blob: a33a314cb2f8f5ceb461a82e08af657b594fbc8a [file] [log] [blame]
//! # `petgraph-dino`: **D**irected and undirected **in**dex-**o**ptimized graphs.
//! A general-purpose, powerful and efficient [`GraphStorage`] implementation that is designed to
//! handle graphs with parallel edges and self-loops.
//! ## Overview
//! Graphs are a fundamental data structure in various domains, including, but not limited to,
//! network analysis, computational biology, and social network analysis.
//! This library is centered around the [`DinoStorage`] type, an implementation of the
//! [`GraphStorage`] trait from [`petgraph-core`](petgraph_core),
//! which offers powerful capabilities to manage both directed and undirected graphs with parallel
//! edges and self-loops.
//! Indices into the graph are stable and are managed by the graph itself, meaning that they cannot
//! be freely chosen by the user.
//! Convenient aliases are provided for directed and undirected graphs, namely [`DinoGraph`],
//! [`DiDinoGraph`] for directed graphs, and [`UnDinoGraph`] for undirected graphs.
//! [`DiDinoGraph`], and by extension [`DinoStorage`], are general purpose implementations,
//! designed to cater to a wide range of graph-related applications and use cases.
//! ## Features
//! - **General-purpose**: [`DinoStorage`] is designed to cater to a wide range of graph-related
//! applications and use cases.
//! - **Parallel edges**: [`DinoStorage`] supports parallel edges, i.e., multiple edges between the
//! same pair of nodes.
//! - **Self-loops**: [`DinoStorage`] supports self-loops, i.e., edges that connect a node to
//! itself.
//! - **Managed indices**: Indices into the graph are stable and are managed by the graph itself, so
//! they cannot be freely chosen by the user.
//! - **Directed and undirected graphs**: [`DinoStorage`] supports both directed and undirected
//! graphs.
//! - **Generational Arena**: Edges and nodes are stored in an generational arena modelled after the
//! excellent [`alot`] crate, which offers stable indices for a minimal overhead of two bytes per
//! entry.
//! - **Compressed Bitmaps**: Using roaring bitmaps, `petgraph-dino` is able to efficiently store a
//! lookup of relationships and is able to query them in constant time, while using a minimal
//! amount of memory.
//! ## Usage
//! Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! petgraph-dino = "0.1.0"
//! ```
//! ## Examples
//! ### Creating a graph
//! ```rust
//! use petgraph_core::{
//! edge::marker::{Directed, Undirected},
//! Graph,
//! };
//! use petgraph_dino::{DiDinoGraph, DinoGraph, DinoStorage, UnDinoGraph};
//! // when inserting nodes and edges the weights can be inferred, in this case we're not doing that
//! // so need to specify the types explicitly.
//! let mut digraph = DiDinoGraph::<(), ()>::new();
//! // or:
//! let mut digraph = DinoGraph::<(), (), Directed>::new();
//! // or:
//! let mut digraph = Graph::<DinoStorage<(), (), Directed>>::new();
//! let mut ungraph = UnDinoGraph::<(), ()>::new();
//! // or:
//! let mut ungraph = DinoGraph::<(), (), Undirected>::new();
//! // or:
//! let mut ungraph = Graph::<DinoStorage<(), (), Undirected>>::new();
//! ```
//! ### Inserting and removing nodes and edges
//! ```
//! use petgraph_dino::DiDinoGraph;
//! let mut graph = DiDinoGraph::new();
//! let a = *graph.insert_node("A").id();
//! let b = *graph.insert_node("B").id();
//! let c = *graph.insert_node("C").id();
//! let ab = *graph.insert_edge("A → B", &a, &b).id();
//! let bc = *graph.insert_edge("B → C", &b, &c).id();
//! let ca = *graph.insert_edge("C → A", &c, &a).id();
//! assert_eq!(graph.num_nodes(), 3);
//! assert_eq!(graph.num_edges(), 3);
//! assert_eq!(graph.remove_node(&a).unwrap().weight, "A");
//! assert_eq!(graph.num_nodes(), 2);
//! assert_eq!(graph.num_edges(), 1);
//! ```
//! ### Iterating over nodes and edges
// TODO: benchmark a linked-list based implementation (mirroring current `Graph` implementation)
// & overhead
// Using such an approach would allow us to reduce heap allocations in favor of slower iteration
// speed.
extern crate alloc;
mod auxiliary;
pub(crate) mod closure;
mod directed;
mod edge;
mod iter;
mod linear;
mod node;
mod retain;
pub(crate) mod slab;
mod tests;
use core::fmt::{Debug, Display};
use either::Either;
use error_stack::{Context, Report, Result};
use petgraph_core::{
marker::{Directed, GraphDirectionality, Undirected},
DetachedEdge, EdgeId, EdgeMut,
node::{DetachedNode, NodeId, NodeMut},
use crate::{
node::{Node, NodeClosures, NodeSlab},
/// Alias for a [`Graph`] that uses [`DinoStorage`] as its backing storage.
/// [`DinoGraph`] is a convenient alias for [`Graph`] that uses [`DinoStorage`] as its backing
/// storage.
/// It allows you to work with graphs supporting parallel edges and self-loops, and both directed
/// and undirected graphs.
/// # Type Parameters
/// - `N`: The type of the node weight.
/// - `E`: The type of the edge weight.
/// - `D`: The directionality of the graph, either [`Directed`] or [`Undirected`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::edge::marker::Directed;
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoGraph;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Node;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Edge;
/// type Graph = DinoGraph<Node, Edge, Directed>;
/// let mut graph = Graph::new();
/// let a = *graph.insert_node(Node).id();
/// let b = *graph.insert_node(Node).id();
/// let ab = *graph.insert_edge(Edge, &a, &b).id();
/// ```
pub type DinoGraph<N, E, D> = Graph<DinoStorage<N, E, D>>;
/// Alias for a directed [`Graph`] that uses [`DinoStorage`] as its backing storage.
/// [`DiDinoGraph`] is a convenient alias for a directed [`Graph`] that uses [`DinoStorage`] as
/// its backing storage.
/// It allows you to work with graphs supporting parallel edges and self-loops and directed edges
/// only.
/// # Type Parameters
/// - `N`: The type of the node weight.
/// - `E`: The type of the edge weight.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::edge::marker::Directed;
/// use petgraph_dino::DiDinoGraph;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Node;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Edge;
/// type Graph = DiDinoGraph<Node, Edge>;
/// let mut graph = Graph::new();
/// let a = *graph.insert_node(Node).id();
/// let b = *graph.insert_node(Node).id();
/// let ab = *graph.insert_edge(Edge, &a, &b).id();
/// ```
pub type DiDinoGraph<N, E> = DinoGraph<N, E, Directed>;
/// Alias for an undirected [`Graph`] that uses [`DinoStorage`] as its backing storage.
/// [`UnDinoGraph`] is a convenient alias for an undirected [`Graph`] that uses [`DinoStorage`]
/// as its backing storage.
/// It allows you to work with graphs supporting parallel edges and self-loops and undirected edges
/// only.
/// # Type Parameters
/// - `N`: The type of the node weight.
/// - `E`: The type of the edge weight.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::edge::marker::Directed;
/// use petgraph_dino::UnDinoGraph;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Node;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Edge;
/// type Graph = UnDinoGraph<Node, Edge>;
/// let mut graph = Graph::new();
/// let a = *graph.insert_node(Node).id();
/// let b = *graph.insert_node(Node).id();
/// let ab = *graph.insert_edge(Edge, &a, &b).id();
/// ```
pub type UnDinoGraph<N, E> = DinoGraph<N, E, Undirected>;
/// [`GraphStorage`] implementation that supports parallel edges and self-loops.
/// It uses roaring bitmaps to efficiently store a lookup of relationships and is able to query them
/// in constant time, while using a minimal amount of memory.
/// Nodes and edges are stored in a generational arena modelled after the excellent [`alot`] crate,
/// which offers stable indices for a minimal overhead of two bytes per entry.
/// # Type Parameters
/// - `N`: The type of the node weight.
/// - `E`: The type of the edge weight.
/// - `D`: The directionality of the graph, either [`Directed`] or [`Undirected`].
/// # Capabilities
/// > This is a template, which you should use to describe the capabilities of your graph storage
/// > implementation.
/// | Capability | Note |
/// |------------------|-------------------|
/// | Node Identifiers | Managed |
/// | Edge Identifiers | Managed |
/// | Node Weights | ✓ |
/// | Edge Weights | ✓ |
/// | Parallel Edges | ✓ |
/// | Self Loops | ✓ |
/// ## Space/Time Complexity
/// | Operation | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
/// |------------------|-----------------|------------------|
/// | Node By Id | N/A | N/A |
/// | Edge By Id | N/A | N/A |
/// | Edge Between | N/A | N/A |
/// | Contains Node | N/A | N/A |
/// | Contains Edge | N/A | N/A |
/// | Insert Node | N/A | N/A |
/// | Insert Edge | N/A | N/A |
/// | Remove Node | N/A | N/A |
/// | Remove Edge | N/A | N/A |
/// | Node Count | N/A | N/A |
/// | Edge Count | N/A | N/A |
/// | Node Iter | N/A | N/A |
/// | Edge Iter | N/A | N/A |
/// | Node Neighbours | N/A | N/A |
/// | Node Connections | N/A | N/A |
/// | External Nodes | N/A | N/A |
/// ### Directed Graphs
/// | Operation | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
/// |-------------------------------|-----------------|------------------|
/// | Edge Between | N/A | N/A |
/// | Directed Edge Neighbours | N/A | N/A |
/// | Undirected Edge Neighbours | N/A | N/A |
/// | Directed Edge Connections | N/A | N/A |
/// | Undirected Edge Connections | N/A | N/A |
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::edge::marker::Directed;
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Node;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Edge;
/// type Graph = petgraph_core::Graph<DinoStorage<Node, Edge, Directed>>;
/// let mut graph = Graph::new();
/// let a = *graph.insert_node(Node).id();
/// let b = *graph.insert_node(Node).id();
/// let ab = *graph.insert_edge(Edge, &a, &b).id();
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DinoStorage<N, E, D = Directed>
D: GraphDirectionality,
nodes: Slab<NodeId, Node<N>>,
edges: Slab<EdgeId, Edge<E>>,
_marker: core::marker::PhantomData<fn() -> *const D>,
impl<N, E, D> DinoStorage<N, E, D>
D: GraphDirectionality,
/// Creates a new, empty [`DinoStorage`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::edge::marker::Directed;
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let storage = DinoStorage::<(), (), Directed>::new();
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self::with_capacity(None, None)
impl<N, E, D> Default for DinoStorage<N, E, D>
D: GraphDirectionality,
fn default() -> Self {
/// Error type for [`DinoStorage`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Error {
/// The requested node was not found.
/// The requested edge was not found.
/// The given node id does not match the id of the just inserted node.
/// If this error occurs while using [`Graph`] this is most likely an internal error and
/// should've never happened.
/// Please report it.
/// The given edge id does not match the id of the just inserted edge.
/// If this error occurs while using [`Graph`] this is most likely an internal error and
/// should've never happened.
/// Please report it.
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::NodeNotFound => f.write_str("node not found"),
Self::EdgeNotFound => f.write_str("edge not found"),
Self::InconsistentNodeId => f.write_str(
"The id of the inserted node is not the same as one returned by the insertion \
operation, if you retrieved the id from `next_node_id`, and in between the two \
functions calls you have not mutated the graph, then this is likely a bug in the \
library, please report it.",
Self::InconsistentEdgeId => f.write_str(
"The id of the inserted edge is not the same as one returned by the insertion \
operation, if you retrieved the id from `next_edge_id`, and in between the two \
functions calls you have not mutated the graph, then this is likely a bug in the \
library, please report it.",
impl Context for Error {}
fn edges_between_undirected<N>(
nodes: &NodeSlab<N>,
source: NodeId,
target: NodeId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeId> + '_ {
let source = nodes.get(source);
let target = nodes.get(target);
.and_then(|source||target| (source, target)))
.flat_map(|(source, target)| source.closures.edges_between_undirected(&target.closures))
impl<N, E, D> GraphStorage for DinoStorage<N, E, D>
D: GraphDirectionality,
type EdgeWeight = E;
type Error = Error;
type NodeWeight = N;
fn with_capacity(node_capacity: Option<usize>, edge_capacity: Option<usize>) -> Self {
Self {
nodes: Slab::with_capacity(node_capacity),
edges: Slab::with_capacity(edge_capacity),
_marker: core::marker::PhantomData,
fn from_parts(
nodes: impl IntoIterator<Item = DetachedNode<Self::NodeWeight>>,
edges: impl IntoIterator<Item = DetachedEdge<Self::EdgeWeight>>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// TODO: test-case c:
// TODO: this doesn't work if we remove a node
// TODO: NodeId rename is not of concern for us though
// TODO: what about nodes that are added or edges?
// We don't know their ID yet (need a way to get those -> PartialNode/Edge)
fn into_parts(
) -> (
impl Iterator<Item = DetachedNode<Self::NodeWeight>>,
impl Iterator<Item = DetachedEdge<Self::EdgeWeight>>,
) {
let nodes = self.nodes.into_iter().map(|node| DetachedNode {
weight: node.weight,
let edges = self.edges.into_iter().map(|edge| DetachedEdge {
u: edge.source,
weight: edge.weight,
(nodes, edges)
fn num_nodes(&self) -> usize {
fn num_edges(&self) -> usize {
fn next_node_id(&self) -> NodeId {
fn insert_node(
&mut self,
id: NodeId,
weight: Self::NodeWeight,
) -> Result<NodeMut<Self>, Self::Error> {
let expected = id;
let id = self.nodes.insert(Node::new(expected, weight));
if id != expected {
// delete the node we just inserted
// we don't need to update the closures, since we haven't added the node to them yet
return Err(Report::new(Error::InconsistentNodeId));
let node = self
.ok_or_else(|| Report::new(Error::NodeNotFound))?;
// we do not need to set the node's id, since the assertion above guarantees that the id is
// correct
Ok(NodeMut::new(, &mut node.weight))
fn next_edge_id(&self) -> EdgeId {
fn insert_edge(
&mut self,
id: EdgeId,
weight: Self::EdgeWeight,
source: NodeId,
target: NodeId,
) -> Result<EdgeMut<Self>, Self::Error> {
// TODO: option to disallow self-loops and parallel edges
// undirected edges in the graph are stored in a canonical form, where the source node id is
// always smaller than the target node id
let (source, target) = if D::is_directed() {
(source, target)
} else if source > target {
(target, source)
} else {
(source, target)
let expected = id;
let id = self
.insert(Edge::new(expected, weight, source, target));
if id != expected {
// delete the edge we just inserted
// we don't need to update the closures, since we haven't added the edge to them yet
return Err(Report::new(Error::InconsistentEdgeId));
let edge = self
.ok_or_else(|| Report::new(Error::EdgeNotFound))?;
// we do not need to set the node's id, since the assertion above guarantees that the id is
// correct
Closures::create_edge(edge, &mut self.nodes);
&mut edge.weight,
fn remove_node(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> Option<DetachedNode<Self::NodeWeight>> {
let node = self.nodes.remove(id)?;
for edge in node.closures.edges() {
if let Some(edge) = self.edges.remove(edge) {
Closures::remove_edge(&edge, &mut self.nodes);
let (id, weight) = Closures::remove_node(node, &mut self.nodes);
Some(DetachedNode::new(id, weight))
fn remove_edge(&mut self, id: EdgeId) -> Option<DetachedEdge<Self::EdgeWeight>> {
let edge = self.edges.remove(id)?;
Closures::remove_edge(&edge, &mut self.nodes);
fn clear(&mut self) {
Closures::clear(&mut self.nodes);
fn node(&self, id: NodeId) -> Option<petgraph_core::node::Node<Self>> {
.map(|node| petgraph_core::node::Node::new(self,, &node.weight))
fn node_mut(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> Option<NodeMut<Self>> {
.map(|node| NodeMut::new(, &mut node.weight))
fn contains_node(&self, id: NodeId) -> bool {
fn edge(&self, id: EdgeId) -> Option<petgraph_core::edge::Edge<Self>> {
self.edges.get(id).map(|edge| {
petgraph_core::edge::Edge::new(self,, &edge.weight, edge.source,
fn edge_mut(&mut self, id: EdgeId) -> Option<EdgeMut<Self>> {
.map(|edge| EdgeMut::new(, &mut edge.weight, edge.source,
fn contains_edge(&self, id: EdgeId) -> bool {
fn edges_between(
source: NodeId,
target: NodeId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = petgraph_core::edge::Edge<Self>> {
edges_between_undirected(&self.nodes, source, target)
.filter_map(move |edge| self.edge(edge))
fn edges_between_mut(
&mut self,
source: NodeId,
target: NodeId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeMut<Self>> {
let available = edges_between_undirected(&self.nodes, source, target);
.map(move |edge| EdgeMut::new(, &mut edge.weight, edge.source,
fn node_connections(
id: NodeId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = petgraph_core::edge::Edge<Self>> {
.flat_map(move |node| node.closures.edges())
.filter_map(move |edge| self.edge(edge))
fn node_connections_mut(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeMut<Self>> {
let Self { nodes, edges, .. } = self;
let available = nodes
.flat_map(move |node| node.closures.edges());
.map(move |edge| EdgeMut::new(, &mut edge.weight, edge.source,
fn node_neighbours(&self, id: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = petgraph_core::node::Node<Self>> {
.flat_map(move |node| node.closures.neighbours())
.filter_map(move |node| self.node(node))
fn node_neighbours_mut(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMut<Self>> {
let Some(node) = self.nodes.get(id) else {
return Either::Right(core::iter::empty());
// SAFETY: we never access the closure argument mutably, only the weight.
// Therefore it is safe for us to access both at the same time.
let closure: &NodeClosures = unsafe { &*core::ptr::addr_of!(node.closures) };
let neighbours = closure.neighbours();
.map(move |node| NodeMut::new(, &mut node.weight)),
fn isolated_nodes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = petgraph_core::node::Node<Self>> {
.filter(|node| node.closures.is_isolated())
.map(move |node| petgraph_core::node::Node::new(self,, &node.weight))
fn isolated_nodes_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMut<Self>> {
.filter(move |node| node.closures.is_isolated())
.map(move |node| NodeMut::new(, &mut node.weight))
fn nodes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = petgraph_core::node::Node<Self>> {
.map(move |node| petgraph_core::node::Node::new(self,, &node.weight))
fn nodes_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMut<Self>> {
.map(move |node| NodeMut::new(, &mut node.weight))
fn edges(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = petgraph_core::edge::Edge<Self>> {
self.edges.iter().map(move |edge| {
petgraph_core::edge::Edge::new(self,, &edge.weight, edge.source,
fn edges_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeMut<Self>> {
.map(move |edge| EdgeMut::new(, &mut edge.weight, edge.source,
fn reserve_nodes(&mut self, additional: usize) {
fn reserve_edges(&mut self, additional: usize) {
fn shrink_to_fit_nodes(&mut self) {
fn shrink_to_fit_edges(&mut self) {