blob: 0e48f49ab835ea1f5d9f4efa6f6366b7bff23adc [file] [log] [blame]
use core::{
ops::{Add, Div},
use numi::{
num::{identity::Zero, ops::AddRef},
/// Automatically implemented trait for types that can be used as a measure in the Bellman-Ford
/// algorithm.
/// This trait is implemented for all types that implement the supertraits mentioned in the trait
/// definition.
/// These traits either originate from [`core`] or [`numi`].
/// Special attention must be paid to the [`AddRef`] trait, which is a proxy trait which is
/// implemented for types that implement: `&Self: Add<&Self, Output = Self>`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use core::num::{Wrapping, Saturating};
/// use ordered_float::NotNan;
/// use petgraph_algorithms::shortest_paths::bellman_ford::BellmanFordMeasure;
/// use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
/// // Some examples of types that implement BellmanFordMeasure
/// assert_impl_all!(u8: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(u16: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(u32: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(u64: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(u128: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(usize: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(i8: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(i16: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(i32: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(i64: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(i128: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(isize: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(f32: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(f64: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// // `OrderedFloat` is not supported because `AddRef` isn't implemented, see:
/// //
/// assert_impl_all!(NotNan<f32>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(NotNan<f64>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<u8>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<u16>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<u32>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<u64>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<u128>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<usize>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<i8>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<i16>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<i32>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<i64>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// assert_impl_all!(Wrapping<i128>: BellmanFordMeasure);
/// // `Saturating` currently does not implement `Sum`, see:
/// //
/// ```
pub trait BellmanFordMeasure:
+ PartialOrd
+ Add<Self, Output = Self>
+ AddRef<Self, Output = Self>
+ Div<Self, Output = Self>
+ for<'a> Sum<&'a Self>
+ TryCastFrom<usize>
+ Zero
impl<T> BellmanFordMeasure for T where
T: Clone
+ PartialOrd
+ Add<Self, Output = Self>
+ AddRef<Self, Output = Self>
+ Div<Self, Output = Self>
+ for<'a> Sum<&'a Self>
+ TryCastFrom<usize>
+ Zero