it when
# determining an inference of multiple potential values.
# In any case, it is good having this repro as a test.
system, node, release, version, machine, processor = platform.uname()
# The previous line raises W0633
return system, node, release, version, machine, processor
def flow_control_unpacking(var=None):
if var is not None:
var0, var1 = var
return var0, var1
return None