blob: ee676c299df24f064b6997bb662a8464698b55c7 [file] [log] [blame]
use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use numi::borrow::Moo;
use ordered_float::NotNan;
use petgraph_core::{edge::marker::Directed, Edge, GraphStorage, Node};
use petgraph_dino::{DiDinoGraph, DinoStorage};
use petgraph_utils::{graph, GraphCollection};
use crate::shortest_paths::{AStar, ShortestDistance, ShortestPath};
/// Uses the graph from networkx
/// <>
factory(networkx) => DiDinoGraph<&'static str, usize>;
s: "S",
u: "U",
v: "V",
x: "X",
y: "Y",
z: "Z",
su: s -> u: 10,
sx: s -> x: 5,
uv: u -> v: 1,
ux: u -> x: 2,
vy: v -> y: 1,
xu: x -> u: 3,
xv: x -> v: 5,
xy: x -> y: 2,
ys: y -> s: 7,
yv: y -> v: 6,
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Point {
x: f32,
y: f32,
impl Point {
fn distance(self, other: Self) -> f32 {
(self.x - other.x).hypot(self.y - other.y)
fn manhattan_distance(self, other: Self) -> f32 {
(self.x - other.x).abs() + (self.y - other.y).abs()
factory(planar) => DiDinoGraph<Point, f32>;
a: Point { x: 0.0, y: 0.0 },
b: Point { x: 2.0, y: 0.0 },
c: Point { x: 1.0, y: 1.0 },
d: Point { x: 0.0, y: 2.0 },
e: Point { x: 3.0, y: 3.0 },
f: Point { x: 4.0, y: 2.0 },
g: Point { x: 5.0, y: 5.0 },
ab: a -> b: @{ a.distance(*b) },
ad: a -> d: @{ a.distance(*d) },
bc: b -> c: @{ b.distance(*c) },
bf: b -> f: @{ b.distance(*f) },
ce: c -> e: @{ c.distance(*e) },
ef: e -> f: @{ e.distance(*f) },
de: d -> e: @{ d.distance(*e) },
const fn no_heuristic<'a, S>(_: Node<'a, S>, _: Node<'a, S>) -> Moo<'a, usize>
S: GraphStorage,
// TODO: multigraph
fn directed_path_between() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = networkx::create();
let astar = AStar::directed().with_heuristic(no_heuristic);
let route = astar.path_between(&graph, nodes.s, nodes.v).unwrap();
let (path, cost) = route.into_parts();
let nodes: Vec<_> = path
.map(|node| *node.weight())
assert_eq!(nodes, vec!["S", "X", "U", "V"]);
assert_eq!(cost.into_value(), 9);
fn directed_no_path_between() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = networkx::create();
let astar = AStar::directed().with_heuristic(no_heuristic);
let route = astar.path_between(&graph, nodes.s, nodes.z);
fn undirected_path_between() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = networkx::create();
let astar = AStar::undirected().with_heuristic(no_heuristic);
let route = astar.path_between(&graph, nodes.s, nodes.v).unwrap();
let (path, cost) = route.into_parts();
let nodes: Vec<_> = path
.map(|node| *node.weight())
assert_eq!(nodes, vec!["S", "Y", "V"]);
assert_eq!(cost.into_value(), 8);
fn undirected_no_path_between() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = networkx::create();
let astar = AStar::undirected().with_heuristic(no_heuristic);
let route = astar.path_between(&graph, nodes.s, nodes.z);
fn directed_distance_between() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = networkx::create();
let astar = AStar::directed().with_heuristic(no_heuristic);
let cost = astar.distance_between(&graph, nodes.s, nodes.v).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cost.into_value(), 9);
fn directed_no_distance_between() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = networkx::create();
let astar = AStar::directed().with_heuristic(no_heuristic);
let cost = astar.distance_between(&graph, nodes.s, nodes.z);
fn undirected_distance_between() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = networkx::create();
let astar = AStar::undirected().with_heuristic(no_heuristic);
let cost = astar.distance_between(&graph, nodes.s, nodes.v).unwrap();
assert_eq!(cost.into_value(), 8);
fn undirected_no_distance_between() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = networkx::create();
let astar = AStar::undirected().with_heuristic(no_heuristic);
let cost = astar.distance_between(&graph, nodes.s, nodes.z);
fn manhattan_distance<'graph, S>(
source: Node<'graph, S>,
target: Node<'graph, S>,
) -> Moo<'graph, NotNan<f32>>
S: GraphStorage<NodeWeight = Point>,
let source = source.weight();
let target = target.weight();
let distance =
NotNan::new(source.manhattan_distance(*target)).expect("distance should be a number");
fn ensure_not_nan<S>(edge: Edge<S>) -> Moo<'_, NotNan<f32>>
S: GraphStorage<EdgeWeight = f32>,
let weight = NotNan::new(*edge.weight()).expect("weight should be a number");
fn directed_path_between_manhattan() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = planar::create();
let astar = AStar::directed()
let route = astar.path_between(&graph, nodes.a, nodes.f).unwrap();
let (path, cost) = route.into_parts();
let path: Vec<_> = path.to_vec().into_iter().map(|node|;
assert_eq!(path, [nodes.a, nodes.b, nodes.f]);
let a = graph.node(nodes.a).unwrap();
let b = graph.node(nodes.b).unwrap();
let f = graph.node(nodes.f).unwrap();
a.weight().distance(*b.weight()) + b.weight().distance(*f.weight())
fn directed_distance_between_manhattan() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = planar::create();
let astar = AStar::directed()
let cost = astar.distance_between(&graph, nodes.a, nodes.f).unwrap();
let a = graph.node(nodes.a).unwrap();
let b = graph.node(nodes.b).unwrap();
let f = graph.node(nodes.f).unwrap();
a.weight().distance(*b.weight()) + b.weight().distance(*f.weight())
graph!(factory(inconsistent) => DiDinoGraph<&'static str, usize>;
a: "A",
b: "B",
c: "C",
d: "D",
ab: a -> b: 3,
bc: b -> c: 3,
cd: c -> d: 3,
ac: a -> c: 8,
ad: a -> d: 10,
fn admissible_inconsistent<'a, S>(source: Node<'a, S>, _target: Node<'a, S>) -> Moo<'a, usize>
S: GraphStorage,
S::NodeWeight: AsRef<str>,
match source.weight().as_ref() {
"A" => Moo::Owned(9),
"B" => Moo::Owned(6),
_ => Moo::Owned(0),
/// Excerpt from*_search_algorithm#Admissibility_and_optimality
/// > If the heuristic function is admissible – meaning that it never overestimates the actual
/// > cost to get to the goal – A* is guaranteed to return a least-cost path from start to goal.
/// If a heuristic is admissible, but inconsistent, A* will still find the optimal path, but it
/// may expand more nodes than needed.
/// Papers:
/// * <>
/// * <>
// TODO: move to algorithm docs
fn directed_path_between_admissible_inconsistent() {
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = inconsistent::create();
let astar = AStar::directed().with_heuristic(admissible_inconsistent);
let route = astar.path_between(&graph, nodes.a, nodes.d).unwrap();
let (path, cost) = route.into_parts();
let path: Vec<_> = path.to_vec().into_iter().map(|node|;
assert_eq!(path, [nodes.a, nodes.b, nodes.c, nodes.d]);
assert_eq!(cost.into_value(), 9);
graph!(factory(runtime) => DiDinoGraph<char, usize>;
a: 'A',
b: 'B',
c: 'C',
d: 'D',
e: 'E',
ab: a -> b: 2,
ac: a -> c: 3,
bd: b -> d: 3,
cd: c -> d: 1,
de: d -> e: 1,
fn optimal_runtime() {
// Needed to bind the lifetime of the closure, does some compiler magic.
fn bind<S, T>(closure: impl Fn(Edge<S>) -> Moo<T>) -> impl Fn(Edge<S>) -> Moo<T> {
static CALLS: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
let GraphCollection { graph, nodes, .. } = runtime::create();
let astar = AStar::directed()
.with_edge_cost(bind(|edge: Edge<DinoStorage<char, usize, Directed>>| {
CALLS.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
astar.path_between(&graph, nodes.a, nodes.e).unwrap();
// A* is runtime optimal in the sense it won't expand more nodes than needed, for the given
// heuristic. Here, A* should expand, in order: A, B, C, D, E. This should should ask for
// the costs of edges (A, B), (A, C), (B, D), (C, D), (D, E). Node D will be added
// to `visit_next` twice, but should only be expanded once. If it is erroneously
// expanded twice, it will call for (D, E) again and `times_called` will be 6.
assert_eq!(CALLS.load(Ordering::SeqCst), 5);
// fn expand_graph_value_space(graph: &DiGraph<(), u8, u8>) -> Graph<(), u64, Directed, u8> {
//|_, _| (), |_, weight| u64::from(*weight))
// }
// prop_compose! {
// // we allow selecting the same node as start and end, because it's a valid use case.
// // we also expand the value space from the initial `u8` to `u64` to avoid overflows.
// fn graph_with_two_nodes()
// (graph in any::<DiGraph::<(), u8, u8>>().prop_filter("graph must have at least one node",
// |graph| graph.node_count() >= 1)) (start in 0..graph.node_count(), end in
// 0..graph.node_count(), graph in Just(graph)) -> (DiGraph<(), u64, u8>, NodeIndex<u8>,
// NodeIndex<u8>) { (expand_graph_value_space(&graph), NodeIndex::new(start),
// NodeIndex::new(end)) }
// }
// #[cfg(not(miri))]
// proptest! {
// #[test]
// fn null_heuristic_is_dijkstra(
// (graph, start, end) in graph_with_two_nodes()
// ) { let astar_path = astar(&graph, start, |node| node == end, |edge| *edge.weight(), |_| 0);
// let dijkstra_path = dijkstra(&graph, start, Some(end), |edge| *edge.weight());
// match astar_path {
// None => {
// prop_assert_eq!(dijkstra_path.get(&end), None);
// }
// Some((distance, _)) => {
// prop_assert_eq!(dijkstra_path.get(&end), Some(&distance));
// }
// }
// }
// }