blob: b25907df55d0306defd63d469d9cce094d69afa2 [file] [log] [blame]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::hash::Hash;
use error_stack::{Report, Result};
use fxhash::FxBuildHasher;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use numi::num::{identity::Zero, ops::AddRef};
use petgraph_core::{node::NodeId, Graph, GraphStorage, Node};
use super::error::BellmanFordError;
use crate::shortest_paths::{
bellman_ford::{measure::BellmanFordMeasure, CandidateOrder},
transit::{reconstruct_paths_between, PredecessorMode},
Cost, Path, Route,
fn small_label_first<'graph, S, E>(
node: Node<'graph, S>,
cost: E::Value,
queue: &mut DoubleEndedQueue<'graph, S, E::Value>,
) -> bool
S: GraphStorage,
E: GraphCost<S>,
E::Value: BellmanFordMeasure,
let Some(item) = queue.peek_front() else {
// queue is empty, therefore we can just simply push the cost
return queue.push_front(node, cost);
if &cost < item.priority() {
// the cost is smaller than the current smallest cost, therefore we push it to the front
return queue.push_front(node, cost);
// the cost is larger than the current smallest cost, therefore we push it to the back
queue.push_back(node, cost)
fn large_label_last<'graph, S, E>(
node: Node<'graph, S>,
cost: E::Value,
queue: &mut DoubleEndedQueue<'graph, S, E::Value>,
) -> bool
S: GraphStorage,
NodeId: Eq + Hash,
E: GraphCost<S>,
E::Value: BellmanFordMeasure,
if queue.is_empty() {
// queue is empty, therefore we can just simply push the cost
return queue.push_back(node, cost);
// always push the item to the back of the queue
let did_push = queue.push_back(node, cost);
let Some(average) = queue.average_priority() else {
// this only happens if the length is 0 or we were unable to convert the length (usize)
// to the value type (E::Value)
return did_push;
loop {
// TODO: should we panic here instead? This should never happen.
let Some(front) = queue.peek_front() else {
// this should never happen, but if it does, we can just stop
// (previous check for empty queue should have caught this)
return did_push;
if *front.priority() <= average {
// the front item is smaller than the average, therefore we can stop
return did_push;
let Some(front) = queue.pop_front() else {
// this should never happen, but if it does, we can just stop
// (previous check for empty queue should have caught this)
return did_push;
let (node, priority) = front.into_parts();
queue.push_back(node, priority);
// TODO: make use of auxiliary graph storage
struct Heuristic {
enabled: bool,
recent_update: HashMap<NodeId, (NodeId, NodeId)>,
predecessor: HashMap<NodeId, NodeId>,
impl Heuristic {
fn new(enabled: bool) -> Self {
Self {
recent_update: HashMap::default(),
predecessor: HashMap::default(),
fn update(&mut self, source: NodeId, target: NodeId) -> core::result::Result<(), NodeId> {
if !self.enabled {
return Ok(());
// source = u
// target = v
// the heuristic is used to find a negative cycle before it is fully constructed.
// this is done via an implied check over multiple iterations.
// if it happens that some earlier update added the target node (as signified by the recent
// update) we know,
// that we have a negative cycle
// as the same node would be on the same path twice.
if let Some((u, v)) = self.recent_update.get(&source) {
if target == *u || target == *v {
return Err(target);
if self.predecessor.get(&target) == Some(&source) {
if let Some(previous) = self.recent_update.get(&source) {
self.recent_update.insert(target, *previous);
} else {
self.recent_update.insert(target, (source, target));
self.predecessor.insert(target, source);
pub(super) struct ShortestPathFasterImpl<'graph: 'parent, 'parent, S, E, G>
S: GraphStorage,
E: GraphCost<S>,
graph: &'graph Graph<S>,
source: Node<'graph, S>,
edge_cost: &'parent E,
connections: G,
predecessor_mode: PredecessorMode,
candidate_order: CandidateOrder,
negative_cycle_heuristics: bool,
distances: HashMap<NodeId, E::Value, FxBuildHasher>,
predecessors: HashMap<NodeId, Vec<Node<'graph, S>>, FxBuildHasher>,
impl<'graph: 'parent, 'parent, S, E, G> ShortestPathFasterImpl<'graph, 'parent, S, E, G>
S: GraphStorage,
E: GraphCost<S>,
E::Value: BellmanFordMeasure,
G: Connections<'graph, S>,
pub(super) fn new(
graph: &'graph Graph<S>,
edge_cost: &'parent E,
connections: G,
source: NodeId,
predecessor_mode: PredecessorMode,
candidate_order: CandidateOrder,
negative_cycle_heuristics: bool,
) -> Result<Self, BellmanFordError> {
let source_node = graph
.ok_or_else(|| Report::new(BellmanFordError::NodeNotFound))?;
let mut distances = HashMap::with_hasher(FxBuildHasher::default());
distances.insert(source, E::Value::zero());
let mut predecessors = HashMap::with_hasher(FxBuildHasher::default());
predecessors.insert(source, Vec::new());
let mut this = Self {
source: source_node,
// TODO: reconstruct negative cycle (needs `NodeId` to have additional trait bounds for
// error-stack)
if this.relax().is_err() {
return Err(Report::new(BellmanFordError::NegativeCycle));
/// Inner Relaxation Loop for the Bellman-Ford algorithm, an implementation of SPFA.
/// Based on [networkx](
fn relax(&mut self) -> core::result::Result<(), NodeId> {
// we always need to record predecessors to be able to skip relaxations
let mut queue = DoubleEndedQueue::new();
let mut heuristic = Heuristic::new(self.negative_cycle_heuristics);
let mut occurrences = HashMap::new();
let num_nodes = self.graph.num_nodes();
queue.push_back(self.source, E::Value::zero());
while let Some(item) = queue.pop_front() {
let (source, priority) = item.into_parts();
// skip relaxations if any of the predecessors of node are in the queue
if let Some(predecessors) = self.predecessors.get(& {
if predecessors
.any(|node| queue.contains_node(&
let edges = self.connections.connections(;
for edge in edges {
let (u, v) = edge.endpoints();
let target = if == { v } else { u };
let alternative = priority.add_ref(self.edge_cost.cost(edge).as_ref());
if let Some(distance) = self.distances.get(& {
if alternative == *distance {
if alternative >= *distance {
if let Err(node) = heuristic.update(, {
return Err(node);
// we have a concrete problem here: we do not update the priority in the queue
// if it is larger.
// Could we in theory use the HashBrown API here instead, referencing the item in
// question?
let did_push = match self.candidate_order {
CandidateOrder::SmallFirst => {
small_label_first::<S, E>(target, alternative.clone(), &mut queue)
CandidateOrder::LargeLast => {
large_label_last::<S, E>(target, alternative.clone(), &mut queue)
CandidateOrder::Naive => queue.push_back(target, alternative.clone()),
if did_push {
let count = occurrences.entry(;
*count += 1;
// If the heuristic failed (or is disabled) this is the fail-safe mechanism
// to detect any negative cycles.
// We know that a shortest path can at most go through n nodes, therefore we
// can detect a negative cycle,
// if we have visited the same node n times.
// As we can only detect a negative cycle quite late this is the worst case and
// the heuristic should be used instead.
if *count == num_nodes {
// negative cycle detected
return Err(;
self.distances.insert(, alternative);
// re-use the same buffer so that we don't need to allocate a new one
let predecessors = self
pub(crate) fn between(mut self, target: NodeId) -> Option<Route<'graph, S, E::Value>> {
let cost = self.distances.remove(&target)?;
let target = self.graph.node(target)?;
let transit = if self.predecessor_mode == PredecessorMode::Record {
reconstruct_paths_between(&self.predecessors,, target)
} else {
Path::new(self.source, transit, target),
pub(crate) fn all(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Route<'graph, S, E::Value>> {
let Self {
} = self;
.filter_map(|(target, cost)| graph.node(target).map(|target| (target, cost)))
.map(move |(target, cost)| {
let transit = if predecessor_mode == PredecessorMode::Record {
reconstruct_paths_between(&predecessors,, target)
} else {
Route::new(Path::new(source, transit, target), Cost::new(cost))