blob: 15725da2fbf5ae05efe08b95343809163bdb63e8 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap},
env, fs,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use criterion::{criterion_group, BenchmarkId, Criterion};
use petgraph_algorithms::shortest_paths::{Dijkstra, ShortestDistance};
use petgraph_core::node::NodeId;
use petgraph_dino::DiDinoGraph;
fn get_cargo_workspace() -> Arc<Path> {
static WORKSPACES: Mutex<BTreeMap<String, Arc<Path>>> = Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new());
let manifest_dir = env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR");
let mut workspaces = WORKSPACES.lock().expect("lock workspaces");
if let Some(path) = workspaces.get(manifest_dir) {
return Arc::clone(path);
let output =
process::Command::new(env::var("CARGO").ok().unwrap_or_else(|| "cargo".to_owned()))
.expect("execute `cargo metadata`");
let manifest = serde_json::from_slice::<serde_json::Value>(&output.stdout).expect("parse json");
let root = PathBuf::from(manifest["workspace_root"].as_str().expect("workspace root"));
let root = Arc::from(root);
workspaces.insert(manifest_dir.to_owned(), Arc::clone(&root));
fn input(file: &str) -> Arc<Path> {
let workspace = get_cargo_workspace();
let path = workspace
assert!(path.exists(), "{} does not exist", path.display());
macro_rules! next {
($iter:ident as $ty:ty) => {
.expect("expected token")
.expect(concat!("is ", stringify!($ty)))
fn parse_coordinate_file(path: &Path) -> Vec<(usize, i128, i128)> {
let contents = fs::read_to_string(path).expect("able to read file");
let mut output = vec![];
let mut amount_of_lines = None;
for line in contents.lines() {
let type_ = line.as_bytes()[0];
match type_ {
b'c' => continue,
b'p' if amount_of_lines.is_none() => {
let mut iter = line.split_whitespace();
assert_eq!(, Some("p"));
assert_eq!(, Some("aux"));
assert_eq!(, Some("sp"));
assert_eq!(, Some("co"));
amount_of_lines = Some(next!(iter as usize));
assert_eq!(, None);
b'p' => panic!("multiple problem lines"),
b'v' if amount_of_lines.is_some() => {
let mut iter = line.split_whitespace();
assert_eq!(, Some("v"));
let id = next!(iter as usize);
let x = next!(iter as i128);
let y = next!(iter as i128);
assert_eq!(, None);
output.push((id, x, y));
if let Some(amount_of_lines) = &mut amount_of_lines {
*amount_of_lines = amount_of_lines.checked_sub(1).expect("too many lines");
b'v' => panic!("vertex lines before problem statement"),
_ => panic!("unknown instruction"),
fn parse_graph_file(path: &Path) -> Vec<(usize, usize, u128)> {
let contents = fs::read_to_string(path).expect("able to read file");
let mut output = vec![];
let mut amount_of_lines = None;
for line in contents.lines() {
let type_ = line.as_bytes()[0];
match type_ {
b'c' => continue,
b'p' if amount_of_lines.is_none() => {
let mut iter = line.split_whitespace();
assert_eq!(, Some("p"));
assert_eq!(, Some("sp"));
let _number_of_nodes = next!(iter as usize);
let number_of_edges = next!(iter as usize);
amount_of_lines = Some(number_of_edges);
assert_eq!(, None);
b'p' => panic!("multiple problem lines"),
b'a' if amount_of_lines.is_some() => {
let mut iter = line.split_whitespace();
assert_eq!(, Some("a"));
let source = next!(iter as usize);
let target = next!(iter as usize);
let weight = next!(iter as u128);
assert_eq!(, None);
output.push((source, target, weight));
if let Some(amount_of_lines) = &mut amount_of_lines {
*amount_of_lines = amount_of_lines.checked_sub(1).expect("too many lines");
b'a' => panic!("edge lines before problem statement"),
_ => panic!("unknown instruction"),
struct Node {
id: usize,
x: i128,
y: i128,
fn build_graph(filename: &str) -> (NodeId, DiDinoGraph<Node, u128>) {
let nodes = parse_coordinate_file(&input(format!("{filename}.co").as_ref()));
let edges = parse_graph_file(&input(format!("{filename}.gr").as_ref()));
let mut lookup = HashMap::new();
let mut source = None;
let mut graph = DiDinoGraph::<Node, u128>::with_capacity(Some(nodes.len()), Some(edges.len()));
for (id, x, y) in nodes {
let node_id = graph.insert_node(Node { id, x, y }).id();
lookup.insert(id, node_id);
if source.is_none() {
source = Some(node_id);
for (source, target, weight) in edges {
let source = lookup[&source];
let target = lookup[&target];
graph.insert_edge(weight, source, target);
(source.expect("source available"), graph)
fn dijkstra(criterion: &mut Criterion) {
BenchmarkId::new("dimacs9/florida", "dijkstra"),
|bench, &filename| {
let (source, graph) = build_graph(filename);
let dijkstra = Dijkstra::directed();
bench.iter(|| {
for distances in dijkstra
.distance_from(&graph, source)
.expect("route available")
criterion_group!(benches, dijkstra);