blob: c236c82f129e3a4538d57a559ac0c0ca51770e54 [file] [log] [blame]
use alloc::collections::BinaryHeap;
use fxhash::FxBuildHasher;
use petgraph_core::deprecated::{
visit::{Data, EdgeRef, IntoEdgeReferences, IntoNodeReferences, NodeIndexable, NodeRef},
use crate::{
utilities::{min_scored::MinScored, union_find::UnionFind},
/// An iterator producing a minimum spanning forest of a graph.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MinSpanningTree<G>
G: Data + IntoNodeReferences,
graph: G,
node_ids: Option<G::NodeReferences>,
subgraphs: UnionFind<usize>,
sort_edges: BinaryHeap<MinScored<G::EdgeWeight, (G::NodeId, G::NodeId)>>,
node_map: IndexMap<usize, usize>,
node_count: usize,
impl<G> Iterator for MinSpanningTree<G>
G: IntoNodeReferences + NodeIndexable,
G::NodeWeight: Clone,
G::EdgeWeight: TotalOrd,
type Item = Element<G::NodeWeight, G::EdgeWeight>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let g = self.graph;
if let Some(ref mut iter) = self.node_ids {
if let Some(node) = {
self.node_map.insert(g.to_index(, self.node_count);
self.node_count += 1;
return Some(Element::Node {
weight: node.weight().clone(),
self.node_ids = None;
// Kruskal's algorithm.
// Algorithm is this:
// 1. Create a pre-MST with all the vertices and no edges.
// 2. Repeat:
// a. Remove the shortest edge from the original graph.
// b. If the edge connects two disjoint trees in the pre-MST,
// add the edge.
while let Some(MinScored(score, (a, b))) = self.sort_edges.pop() {
// check if the edge would connect two disjoint parts
let (a_index, b_index) = (g.to_index(a), g.to_index(b));
if self.subgraphs.union(a_index, b_index) {
let (&a_order, &b_order) =
match (self.node_map.get(&a_index), self.node_map.get(&b_index)) {
(Some(a_id), Some(b_id)) => (a_id, b_id),
_ => panic!("Edge references unknown node"),
return Some(Element::Edge {
source: a_order,
target: b_order,
weight: score,
/// \[Generic\] Compute a *minimum spanning tree* of a graph.
/// The input graph is treated as if undirected.
/// Using Kruskal's algorithm with runtime **O(|E| log |E|)**. We actually
/// return a minimum spanning forest, i.e. a minimum spanning tree for each connected
/// component of the graph.
/// The resulting graph has all the vertices of the input graph (with identical node indices),
/// and **|V| - c** edges, where **c** is the number of connected components in `g`.
/// Use `from_elements` to create a graph from the resulting iterator.
pub fn minimum_spanning_tree<G>(g: G) -> MinSpanningTree<G>
G::NodeWeight: Clone,
G::EdgeWeight: Clone + TotalOrd,
G: IntoNodeReferences + IntoEdgeReferences + NodeIndexable,
// Initially each vertex is its own disjoint subgraph, track the connectedness
// of the pre-MST with a union & find datastructure.
let subgraphs = UnionFind::new(g.node_bound());
let edges = g.edge_references();
let mut sort_edges = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(edges.size_hint().0);
for edge in edges {
MinSpanningTree {
graph: g,
node_ids: Some(g.node_references()),
node_map: IndexMap::with_hasher(FxBuildHasher::default()),
node_count: 0,
mod tests {
use alloc::{format, vec::Vec};
use petgraph_core::data::FromElements;
use petgraph_graph::{DiGraph, Graph, UnGraph};
use proptest::prelude::*;
use super::*;
use crate::cycles::is_cyclic_undirected;
/// Setup the graph used in several tests.
/// The graph is taken from the Wikipedia article on Kruskal's algorithm.
/// <>
fn setup_wikipedia() -> Graph<&'static str, u32> {
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node("A");
let b = graph.add_node("B");
let c = graph.add_node("C");
let d = graph.add_node("D");
let e = graph.add_node("E");
let f = graph.add_node("F");
let g = graph.add_node("G");
(a, b, 7),
(a, d, 5),
(b, c, 8),
(b, d, 9),
(b, e, 7),
(c, e, 5),
(d, e, 15),
(d, f, 6),
(e, f, 8),
(e, g, 9),
(f, g, 11),
/// Test that the minimum spanning tree of a graph is correct.
fn example() {
let graph = setup_wikipedia();
let mst = UnGraph::<_, _>::from_elements(minimum_spanning_tree(&graph));
// convert between node indices and node weights
let node = |index| *mst.node_weight(index).unwrap();
let mut edges = mst
.map(|e| (node(e.source()), node(, e.weight()))
edges.sort_by_key(|e| (e.0, e.1));
assert_eq!(edges, [
("A", "B", &7),
("A", "D", &5),
("B", "E", &7),
("C", "E", &5),
("D", "F", &6),
("E", "G", &9),
/// Test that the minimum spanning tree of a disjoint graph is correct.
/// ```text
/// A → B
/// ↘ ↓
/// C
/// D → E
/// ```
/// Where the edges are weighted as follows:
/// * A → B: 1
/// * A → C: 2
/// * B → C: 3
/// * D → E: 4
fn disjoint() {
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node("A");
let b = graph.add_node("B");
let c = graph.add_node("C");
let d = graph.add_node("D");
let e = graph.add_node("E");
(a, b, 1), //
(a, c, 2),
(b, c, 3),
(d, e, 4),
let mst = UnGraph::<_, _>::from_elements(minimum_spanning_tree(&graph));
// convert between node indices and node weights
let node = |index| *mst.node_weight(index).unwrap();
let mut edges = mst
.map(|e| (node(e.source()), node(, e.weight()))
edges.sort_by_key(|e| (e.0, e.1));
assert_eq!(edges, [
("A", "B", &1), //
("A", "C", &2),
("D", "E", &4),
proptest! {
/// Verify the assumption that every minimum spanning tree must not be cyclic.
fn no_cycles_directed(graph in any::<DiGraph<(), u8, u8>>()) {
let mst = UnGraph::<_, _>::from_elements(minimum_spanning_tree(&graph));
/// Verify the assumption that the nodes of a minimum spanning tree always include all nodes.
fn consistent_node_count_directed(graph in any::<DiGraph<(), u8, u8>>()) {
let nodes = graph.node_count();
let mst = UnGraph::<_, _>::from_elements(minimum_spanning_tree(&graph));
prop_assert_eq!(mst.node_count(), nodes);
/// Verify the assumption that every minimum spanning tree must not be cyclic.
fn no_cycles_undirected(graph in any::<UnGraph<(), u8, u8>>()) {
let mst = UnGraph::<_, _>::from_elements(minimum_spanning_tree(&graph));
/// Verify the assumption that the nodes of a minimum spanning tree always include all nodes.
fn consistent_node_count_undirected(graph in any::<UnGraph<(), u8, u8>>()) {
let nodes = graph.node_count();
let mst = UnGraph::<_, _>::from_elements(minimum_spanning_tree(&graph));
prop_assert_eq!(mst.node_count(), nodes);