blob: 7306840cb1e133c87500e8a160057f9c16ca2774 [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, useless-object-inheritance
False positive case of E1101:
The error is triggered when the attribute set in the base class is
modified with augmented assignment in a derived class.
__revision__ = 0
class BaseClass(object):
"The base class"
def __init__(self):
"Set an attribute."
self.e1101 = 1
class FalsePositiveClass(BaseClass):
"The first derived class which triggers the false positive"
def __init__(self):
"Augmented assignment triggers E1101."
self.e1101 += 1
def countup(self):
"Consequently this also triggers E1101."
self.e1101 += 1
class NegativeClass(BaseClass):
"The second derived class, which does not trigger the error E1101"
def __init__(self):
"Ordinary assignment is OK."
self.e1101 = self.e1101 + 1
def countup(self):
"No problem."
self.e1101 += 1