blob: 5759d2cec26c88f159c3dfa59553dd360bb8059d [file] [log] [blame]
use either::Either;
use petgraph_core::{
edge::{Direction, Edge, EdgeId, EdgeMut},
node::{Node, NodeId, NodeMut},
storage::{DirectedGraphStorage, GraphStorage},
use crate::{
node::{NodeClosures, NodeSlab},
DinoStorage, Directed,
fn directed_edges_between<N>(
nodes: &NodeSlab<N>,
source: NodeId,
target: NodeId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeId> + '_ {
let source = nodes.get(source);
let target = nodes.get(target);
.and_then(|source||target| (source, target)))
.flat_map(|(source, target)| source.closures.edges_between_directed(&target.closures))
impl<N, E> DirectedGraphStorage for DinoStorage<N, E, Directed> {
fn directed_edges_between(
source: NodeId,
target: NodeId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Edge<Self>> {
directed_edges_between(&self.nodes, source, target).filter_map(move |id| self.edge(id))
fn directed_edges_between_mut(
&mut self,
source: NodeId,
target: NodeId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeMut<Self>> {
let Self { edges, nodes, .. } = self;
let available = directed_edges_between(nodes, source, target);
.map(|edge| EdgeMut::new(, &mut edge.weight, edge.source,
fn node_directed_connections(
id: NodeId,
direction: Direction,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Edge<Self>> {
NodeDirectedConnectionsIter {
storage: self,
iter: self.nodes.get(id).map(|node| match direction {
Direction::Incoming => node.closures.incoming_edges(),
Direction::Outgoing => node.closures.outgoing_edges(),
fn node_directed_connections_mut(
&mut self,
id: NodeId,
direction: Direction,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeMut<Self>> {
let Self { nodes, edges, .. } = self;
let allow = nodes
.flat_map(move |node| match direction {
Direction::Incoming => node.closures.incoming_edges(),
Direction::Outgoing => node.closures.outgoing_edges(),
.map(|edge| EdgeMut::new(, &mut edge.weight, edge.source,
fn node_directed_neighbours(
id: NodeId,
direction: Direction,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = Node<Self>> {
.flat_map(move |node| match direction {
Direction::Incoming => node.closures.incoming_nodes(),
Direction::Outgoing => node.closures.outgoing_nodes(),
.filter_map(move |id| self.node(id))
fn node_directed_neighbours_mut(
&mut self,
id: NodeId,
direction: Direction,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMut<Self>> {
let Some(node) = self.nodes.get(id) else {
return Either::Right(core::iter::empty());
// SAFETY: we never access the closure argument mutably, only the weight.
// Therefore it is safe for us to access both at the same time.
let closure: &NodeClosures = unsafe { &*core::ptr::addr_of!(node.closures) };
let neighbours = match direction {
Direction::Incoming => closure.incoming_nodes(),
Direction::Outgoing => closure.outgoing_nodes(),
.map(move |node| NodeMut::new(, &mut node.weight)),