blob: 0d1910d4e3deb02fc4edb360d7c3edb16d22a286 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Graph storage implementations.
//! This module contains the various graph storage implementations that are used by the [`Graph`]
//! type.
//! # Overview
//! The [`GraphStorage`] type is split into multiple sub-traits, while trying to keep the number of
//! sub-traits to a minimum.
//! These include:
//! - [`GraphStorage`]: The core trait that all graph storage implementations must implement, maps
//! to an undirected graph.
//! - [`DirectedGraphStorage`]: A trait for directed graph storage implementations.
//! - [`RetainableGraphStorage`]: A trait for retainable graph storage implementations.
//! - [`AuxiliaryGraphStorage`]: A trait to access storage for arbitrary additional data.
//! - [`SequentialGraphStorage`]: A trait for graph storage implementations that allow the mapping
//! of their internal indices to a set of linear indices.
//! [`GraphStorage`] proposes that [`DirectedGraphStorage`] is simply a specialization of an
//! undirected graph, meaning that the supertrait of [`DirectedGraphStorage`] is also
//! [`GraphStorage`] and that all implementations of [`DirectedGraphStorage`] must also support
//! undirected graph operations.
//! # Implementation Notes
//! * [`RetainableGraphStorage`] is subject to removal during the alpha period.
//! * [`SequentialGraphStorage`] is subject to removal or rename during the alpha period.
//! * [`AuxiliaryGraphStorage`] is subject to removal or rename during the alpha period.
//! [`Graph`]: crate::graph::Graph
mod directed;
pub mod auxiliary;
mod retain;
pub mod reverse;
pub mod sequential;
use error_stack::{Context, Result};
pub use self::{
auxiliary::AuxiliaryGraphStorage, directed::DirectedGraphStorage,
retain::RetainableGraphStorage, sequential::SequentialGraphStorage,
use crate::{
edge::{DetachedEdge, Edge, EdgeId, EdgeMut},
node::{DetachedNode, Node, NodeId, NodeMut},
/// A trait for graph storage implementations.
/// This trait is the core of the graph storage system, and is used to define the interface that all
/// graph storage implementations must implement.
/// A [`GraphStorage`] is never used alone, but instead is used in conjunction with a [`Graph`],
/// which is a thin abstraction layer over the [`GraphStorage`].
/// This allows us to have multiple different graph storage implementations, while still having a
/// convenient interface with a minimal amount of boilerplate and functions to implement.
/// You can instantiate a graph storage implementation directly, but it is recommended to use the
/// functions [`Graph::new`], [`Graph::new_in`], or [`Graph::with_capacity`] instead.
/// # Capabilities
/// > This is a template, which you should use to describe the capabilities of your graph storage
/// > implementation.
/// | Capability | Note |
/// |------------------|-------------------|
/// | Node Identifiers | Arbitrary/Managed |
/// | Edge Identifiers | Arbitrary/Managed |
/// | Node Weights | ✓/✗ |
/// | Edge Weights | ✓/✗ |
/// | Parallel Edges | ✓/✗ |
/// | Self Loops | ✓/✗ |
/// ## Space/Time Complexity
/// > Optional, but recommended.
/// | Operation | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
/// |------------------|-----------------|------------------|
/// | Node By Id | | |
/// | Edge By Id | | |
/// | Edge Between | | |
/// | Contains Node | | |
/// | Contains Edge | | |
/// | Insert Node | | |
/// | Insert Edge | | |
/// | Remove Node | | |
/// | Remove Edge | | |
/// | Node Count | | |
/// | Edge Count | | |
/// | Node Iter | | |
/// | Edge Iter | | |
/// | Node Neighbours | | |
/// | Node Connections | | |
/// | External Nodes | | |
/// ### Directed Graphs
/// > Optional, but recommended.
/// | Operation | Time Complexity | Space Complexity |
/// |-------------------------------|-----------------|------------------|
/// | Edge Between | | |
/// | Directed Edge Neighbours | | |
/// | Undirected Edge Neighbours | | |
/// | Directed Edge Connections | | |
/// | Undirected Edge Connections | | |
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<(), (), Directed>::new();
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 0);
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 0);
/// ```
/// [`Graph`]: crate::graph::Graph
/// [`Graph::new`]: crate::graph::Graph::new
/// [`Graph::new_in`]: crate::graph::Graph::new_in
/// [`Graph::with_capacity`]: crate::graph::Graph::with_capacity
pub trait GraphStorage: SequentialGraphStorage + AuxiliaryGraphStorage + Sized {
/// The weight of an edge.
/// No constraints are enforced on this type (except that it needs to be `Sized`), but
/// implementations _may_ choose to enforce additional constraints, or limit the type to a
/// specific concrete type.
/// For example a graph that is unable to store any edge weights would choose to only support
/// `()`.
type EdgeWeight;
/// The error type used by the graph.
/// Some operations on a graph may fail, for example during insertion of a node or edge.
/// This error (which needs to be an `error-stack` context) will be returned in a [`Report`] if
/// any of these operations fail.
/// # Implementation Notes
/// Instead of being able to specify a different error type for each operation, we only allow
/// for a single error type.
/// This is very intentional, as error-stack allows us to layer errors on top of each other,
/// meaning that a more specific error may be wrapped in this more general error type.
/// [`Report`]: error_stack::Report
type Error: Context;
/// The weight of a node.
/// No constraints are enforced on this type (except that it needs to be `Sized`), but
/// implementations _may_ choose to enforce additional constraints, or limit the type to a
/// specific concrete type.
/// For example a graph that is unable to store any node weights would choose to only support
/// `()`.
type NodeWeight;
/// Create a new graph storage with the given capacity.
/// If the capacity is `None`, the implementation is free to choose a default capacity, or may
/// not allocate any memory at all.
/// The semantics are the same as [`Vec::with_capacity`] or [`Vec::new`], where a capacity of
/// `None` should correspond to `Vec::new`, and a capacity of `Some(n)` should correspond to
/// `Vec::with_capacity(n)`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::{DiDinoGraph, DinoStorage};
/// let storage = DinoStorage::<(), (), Directed>::new();
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 0);
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 0);
/// // we need to explicitly state the type of the node and edge weights, as we do insert
/// // any nodes/edges and therefore cannot infer them.
/// let storage = DiDinoGraph::<(), ()>::with_capacity(Some(10), Some(10));
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 0);
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 0);
/// ```
fn with_capacity(node_capacity: Option<usize>, edge_capacity: Option<usize>) -> Self;
/// Create a new graph storage from the given nodes and edges.
/// This takes an iterator of nodes and edges, and tries to create a graph from them.
/// This is the reverse operation of [`Self::into_parts`], which converts the current graph
/// storage into an iterable of nodes and edges.
/// This process is lossy, neither the node ids or the edge ids are guaranteed to be preserved.
/// This function only guarantees that the weights of the nodes and edges are preserved as well
/// as the structure of the graph.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// # let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// let a = *storage.insert_node(id, 1).unwrap().id();
/// # let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// let b = *storage.insert_node(id, 2).unwrap().id();
/// # let id = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(id, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 2);
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 1);
/// let (nodes, edges) = storage.into_parts();
/// let storage = DinoStorage::<_, _, Directed>::from_parts(nodes, edges).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 2);
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 1);
/// ```
/// # Errors
/// If any of the nodes or edges are invalid, or any of the constraint checks of the underlying
/// implementation fail, an error is returned.
/// The default implementation uses [`Self::insert_node`] and [`Self::insert_edge`] to insert
/// the nodes and edges, which are fallible.
/// The default implementation also works in a fail-slow manner, utilizing the `error-stack`
/// feature of extending errors with others. This means that even if multiple errors occur, all
/// of them will be returned, but has the potential downside of being slower in cases of
/// failures.
/// Implementations may choose to override this default implementation, but should try to also
/// be fail-slow.
// TODO: additionally should return a mapping!
fn from_parts(
nodes: impl IntoIterator<Item = DetachedNode<Self::NodeWeight>>,
edges: impl IntoIterator<Item = DetachedEdge<Self::EdgeWeight>>,
) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
// TODO: rework this!
let nodes = nodes.into_iter();
let edges = edges.into_iter();
let (_, nodes_max) = nodes.size_hint();
let (_, edges_max) = edges.size_hint();
let mut graph = Self::with_capacity(nodes_max, edges_max);
// by default we try to fail slow, this way we can get as much data about potential errors
// as possible.
let mut result: Result<(), Self::Error> = Ok(());
for node in nodes {
if let Err(error) = graph.insert_node(, node.weight) {
match &mut result {
Err(errors) => errors.extend_one(error),
result => *result = Err(error),
// we need to ensure that all nodes are inserted before we insert edges, otherwise we might
// end up with invalid data (or redundant errors).
let mut result: Result<(), Self::Error> = Ok(());
for edge in edges {
if let Err(error) = graph.insert_edge(, edge.weight, edge.u, edge.v) {
match &mut result {
Err(errors) => errors.extend_one(error),
result => *result = Err(error),
}|()| graph)
/// Convert the current graph storage into an iterable of nodes and edges.
/// This is the reverse operation of [`Self::from_parts`], which takes an iterable of nodes and
/// edges and tries to create a graph from them.
/// The iterables returned by this function are not guaranteed to be in any particular order,
/// but must contain all nodes and edges.
/// The ids of said nodes and edges may also be changed during this operation, but the weights
/// of the nodes and edges must be the same.
/// It must always hold true that using the iterables returned by this function to create a new
/// graph storage using [`Self::from_parts`] will result in a structurally identical graph and
/// that calling [`Self::from_parts`] on the same implementation that invoked
/// [`Self::into_parts`] must not error out.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::{collections::HashSet, iter::once};
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// # let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// let a = *storage.insert_node(id, 1).unwrap().id();
/// # let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// let b = *storage.insert_node(id, 2).unwrap().id();
/// # let id = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// let ab = *storage.insert_edge(id, 3, &a, &b).unwrap().id();
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 2);
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 1);
/// let (nodes, edges) = storage.into_parts();
/// let node_ids: HashSet<_> =|detached_node|;
/// let edge_ids: HashSet<_> =|detached_edge|;
/// assert_eq!(node_ids, [a, b].into_iter().collect());
/// assert_eq!(edge_ids, once(ab).collect());
/// ```
fn into_parts(
) -> (
impl Iterator<Item = DetachedNode<Self::NodeWeight>>,
impl Iterator<Item = DetachedEdge<Self::EdgeWeight>>,
/// Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
/// This is equivalent to [`Self::nodes`].`count()`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<(), (), Directed>::new();
/// # let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(id, ()).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 1);
/// # let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(id, ()).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 2);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// This is a default implementation, which uses [`Self::nodes`].`count()`, custom
/// implementations, should if possible, override this.
fn num_nodes(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the number of edges in the graph.
/// This is equivalent to [`Self::edges`].`count()`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<(), (), Directed>::new();
/// # let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// # let a = *storage.insert_node(id, ()).unwrap().id();
/// #
/// # let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// # let b = *storage.insert_node(id, ()).unwrap().id();
/// #
/// # let id = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(id, (), &a, &b).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 1);
/// #
/// # let id = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(id, (), &a, &b).unwrap();
/// #
/// assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 2);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// This is a default implementation, which uses [`Self::edges`].`count()`, custom
/// implementations, should if possible, override this.
fn num_edges(&self) -> usize {
/// Return the next node identifier for the given attribute.
/// This is used to generate new node identifiers and should not be called by a user directly
/// and is instead used by the [`Graph`] type to generate a new identifier that is then used
/// during [`Graph::insert_node`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{attributes::NoValue, edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<(), (), Directed>::new();
/// // `DinoStorage` uses `ManagedGraphId` for both node and edge identifiers,
/// // so we must use `NoValue` here.
/// let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// assert_eq!(a, b);
/// storage.insert_node(a, ()).unwrap();
/// let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// assert_ne!(a, c);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// When implementing this function, it is important to ensure that the returned identifier is
/// stable, and unique and must ensure that the returned identifier is not already in use.
/// Stable meaning that repeated calls to this function (without any other changes to the graph)
/// should return the same identifier.
/// The implementation of this function must also be fast, as it is called every time a new node
/// is inserted and must be pure, meaning that it must not have any side-effects.
fn next_node_id(&self) -> NodeId;
/// Inserts a new node into the graph.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{attributes::NoValue, edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, (), Directed>::new();
/// // `DinoStorage` uses `ManagedGraphId` for both node and edge identifiers,
/// // so we must use `NoValue` here.
/// let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(id, 1).unwrap();
/// #
/// # assert_eq!(storage.node(&id).unwrap().weight(), &1);
/// ```
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if a node with the given identifier already exists, or if any of the
/// constraints (depending on the implementation) are violated.
fn insert_node(
&mut self,
id: NodeId,
weight: Self::NodeWeight,
) -> Result<NodeMut<Self>, Self::Error>;
/// Return the next edge identifier for the given attribute.
/// This is used to generate new edge identifiers and should not be called by a user directly
/// and is instead used by the [`Graph`] type to generate a new identifier that is then used
/// during [`Graph::insert_edge`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{attributes::NoValue, edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, (), Directed>::new();
/// // `DinoStorage` uses `ManagedGraphId` for both node and edge identifiers,
/// // so we must use `NoValue` here.
/// let id = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(id, 1).unwrap();
/// #
/// # assert_eq!(storage.node(&id).unwrap().weight(), &1);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// All the same notes as [`Self::next_node_id`] apply here as well.
/// [`Graph`]: crate::graph::Graph
/// [`Graph::insert_edge`]: crate::graph::Graph::insert_edge
fn next_edge_id(&self) -> EdgeId;
/// Inserts a new edge into the graph.
/// If the storage implementation is undirected `u` and `v` are interchangeable, but if the
/// storage implementation is directed `u` is the source and `v` is the target.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{attributes::NoValue, edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// # storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// #
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// # storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// // `DinoStorage` uses `ManagedGraphId` for both node and edge identifiers,
/// // so we must use `NoValue` here.
/// let id = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(id, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// #
/// # assert_eq!(storage.edge(&id).unwrap().weight(), &3);
/// ```
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if parallel edges are not allowed, or any of the constraints (depending on
/// the implementation) are violated.
/// These constraints _may_ include that an edge between the source and target already exist,
/// but some implementations may choose to allow parallel edges.
fn insert_edge(
&mut self,
id: EdgeId,
weight: Self::EdgeWeight,
u: NodeId,
v: NodeId,
) -> Result<EdgeMut<Self>, Self::Error>;
/// Removes the node with the given identifier from the graph.
/// This will return [`None`] if the node does not exist, and will return the detached node if
/// it does.
/// Calling this function will also remove all edges that are connected to the node, but will
/// not return those detached edges.
/// To also return the detached edges that were removed, use a combination of
/// [`Self::node_connections`], [`Self::remove_edge`] and [`Self::remove_node`] instead.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use petgraph_core::{attributes::NoValue, edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// let removed = storage.remove_node(&a).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(, a);
/// assert_eq!(removed.weight, 1);
/// #
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 0);
/// ```
/// ## Return Node with Edges
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// #
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// #
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// let connections: Vec<_> = storage
/// .node_connections(&a)
/// .map(|edge| *
/// .collect();
/// #
/// # assert_eq!(connections, [ab]);
/// for edge in connections {
/// // do something with the detached edge
/// storage.remove_edge(&edge).unwrap();
/// }
/// storage.remove_node(&a).unwrap();
/// ```
fn remove_node(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> Option<DetachedNode<Self::NodeWeight>>;
/// Removes the edge with the given identifier from the graph.
/// This will return [`None`] if the edge does not exist, and will return the detached edge if
/// it existed.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// #
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// #
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// let removed = storage.remove_edge(&ab).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(, ab);
/// assert_eq!(removed.weight, 3);
/// #
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 0);
/// ```
fn remove_edge(&mut self, id: EdgeId) -> Option<DetachedEdge<Self::EdgeWeight>>;
/// Clears the graph, removing all nodes and edges.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// #
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// #
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// storage.clear();
/// #
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_nodes(), 0);
/// # assert_eq!(storage.num_edges(), 0);
/// ```
fn clear(&mut self);
/// Returns the node with the given identifier.
/// This will return [`None`] if the node does not exist, and will return the node if it does.
/// The [`Node`] type returned by this function contains a reference to the current graph,
/// meaning you are able to query for e.g. the neighours of the node.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// let node = storage.node(&a).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(, &a);
/// assert_eq!(node.weight(), &1);
/// // This will access the underlying storage, and is equivalent to `storage.neighbours(&a)`.
/// assert_eq!(node.neighbours().count(), 0);
/// ```
fn node(&self, id: NodeId) -> Option<Node<Self>>;
/// Returns the node, with a mutable weight, with the given identifier.
/// This will return [`None`] if the node does not exist, and will return the node if it does.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// let node = storage.node_mut(&a).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(, &a);
/// assert_eq!(node.weight(), &mut 1);
/// ```
fn node_mut(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> Option<NodeMut<Self>>;
/// Checks if the node with the given identifier exists.
/// This is equivalent to [`Self::node`].`is_some()`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// assert!(storage.contains_node(&a));
/// assert!(!storage.contains_node(&b));
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation simply checks if [`Self::node`] returns [`Some`], but if
/// possible, custom implementations that are able to do this more efficiently should override
/// this.
fn contains_node(&self, id: NodeId) -> bool {
/// Returns the edge with the given identifier, if it exists.
/// This will return [`None`] if the edge does not exist, and will return the edge if it does.
/// The [`Edge`] type returned by this function contains a reference to the current graph,
/// meaning that continued exploration of the graph is possible.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// let edge = storage.edge(&ab).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(edge.weight(), &3);
/// assert_eq!(edge.source_id(), &a);
/// // This will request the target from underlying storage,
/// // meaning if one only wants to retrieve the id it is faster
/// // to just use `edge.source_id()`.
/// // Because `self.node()` returns an `Option`, so will `edge.source()`.
/// assert_eq!(edge.source().id(), &a);
/// assert_eq!(edge.source().weight(), &1);
/// assert_eq!(edge.target_id(), &b);
/// // This will request the target from underlying storage,
/// // meaning if one only wants to retrieve the id it is faster
/// // to just use `edge.target_id()`.
/// // Because `self.node()` returns an `Option`, so will ``.
/// assert_eq!(, &b);
/// assert_eq!(, &2);
/// ```
fn edge(&self, id: EdgeId) -> Option<Edge<Self>>;
/// Returns the edge, with a mutable weight, with the given identifier, if it exists.
/// This will return [`None`] if the edge does not exist, and will return the edge if it does.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// let mut edge = storage.edge_mut(&ab).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(edge.weight(), &mut 3);
/// assert_eq!(edge.source_id(), &a);
/// assert_eq!(edge.target_id(), &b);
/// *edge.weight_mut() = 4;
/// assert_eq!(storage.edge(&ab).unwrap().weight(), &4);
/// ```
fn edge_mut(&mut self, id: EdgeId) -> Option<EdgeMut<Self>>;
/// Checks if the edge with the given identifier exists.
/// This is equivalent to [`Self::edge`].`is_some()`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ba = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// assert!(storage.contains_edge(&ab));
/// assert!(!storage.contains_edge(&ba));
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation simply checks if [`Self::edge`] returns [`Some`], but if
/// possible, custom implementations that are able to do this more efficiently should override
/// this.
fn contains_edge(&self, id: EdgeId) -> bool {
/// Returns an iterator over all edges between the two given nodes.
/// This will return an iterator over all edges between the two given nodes. The output will
/// include all undirected edges between the two nodes, this means that for a directed graph
/// both the forward and reverse edges will be included.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ba = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ba, 4, &b, &a).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage
/// .edges_between(&a, &b)
/// .map(|edge| *
/// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// [ab, ba]
/// );
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation simply calls [`Self::node_connections`] on both nodes and then
/// chains those, after filtering for the respective end. Most implementations should be able to
/// provide a more efficient implementation.
fn edges_between(&self, u: NodeId, v: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Edge<'_, Self>> {
// How does this work with a default implementation?
let from_source = self.node_connections(u).filter(move |edge| {
let (edge_u, edge_v) = edge.endpoint_ids();
let other = if edge_u == u { edge_v } else { edge_u };
other == v
let from_target = self.node_connections(v).filter(move |edge| {
let (edge_u, edge_v) = edge.endpoint_ids();
// we exclude self-loops here as they are already included in `from_source`
let other = if edge_u == v { edge_v } else { edge_u };
other == u && edge_u != edge_v
/// Returns an iterator over all edges between the two given nodes, with mutable weights.
/// This will return an iterator over all edges between the two given nodes. The output will
/// include all undirected edges between the two nodes, this means that for a directed graph
/// both the forward and reverse edges will be included.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 3, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ba = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ba, 4, &b, &a).unwrap();
/// for mut edge in storage.edges_between_mut(&a, &b) {
/// *edge.weight_mut() += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage
/// .edges_between(&a, &b)
/// .map(|mut edge| *edge.weight())
/// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// [4, 5]
/// );
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// Due to the fact that this function returns mutable references to the edges, it is not
/// possible to easily provide a default implementation for this function, as a call to
/// [`Self::node_connections_mut`] for `source` and `target` would lead to a double mutable
/// borrow.
// I'd love to provide a default implementation for this, but I just can't get it to work.
fn edges_between_mut(
&mut self,
u: NodeId,
v: NodeId,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeMut<'_, Self>>;
/// Returns an iterator over all edges that are connected to the given node.
/// This will return an iterator over all edges that are connected to the given node.
/// This includes all edges, meaning that for a directed graph both the incoming and outgoing
/// edges will be included.
/// There may be multiple edges between two nodes, if the implementation allows for parallel
/// edges.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ca = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ca, 5, &c, &a).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage
/// .node_connections(&a)
/// .map(|mut edge| *
/// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// [ab, ca]
/// );
/// ```
fn node_connections(&self, id: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Edge<'_, Self>>;
/// Returns an iterator over all edges that are connected to the given node, with mutable
/// weights.
/// This will return an iterator over all edges that are connected to the given node.
/// This includes all edges, meaning that for a directed graph both the incoming and outgoing
/// edges will be included.
/// There may be multiple edges between two nodes, if the implementation allows for parallel
/// edges.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ca = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ca, 5, &c, &a).unwrap();
/// for mut edge in storage.node_connections_mut(&a) {
/// *edge.weight_mut() += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage
/// .node_connections(&a)
/// .map(|mut edge| *edge.weight())
/// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// [5, 6]
/// );
/// ```
fn node_connections_mut(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeMut<'_, Self>>;
/// Returns the number of edges that are connected to the given node.
/// This is also commonly known as the degree or valency of the node.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ca = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ca, 5, &c, &a).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(storage.node_degree(&a), 2);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation simply calls [`Self::node_connections`] and counts the number of
/// edges.
/// This is unlikely to be the most efficient implementation, so custom implementations should
/// override this.
fn node_degree(&self, id: NodeId) -> usize {
/// Returns an iterator over all nodes that are connected to the given node.
/// This will return an iterator over all nodes that are connected to the given node.
/// This includes all nodes, meaning that for a directed graph both the incoming and outgoing
/// edges are taken into account.
/// If the graph allows for parallel edges, the same node **SHOULD NOT** be returned multiple
/// times, if an implementation allows for self-loops, the given node may also be returned.
/// The results won't be in any particular order, any order should be considered an
/// implementation detail of the storage implementation.
/// > **Note**: For more information of **SHOULD NOT** visit [RFC 2119](
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ca = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ca, 5, &c, &a).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage
/// .node_neighbours(&a)
/// .map(|node| *
/// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// [b, c]
/// );
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// Implementations should try to provide a more efficient implementation than the default one,
/// and must uphold the contract that the returned iterator does not contain duplicates.
/// Due to it's allocation free nature, the default implementation currently returns an iterator
/// that may contain duplicates and is based on [`Self::node_connections`].
/// Changing the requirement from **SHOULD NOT** to **MUST NOT** may occur in the future, and is
/// to be considered a breaking change.
fn node_neighbours(&self, id: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = Node<'_, Self>> {
.filter_map(move |edge: Edge<Self>| {
let (u, v) = edge.endpoint_ids();
// doing it this way allows us to also get ourselves as a neighbour if we have a
// self-loop
if u == id { self.node(v) } else { self.node(u) }
/// Returns an iterator over all nodes that are connected to the given node, with mutable
/// weights.
/// This will return an iterator over all nodes that are connected to the given node.
/// This includes all nodes, meaning that for a directed graph both the incoming and outgoing
/// edges are taken into account.
/// If the graph allows for parallel edges, the same node **MUST NOT** be returned multiple
/// times.
/// > **Note**: For more information of **MUST NOT** visit [RFC 2119](
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ca = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ca, 5, &c, &a).unwrap();
/// for mut node in storage.node_neighbours_mut(&a) {
/// *node.weight_mut() += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage
/// .node_neighbours(&a)
/// .map(|node| *node.weight())
/// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// [3, 4]
/// );
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// No default implementation is provided, as a mutable iterator based on
/// [`Self::node_connections_mut`] could potentially lead to a double mutable borrow.
fn node_neighbours_mut(&mut self, id: NodeId) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMut<'_, Self>>;
/// Returns an iterator over all nodes that do not have any edges connected to them.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// let isolated_nodes: Vec<_> = storage.isolated_nodes().map(|node| *;
/// assert_eq!(isolated_nodes, [c]);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation is based on [`Self::nodes`], and filters out all nodes that have
/// no edges via [`Self::node_neighbours`].
/// This is quite inefficient, and implementations should try to provide a more efficient
/// implementation if possible.
fn isolated_nodes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Node<Self>> {
self.nodes().filter(|node| self.node_degree( == 0)
/// Returns an iterator over all nodes that do not have any edges connected to them, with
/// mutable weights.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// for mut external in storage.isolated_nodes_mut() {
/// *external.weight_mut() += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(storage.node(&c).unwrap().weight(), &4);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// No default implementation is provided, as a mutable iterator based on [`Self::nodes_mut`]
/// and [`Self::node_neighbours`] would lead to a mutable borrow of the storage implementation
/// followed by a shared borrow, which is not allowed.
fn isolated_nodes_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMut<Self>>;
/// Returns an iterator over all nodes in the graph.
/// This **MUST** return all nodes in the graph, and **MUST NOT** return the same node multiple
/// times.
/// > **Note**: For more information of **MUST** and **MUST NOT** visit [RFC 2119](
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage.nodes().map(|node| *<Vec<_>>(),
/// [a, b, c]
/// );
/// ```
fn nodes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Node<Self>>;
/// Returns an iterator over all nodes in the graph, with mutable weights.
/// This **MUST** return all nodes in the graph, and **MUST NOT** return the same node multiple
/// times.
/// > **Note**: For more information of **MUST** and **MUST NOT** visit [RFC 2119](
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// for mut node in storage.nodes_mut() {
/// *node.weight_mut() += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage
/// .nodes()
/// .map(|node| *node.weight())
/// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// [2, 3, 4]
/// );
/// ```
fn nodes_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = NodeMut<Self>>;
/// Returns an iterator over all edges in the graph.
/// This **MUST** return all edges in the graph, and **MUST NOT** return the same edge multiple
/// times.
/// > **Note**: For more information of **MUST** and **MUST NOT** visit [RFC 2119](
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ca = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ca, 5, &c, &a).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage.edges().map(|edge| *<Vec<_>>(),
/// [ab, ca]
/// );
/// ```
fn edges(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Edge<Self>>;
/// Returns an iterator over all edges in the graph, with mutable weights.
/// This **MUST** return all edges in the graph, and **MUST NOT** return the same edge multiple
/// times.
/// > **Note**: For more information of **MUST** and **MUST NOT** visit [RFC 2119](
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// #
/// # let a = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(a, 1).unwrap();
/// # let b = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(b, 2).unwrap();
/// # let c = storage.next_node_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_node(c, 3).unwrap();
/// # let ab = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ab, 4, &a, &b).unwrap();
/// # let ca = storage.next_edge_id(NoValue::new());
/// storage.insert_edge(ca, 5, &c, &a).unwrap();
/// for mut edge in storage.edges_mut() {
/// *edge.weight_mut() += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(
/// storage
/// .edges()
/// .map(|edge| *edge.weight())
/// .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// [5, 6]
/// );
/// ```
fn edges_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = EdgeMut<Self>>;
/// Reserves capacity for at least `additional_nodes` nodes and `additional_edges` edges.
/// This will reserve capacity for at least `additional_nodes` nodes and `additional_edges`, but
/// may reserve more.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of nodes or edges in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not reserve any additional capacity.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve(16, 16);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation calls [`Self::reserve_nodes`] and [`Self::reserve_edges`].
fn reserve(&mut self, additional_nodes: usize, additional_edges: usize) {
/// Reserves capacity for at least `additional_nodes` nodes.
/// This will reserve capacity for at least `additional_nodes` nodes, but may reserve more.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of nodes in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not reserve any additional capacity.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve_nodes(16);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation does not reserve any additional capacity, and is simply empty.
/// Implementations that wish to support resizing should override this.
fn reserve_nodes(&mut self, additional: usize) {}
/// Reserves capacity for at least `additional_edges` edges.
/// This will reserve capacity for at least `additional_edges` edges, but may reserve more.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of edges in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not reserve any additional capacity.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve_edges(16);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation does not reserve any additional capacity, and is simply empty.
/// Implementations that wish to support resizing should override this.
fn reserve_edges(&mut self, additional: usize) {}
/// Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional_nodes` nodes and `additional_edges`
/// This will reserve the minimum capacity for exactly `additional_nodes` nodes and
/// `additional_edges` edges.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of nodes or edges in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not reserve any additional capacity.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve_exact(16, 16);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation calls [`Self::reserve_exact_nodes`] and
/// [`Self::reserve_exact_edges`].
fn reserve_exact(&mut self, additional_nodes: usize, additional_edges: usize) {
/// Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional_nodes` nodes.
/// This will reserve the minimum capacity for exactly `additional_nodes` nodes.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of nodes in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not reserve any additional capacity.
/// The implementation may try to not deliberately over-allocate, but this is not required,
/// should frequent insertions be expected prefer [`Self::reserve_nodes`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve_exact_nodes(16);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation forwards to [`Self::reserve_nodes`].
fn reserve_exact_nodes(&mut self, additional: usize) {
/// Reserves the minimum capacity for exactly `additional_edges` edges.
/// This will reserve the minimum capacity for exactly `additional_edges` edges.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of edges in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not reserve any additional capacity.
/// The implementation may try to not deliberately over-allocate, but this is not required,
/// should frequent insertions be expected prefer [`Self::reserve_edges`].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve_exact_edges(16);
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation forwards to [`Self::reserve_edges`].
fn reserve_exact_edges(&mut self, additional: usize) {
/// Shrinks the capacity of the storage as much as possible.
/// This will shrink the capacity of the storage as much as possible.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of nodes or edges in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not shrink the capacity at all.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve(16, 16);
/// storage.shrink_to_fit();
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation calls [`Self::shrink_to_fit_nodes`] and
/// [`Self::shrink_to_fit_edges`].
fn shrink_to_fit(&mut self) {
/// Shrinks the capacity of the node storage as much as possible.
/// This will shrink the capacity of the node storage as much as possible.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of nodes in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not shrink the capacity at all.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve_nodes(16);
/// storage.shrink_to_fit_nodes();
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation does not shrink the capacity at all and is effectively a no-op.
/// Implementations that wish to support resizing should override this.
fn shrink_to_fit_nodes(&mut self) {}
/// Shrinks the capacity of the edge storage as much as possible.
/// This will shrink the capacity of the edge storage as much as possible.
/// This function **MUST NOT** change the number of edges in the graph.
/// A storage implementation **MAY** decide to not shrink the capacity at all.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use petgraph_core::attributes::NoValue;
/// use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, storage::GraphStorage};
/// use petgraph_dino::DinoStorage;
/// let mut storage = DinoStorage::<u8, u8, Directed>::new();
/// storage.reserve_edges(16);
/// storage.shrink_to_fit_edges();
/// ```
/// # Implementation Notes
/// The default implementation does not shrink the capacity at all and is effectively a no-op.
/// Implementations that wish to support resizing should override this.
fn shrink_to_fit_edges(&mut self) {}