blob: e64dd042822cc03822e0bac09c419ade87923a1a [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::{edge::EdgeId, node::NodeId};
/// Index mapper for a graph.
/// The index mapper is a type, that maps a specific value (`From`), typically a [`LinearGraphId`],
/// into a different value ([`usize`]).
/// Mapping is bijective, meaning that `From -> usize` and `usize -> From` are both possible, and
/// that every `From` value has a unique `usize` value in the range specified by `0..Self::MAX`.
/// Meaning it is not possible to have a mapping of e.g. three nodes, like: `A`, `B`, `C` to `1`,
/// `3`, `5` with `MAX = 5`, because `2` and `4` are not mapped to anything.
/// How this conversion is done is up to the implementation, but should be consistent, i.e. the same
/// input value should always map to the same output value.
/// Index lookup should also be (if possible) `O(1)` for `Id -> usize`, but not necessarily for
/// `usize -> Id`.
pub trait GraphIdBijection<Id> {
/// The maximum value that can be mapped to.
/// This **must** be equal to the number of nodes in the graph.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::id::{IndexMapper, LinearGraphId};
/// use petgraph_dino::{DiDinoGraph, NodeId};
/// let mut graph = DiDinoGraph::new();
/// let a = *graph.insert_node("A").id();
/// let b = *graph.insert_node("B").id();
/// # let ab = graph.insert_edge("A → B", &a, &b);
/// let mapper = NodeId::index_mapper(;
/// assert_eq!(mapper.max(), 2);
/// ```
fn max(&self) -> usize;
/// Map a value from `From` to [`usize`].
/// This **must** be pure and **must** return a valid value for any `Id` value in the graph it
/// is bound to.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::id::{IndexMapper, LinearGraphId};
/// use petgraph_dino::{DiDinoGraph, NodeId};
/// let mut graph = DiDinoGraph::new();
/// let a = *graph.insert_node("A").id();
/// let b = *graph.insert_node("B").id();
/// # let ab = graph.insert_edge("A → B", &a, &b);
/// let mut mapper = NodeId::index_mapper(;
/// // The mapping is highly dependent on the implementation, but should be consistent.
/// // The order for which node maps to which value is not guaranteed.
/// assert_ne!(mapper.get(&a), mapper.get(&b));
/// ```
fn get(&self, from: Id) -> Option<usize>;
/// Lookup a value from `To` to [`usize`].
/// This **must** be pure and **must** return a valid value for any `Id` value in the graph
/// it is bound to.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::id::{IndexMapper, LinearGraphId};
/// use petgraph_dino::{DiDinoGraph, NodeId};
/// let mut graph = DiDinoGraph::new();
/// let a = *graph.insert_node("A").id();
/// let b = *graph.insert_node("B").id();
/// # let ab = graph.insert_edge("A → B", &a, &b);
/// let mut mapper = NodeId::index_mapper(;
/// // The mapping is highly dependent on the implementation, but should be consistent.
/// // The order for which node maps to which value is not guaranteed.
/// assert_ne!(mapper.index(&a), mapper.index(&b));
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the provided id is not valid, meaning it is not part of the graph (e.g. id from
/// another instance)
fn index(&self, from: Id) -> usize {
self.get(from).expect("invalid id provided")
/// Reverse lookup a value from `To` to `From`.
/// This **must** be pure, but **may** return `None` if a reverse mapping does not exist (for
/// example `usize` is too large and therefore does not exist).
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use numi::borrow::Moo;
/// use petgraph_dino::{DiDinoGraph, NodeId};
/// let mut graph = DiDinoGraph::new();
/// let a = *graph.insert_node("A").id();
/// let b = *graph.insert_node("B").id();
/// # let ab = graph.insert_edge("A → B", a, b);
/// let mut mapper = NodeId::index_mapper(;
/// let mapped = mapper.index(&a);
/// assert_eq!(mapper.reverse(mapped), Some(Moo::Borrowed(&a)));
/// ```
fn reverse(&self, to: usize) -> Option<Id>;
pub trait SequentialGraphStorage {
type EdgeIdBijection<'graph>: GraphIdBijection<EdgeId>
Self: 'graph;
type NodeIdBijection<'graph>: GraphIdBijection<NodeId>
Self: 'graph;
fn node_id_bijection(&self) -> Self::NodeIdBijection<'_>;
fn edge_id_bijection(&self) -> Self::EdgeIdBijection<'_>;