remove recursive try_match impl
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0d307b9..ba8e3f7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 struct Vf2State<Ty, Ix> {
     /// The current mapping M(s) of nodes from G0 → G1 and G1 → G0,
     /// NodeIndex::end() for no mapping.
-    pub mapping: Vec<NodeIndex<Ix>>,
+    mapping: Vec<NodeIndex<Ix>>,
     /// out[i] is non-zero if i is in either M_0(s) or Tout_0(s)
     /// These are all the next vertices that are not mapped yet, but
     /// have an outgoing edge from the mapping.
@@ -173,12 +173,7 @@
     let mut st = [Vf2State::new(g0), Vf2State::new(g1)];
-    //let y = try_match(&mut st, g0, g1, &mut NoSemanticMatch, &mut NoSemanticMatch).unwrap_or(false);
-    //st = [Vf2State::new(g0), Vf2State::new(g1)];
-    let x = try_match_iter(&mut st, g0, g1, &mut NoSemanticMatch, &mut NoSemanticMatch).unwrap_or(false);
-    //println!("{:?}", (&x, &y));
-    //debug_assert!(x == y);
-    return x;
+    return try_match(&mut st, g0, g1, &mut NoSemanticMatch, &mut NoSemanticMatch).unwrap_or(false);
 /// [Graph] Return `true` if the graphs `g0` and `g1` are isomorphic.
@@ -226,7 +221,7 @@
 /// Return Some(bool) if isomorphism is decided, else None.
-fn try_match_iter<N, E, Ty, Ix, F, G>(mut st: &mut [Vf2State<Ty, Ix>; 2],
+fn try_match<N, E, Ty, Ix, F, G>(mut st: &mut [Vf2State<Ty, Ix>; 2],
                                  g0: &Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>,
                                  g1: &Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>,
                                  node_match: &mut F,
@@ -444,10 +439,8 @@
     let mut stack = vec![Frame::Outer];
-    println!("readysetgo! {:?}", &stack);
     while let Some(frame) = stack.pop() {
-        println!("\t{:?}", &frame);
         match frame {
             Frame::Unwind{nodes, open_list: ol} => {
                 pop_state(&mut st, nodes);
@@ -497,242 +490,3 @@
-/// Return Some(bool) if isomorphism is decided, else None.
-fn try_match<N, E, Ty, Ix, F, G>(st: &mut [Vf2State<Ty, Ix>; 2],
-                                 g0: &Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>,
-                                 g1: &Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>,
-                                 node_match: &mut F,
-                                 edge_match: &mut G)
-    -> Option<bool>
-    where Ty: EdgeType,
-          Ix: IndexType,
-          F: SemanticMatcher<N>,
-          G: SemanticMatcher<E>,
-    let g = [g0, g1];
-    let graph_indices = 0..2;
-    let end = NodeIndex::end();
-    // if all are mapped -- we are done and have an iso
-    if st[0].is_complete() {
-        return Some(true)
-    }
-    // A "depth first" search of a valid mapping from graph 1 to graph 2
-    // F(s, n, m) -- evaluate state s and add mapping n <-> m
-    // Find least T1out node (in st.out[1] but not in M[1])
-    #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
-    enum OpenList {
-        Out,
-        In,
-        Other,
-    }
-    let mut open_list = OpenList::Out;
-    let mut to_index;
-    let mut from_index = None;
-    // Try the out list
-    to_index = st[1].next_out_index(0);
-    if to_index.is_some() {
-        from_index = st[0].next_out_index(0);
-        open_list = OpenList::Out;
-    }
-    // Try the in list
-    if to_index.is_none() || from_index.is_none() {
-        to_index = st[1].next_in_index(0);
-        if to_index.is_some() {
-            from_index = st[0].next_in_index(0);
-            open_list = OpenList::In;
-        }
-    }
-    // Try the other list -- disconnected graph
-    if to_index.is_none() || from_index.is_none() {
-        to_index = st[1].next_rest_index(0);
-        if to_index.is_some() {
-            from_index = st[0].next_rest_index(0);
-            open_list = OpenList::Other;
-        }
-    }
-    let (cand0, cand1) = match (from_index, to_index) {
-        (Some(n), Some(m)) => (n, m),
-        // No more candidates
-        _ => return None,
-    };
-    let mut nx = NodeIndex::new(cand0);
-    let mx = NodeIndex::new(cand1);
-    println!("{:?}\n{:?}\n{:?}\n", (cand0, cand1), &st[0].mapping, &st[1].mapping);
-    let mut first = true;
-    'candidates: loop {
-        if !first {
-            // Find the next node index to try on the `from` side of the mapping
-            let start = nx.index() + 1;
-            let cand0 = match open_list {
-                OpenList::Out => st[0].next_out_index(start),
-                OpenList::In => st[0].next_in_index(start),
-                OpenList::Other => st[0].next_rest_index(start),
-            }.map(|c| c + start); // compensate for start offset.
-            println!("  {:?}", (cand0, cand1));
-            nx = match cand0 {
-                None => break, // no more candidates
-                Some(ix) => NodeIndex::new(ix),
-            };
-            debug_assert!(nx.index() >= start);
-        }
-        first = false;
-        let nodes = [nx, mx];
-        // Check syntactic feasibility of mapping by ensuring adjacencies
-        // of nx map to adjacencies of mx.
-        //
-        // nx == map to => mx
-        //
-        // R_succ
-        //
-        // Check that every neighbor of nx is mapped to a neighbor of mx,
-        // then check the reverse, from mx to nx. Check that they have the same
-        // count of edges.
-        //
-        // Note: We want to check the lookahead measures here if we can,
-        // R_out: Equal for G0, G1: Card(Succ(G, n) ^ Tout); for both Succ and Pred
-        // R_in: Same with Tin
-        // R_new: Equal for G0, G1: Ñ n Pred(G, n); both Succ and Pred,
-        //      Ñ is G0 - M - Tin - Tout
-        // last attempt to add these did not speed up any of the testcases
-        let mut succ_count = [0, 0];
-        for j in graph_indices.clone() {
-            for n_neigh in g[j].neighbors(nodes[j]) {
-                succ_count[j] += 1;
-                // handle the self loop case; it's not in the mapping (yet)
-                let m_neigh = if nodes[j] != n_neigh {
-                    st[j].mapping[n_neigh.index()]
-                } else {
-                    nodes[1 - j]
-                };
-                if m_neigh == end {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                let has_edge = g[1-j].is_adjacent(&st[1-j].adjacency_matrix, nodes[1-j], m_neigh);
-                if !has_edge {
-                    continue 'candidates;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if succ_count[0] != succ_count[1] {
-            continue 'candidates;
-        }
-        // R_pred
-        if g[0].is_directed() {
-            let mut pred_count = [0, 0];
-            for j in graph_indices.clone() {
-                for n_neigh in g[j].neighbors_directed(nodes[j], Incoming) {
-                    pred_count[j] += 1;
-                    // the self loop case is handled in outgoing
-                    let m_neigh = st[j].mapping[n_neigh.index()];
-                    if m_neigh == end {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    let has_edge = g[1-j].is_adjacent(&st[1-j].adjacency_matrix, m_neigh, nodes[1-j]);
-                    if !has_edge {
-                        continue 'candidates;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if pred_count[0] != pred_count[1] {
-                continue 'candidates;
-            }
-        }
-        // semantic feasibility: compare associated data for nodes
-        if F::enabled() && !node_match.eq(&g[0][nodes[0]], &g[1][nodes[1]]) {
-            continue 'candidates;
-        }
-        // semantic feasibility: compare associated data for edges
-        if G::enabled() {
-            // outgoing edges
-            for j in graph_indices.clone() {
-                let mut edges = g[j].neighbors(nodes[j]).detach();
-                while let Some((n_edge, n_neigh)) =[j]) {
-                    // handle the self loop case; it's not in the mapping (yet)
-                    let m_neigh = if nodes[j] != n_neigh {
-                        st[j].mapping[n_neigh.index()]
-                    } else {
-                        nodes[1 - j]
-                    };
-                    if m_neigh == end {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    match g[1-j].find_edge(nodes[1 - j], m_neigh) {
-                        Some(m_edge) => {
-                            if !edge_match.eq(&g[j][n_edge], &g[1-j][m_edge]) {
-                                continue 'candidates;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        None => unreachable!() // covered by syntactic check
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            // incoming edges
-            if g[0].is_directed() {
-                for j in graph_indices.clone() {
-                    let mut edges = g[j].neighbors_directed(nodes[j], Incoming).detach();
-                    while let Some((n_edge, n_neigh)) =[j]) {
-                        // the self loop case is handled in outgoing
-                        let m_neigh = st[j].mapping[n_neigh.index()];
-                        if m_neigh == end {
-                            continue;
-                        }
-                        match g[1-j].find_edge(m_neigh, nodes[1-j]) {
-                            Some(m_edge) => {
-                                if !edge_match.eq(&g[j][n_edge], &g[1-j][m_edge]) {
-                                    continue 'candidates;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            None => unreachable!() // covered by syntactic check
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        println!("\tfeasible");
-        // Add mapping nx <-> mx to the state
-        for j in graph_indices.clone() {
-            st[j].push_mapping(nodes[j], nodes[1-j], g[j]);
-        }
-        // Check cardinalities of Tin, Tout sets
-        if st[0].out_size == st[1].out_size &&
-           st[0].ins_size == st[1].ins_size
-        {
-            println!("\trecurse");
-            // Recurse
-            match try_match(st, g0, g1, node_match, edge_match) {
-                None => {}
-                result => return result,
-            }
-        }
-        println!("\tpop");
-        // Restore state.
-        for j in graph_indices.clone() {
-            st[j].pop_mapping(nodes[j], g[j]);
-        }
-    }
-    None