blob: 1eb2fda9cce969caadb173a99cb95d281b9435ca [file] [log] [blame]
"""Errors for invalid slice indices"""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, no-self-use,missing-docstring,expression-not-assigned, useless-object-inheritance, unnecessary-pass
TESTLIST = [1, 2, 3]
# Invalid indices
def function1():
"""functions used as indices"""
return TESTLIST[id:id:] # [invalid-slice-index,invalid-slice-index]
def function2():
"""strings used as indices"""
return TESTLIST['0':'1':] # [invalid-slice-index,invalid-slice-index]
def function3():
"""class without __index__ used as index"""
class NoIndexTest(object):
"""Class with no __index__ method"""
return TESTLIST[NoIndexTest()::] # [invalid-slice-index]
# Valid indices
def function4():
"""integers used as indices"""
return TESTLIST[0:0:0] # no error
def function5():
"""None used as indices"""
return TESTLIST[None:None:None] # no error
def function6():
"""class with __index__ used as index"""
class IndexTest(object):
"""Class with __index__ method"""
def __index__(self):
"""Allow objects of this class to be used as slice indices"""
return 0
return TESTLIST[IndexTest():None:None] # no error
def function7():
"""class with __index__ in superclass used as index"""
class IndexType(object):
"""Class with __index__ method"""
def __index__(self):
"""Allow objects of this class to be used as slice indices"""
return 0
class IndexSubType(IndexType):
"""Class with __index__ in parent"""
return TESTLIST[IndexSubType():None:None] # no error
def function8():
"""slice object used as index"""
return TESTLIST[slice(1, 2, 3)] # no error
def function9():
"""Use a custom class that knows how to handle string slices"""
class StringSlice:
def __getitem__(self, item):
return item
StringSlice()["a":"b":"c", "a":"b"]
StringSlice()[slice("a", "b", "c")]