blob: 329588809807c8827a6e3657fde590b38e3008da [file] [log] [blame]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::array;
use petgraph_core::{
edge::marker::{Directed, Undirected},
Graph, GraphStorage, ManagedGraphId,
use petgraph_dino::{DiDinoGraph, DinoStorage, EdgeId, NodeId};
use petgraph_utils::{graph, GraphCollection};
use super::BellmanFord;
use crate::shortest_paths::{
common::tests::{expected, TestCase},
/// Uses the graph from networkx
/// <>
factory(networkx) => DiDinoGraph<&'static str, f32>;
a: "A",
b: "B",
c: "C",
d: "D",
e: "E",
] as NodeId, [
ab: a -> b: 10f32,
ac: a -> c: 5f32,
bd: b -> d: 1f32,
bc: b -> c: 2f32,
de: d -> e: 1f32,
cb: c -> b: 3f32,
cd: c -> d: 5f32,
ce: c -> e: 2f32,
ea: e -> a: 7f32,
ed: e -> d: 6f32,
] as EdgeId
fn source_does_not_exist() {
let GraphCollection { mut graph, .. } = networkx::create();
let f = graph.insert_node("F").id();
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
let Err(received) = spfa.path_from(&graph, f) else {
panic!("Expected an error");
let error = received.current_context();
assert_eq!(error, &BellmanFordError::NodeNotFound);
fn negative_cycle_heuristic() {
let mut graph = DiDinoGraph::new();
let a = graph.insert_node("A").id();
let b = graph.insert_node("B").id();
let c = graph.insert_node("C").id();
let d = graph.insert_node("D").id();
graph.insert_edge(-1f32, a, b);
graph.insert_edge(-1f32, b, c);
graph.insert_edge(-1f32, c, d);
graph.insert_edge(3f32, d, a);
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
let ca = graph.insert_edge(1.999, c, a).id();
*graph.edge_mut(ca).unwrap().weight_mut() = 2.0;
fn cycle_graph<const N: usize, S>() -> (Graph<S>, [S::NodeId; N], [S::EdgeId; N])
S: GraphStorage<NodeWeight = usize, EdgeWeight = f32>,
S::NodeId: ManagedGraphId + Copy,
S::EdgeId: ManagedGraphId + Copy,
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let nodes: [_; N] = array::from_fn(|index| graph.insert_node(index).id());
let edges: [_; N] = array::from_fn(|index| {
.insert_edge(1f32, nodes[index], nodes[(index + 1) % N])
(graph, nodes, edges)
fn complete_graph<const N: usize, S>() -> (Graph<S>, [S::NodeId; N], Vec<S::EdgeId>)
S: GraphStorage<NodeWeight = usize, EdgeWeight = f32>,
S::NodeId: ManagedGraphId + Copy,
S::EdgeId: ManagedGraphId + Copy,
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let nodes: [_; N] = array::from_fn(|index| graph.insert_node(index).id());
let mut edges = Vec::with_capacity(N * (N - 1) / 2);
for i in 0..N {
for j in i + 1..N {
edges.push(graph.insert_edge(1f32, nodes[i], nodes[j]).id());
(graph, nodes, edges)
fn path_graph<const N: usize, S>() -> (Graph<S>, [S::NodeId; N], Vec<S::EdgeId>)
S: GraphStorage<NodeWeight = usize, EdgeWeight = f32>,
S::NodeId: ManagedGraphId + Copy,
S::EdgeId: ManagedGraphId + Copy,
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let nodes: [_; N] = array::from_fn(|index| graph.insert_node(index).id());
let mut edges = Vec::with_capacity(N - 1);
for i in 0..N - 1 {
edges.push(graph.insert_edge(1f32, nodes[i], nodes[i + 1]).id());
(graph, nodes, edges)
fn negative_cycle_multigraph_directed() {
let (mut graph, nodes, _) = cycle_graph::<5, DinoStorage<_, _>>();
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
// add negative cycle between nodes 1 and 2
graph.insert_edge(-7f32, nodes[1], nodes[2]);
fn negative_cycle_multigraph_undirected() {
let (mut graph, nodes, _) = cycle_graph::<5, DinoStorage<_, _, Undirected>>();
let spfa = BellmanFord::undirected();
// add negative cycle between nodes 1 and 2
graph.insert_edge(-3f32, nodes[1], nodes[2]);
fn negative_self_cycle() {
let mut graph = DiDinoGraph::new();
let a = graph.insert_node("A").id();
graph.insert_edge(-1f32, a, a);
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
fn zero_cycle() {
let (mut graph, nodes, _) = cycle_graph::<5, DinoStorage<_, _>>();
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
// add zero cycle between nodes 2 and 3
let edge = graph.insert_edge(-4f32, nodes[2], nodes[3]).id();
// increase that cycle to a negative cycle
*graph.edge_mut(edge).unwrap().weight_mut() = -4.0001f32;
fn negative_weight() {
let (mut graph, nodes, _) = cycle_graph::<5, DinoStorage<_, _, Directed>>();
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
// add negative weight to edge between nodes 1 and 2
graph.insert_edge(-3f32, nodes[1], nodes[2]);
let expected = expected!(nodes; [
0 -()> 0: 0f32,
0 -()> 1: 1f32,
0 -(1)> 2: -2f32,
0 -(1, 2)> 3: -1f32,
0 -(1, 2, 3)> 4: 0f32,
TestCase::new(&graph, &spfa, &expected).assert_path_from(nodes[0]);
fn not_connected() {
let (mut graph, nodes, _) = complete_graph::<6, DinoStorage<_, _>>();
let g = graph.insert_node(10).id();
let h = graph.insert_node(11).id();
let i = graph.insert_node(12).id();
graph.insert_edge(1f32, g, h);
graph.insert_edge(1f32, g, i);
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
let expected = expected!(nodes; [
0 -()> 0: 0f32,
0 -()> 1: 1f32,
0 -()> 2: 1f32,
0 -()> 3: 1f32,
0 -()> 4: 1f32,
0 -()> 5: 1f32,
TestCase::new(&graph, &spfa, &expected).assert_path_from(nodes[0]);
fn negative_cycle_not_connected() {
let (mut graph, nodes, _) = complete_graph::<6, DinoStorage<_, _>>();
let g = graph.insert_node(10).id();
let h = graph.insert_node(11).id();
let i = graph.insert_node(12).id();
graph.insert_edge(1f32, g, h);
graph.insert_edge(1f32, h, i);
graph.insert_edge(-3f32, i, g);
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
let expected = expected!(nodes; [
0 -()> 0: 0f32,
0 -()> 1: 1f32,
0 -()> 2: 1f32,
0 -()> 3: 1f32,
0 -()> 4: 1f32,
0 -()> 5: 1f32,
TestCase::new(&graph, &spfa, &expected).assert_path_from(nodes[0]);
fn path() {
let (graph, nodes, _) = path_graph::<5, DinoStorage<_, _>>();
let spfa = BellmanFord::directed();
let expected = expected!(nodes; [
0 -()> 0: 0f32,
0 -()> 1: 1f32,
0 -(1)> 2: 2f32,
0 -(1, 2)> 3: 3f32,
0 -(1, 2, 3)> 4: 4f32,
TestCase::new(&graph, &spfa, &expected).assert_path_from(nodes[0]);