blob: 06438400a5b835bf9c18a2d9062d34e5b297bbde [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, super-init-not-called, print-statement
# pylint: disable=no-classmethod-decorator,useless-object-inheritance
"""Test external access to protected class members."""
from __future__ import print_function
class MyClass(object):
"""Class with protected members."""
_cls_protected = 5
def __init__(self, other):
MyClass._cls_protected = 6
self._protected = 1
self.public = other
self.attr = 0
def test(self):
self._protected += self._cls_protected
print(self.public._haha) # [protected-access]
def clsmeth(cls):
cls._cls_protected += 1
clsmeth = classmethod(clsmeth)
def _private_method(self):
"""Doing nothing."""
class Subclass(MyClass):
"""Subclass with protected members."""
def __init__(self):
MyClass._protected = 5
INST = Subclass()
INST.attr = 1
INST._protected = 2 # [protected-access]
print(INST._protected) # [protected-access]
INST._cls_protected = 3 # [protected-access]
print(INST._cls_protected) # [protected-access]
class Issue1031(object):
"""Test for GitHub issue 1031"""
_attr = 1
def correct_access(self):
"""Demonstrates correct access"""
return type(self)._attr
def incorrect_access(self):
"""Demonstrates incorrect access"""
if self._attr == 1:
return type(INST)._protected # [protected-access]
return None
class Issue1802(object):
"""Test for GitHub issue 1802"""
def __init__(self, value):
self._foo = value
self.__private = 2 * value
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Test a correct access as the access to protected member is in a special method"""
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
answer = self._foo == other._foo
return answer and self.__private == other.__private # [protected-access]
return False
def not_in_special(self, other):
Test an incorrect access as the access to protected member is not inside a special method
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self._foo == other._foo # [protected-access]
return False
def __le__(self, other):
Test a correct access as the access to protected member
is inside a special method even if it is deeply nested
if 2 > 1:
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
if "answer" == "42":
return self._foo == other._foo
return False
def __fake_special__(self, other):
Test an incorrect access as the access
to protected member is not inside a licit special method
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self._foo == other._foo # [protected-access]
return False
class Issue1159OtherClass(object):
"""Test for GitHub issue 1159"""
_foo = 0
def __init__(self):
self._bar = 0
class Issue1159(object):
"""Test for GitHub issue 1159"""
_foo = 0
def __init__(self):
self._bar = 0
def access_cls_attr(cls):
Access to protected class members inside class methods is OK.
_ = cls._foo
def assign_cls_attr(cls):
Assignment to protected class members inside class methods is OK.
cls._foo = 1
def access_inst_attr(cls):
Access to protected instance members inside class methods is OK.
instance = cls()
_ = instance._bar
def assign_inst_attr(cls):
Assignment to protected members inside class methods is OK.
instance = cls()
instance._bar = 1
def access_other_attr(cls):
Access to protected instance members of other classes is not OK.
instance = Issue1159OtherClass()
instance._bar = 3 # [protected-access]
_ = instance._foo # [protected-access]
class Issue1159Subclass(Issue1159):
"""Test for GitHub issue 1159"""
def access_inst_attr(cls):
Access to protected instance members inside class methods is OK.
instance = cls()
_ = instance._bar
def assign_inst_attr(cls):
Assignment to protected instance members inside class methods is OK.
instance = cls()
instance._bar = 1
def access_missing_member(cls):
Access to unassigned members inside class methods is not OK.
instance = cls()
_ = instance._baz # [no-member,protected-access]
def assign_missing_member(cls):
Defining attributes outside init is still not OK.
instance = cls()
instance._qux = 1 # [attribute-defined-outside-init]
def access_other_attr(cls):
Access to protected instance members of other classes is not OK.
instance = Issue1159OtherClass()
instance._bar = 3 # [protected-access]
_ = instance._foo # [protected-access]