blob: 0b1567fde3142459ff8979c341fb2cd94b145965 [file] [log] [blame]
//! **Graph\<N, E, Ty\>** is a graph datastructure using an adjacency list representation.
use std::fmt;
use std::slice;
use std::iter;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
use std::collections::BitvSet;
use super::{
EdgeDirection, Outgoing, Incoming,
use super::MinScored;
use super::unionfind::UnionFind;
use super::visit::{
// FIXME: These aren't stable, so a public wrapper of node/edge indices
// should be lifetimed just like pointers.
/// Node identifier.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Show, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct NodeIndex(pub usize);
/// Edge identifier.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct EdgeIndex(pub usize);
impl fmt::Show for EdgeIndex
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
try!(write!(f, "EdgeIndex("));
if *self == EDGE_END {
try!(write!(f, "End"));
} else {
try!(write!(f, "{}", self.0));
write!(f, ")")
/// An invalid **EdgeIndex** used to denote absence of an edge, for example
/// to end an adjacency list.
pub const EDGE_END: EdgeIndex = EdgeIndex(::std::usize::MAX);
const DIRECTIONS: [EdgeDirection; 2] = [EdgeDirection::Outgoing, EdgeDirection::Incoming];
/// The graph's node type.
#[derive(Show, Clone)]
pub struct Node<N> {
/// Associated node data.
pub weight: N,
/// Next edge in outgoing and incoming edge lists.
next: [EdgeIndex; 2],
impl<N> Node<N>
/// Accessor for data structure internals: the first edge in the given direction.
pub fn next_edge(&self, dir: EdgeDirection) -> EdgeIndex
{[dir as usize]
/// The graph's edge type.
#[derive(Show, Clone)]
pub struct Edge<E> {
/// Associated edge data.
pub weight: E,
/// Next edge in outgoing and incoming edge lists.
next: [EdgeIndex; 2],
/// Start and End node index
node: [NodeIndex; 2],
impl<E> Edge<E>
/// Accessor for data structure internals: the next edge for the given direction.
pub fn next_edge(&self, dir: EdgeDirection) -> EdgeIndex
{[dir as usize]
/// Return the source node index.
pub fn source(&self) -> NodeIndex
/// Return the target node index.
pub fn target(&self) -> NodeIndex
/// **Graph\<N, E, Ty\>** is a graph datastructure using an adjacency list representation.
/// **Graph** is parameterized over the node weight **N**, edge weight **E** and
/// the parameter **Ty** that determines whether the graph has directed edges or not.
/// Based on the graph implementation in rustc.
/// The graph maintains unique indices for nodes and edges, and node and edge
/// weights may be accessed mutably.
/// **NodeIndex** and **EdgeIndex** are types that act as references to nodes and edges,
/// but these are only stable across certain operations. **Removing nodes or edges may shift
/// other indices**. Adding to the graph keeps
/// all indices stable, but removing a node will force the last node to shift its index to
/// take its place. Similarly, removing an edge shifts the index of the last edge.
pub struct Graph<N, E, Ty=Directed> {
nodes: Vec<Node<N>>,
edges: Vec<Edge<E>>,
impl<N: fmt::Show, E: fmt::Show, Ty: EdgeType> fmt::Show for Graph<N, E, Ty>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
for (index, n) in self.nodes.iter().enumerate() {
try!(writeln!(f, "{}: {:?}", index, n));
for (index, n) in self.edges.iter().enumerate() {
try!(writeln!(f, "{}: {:?}", index, n));
enum Pair<T> {
Both(T, T),
fn index_twice<T>(slc: &mut [T], a: usize, b: usize) -> Pair<&mut T>
if a == b {
slc.get_mut(a).map_or(Pair::None, Pair::One)
} else {
if a >= slc.len() || b >= slc.len() {
} else {
// safe because a, b are in bounds and distinct
unsafe {
let ar = &mut *(slc.get_unchecked_mut(a) as *mut _);
let br = &mut *(slc.get_unchecked_mut(b) as *mut _);
Pair::Both(ar, br)
impl<N, E> Graph<N, E, Directed>
/// Create a new **Graph** with directed edges.
pub fn new() -> Self
Graph{nodes: Vec::new(), edges: Vec::new()}
impl<N, E> Graph<N, E, Undirected>
/// Create a new **Graph** with undirected edges.
pub fn new_undirected() -> Self
Graph{nodes: Vec::new(), edges: Vec::new()}
impl<N, E, Ty=Directed> Graph<N, E, Ty> where Ty: EdgeType
/// Create a new **Graph** with estimated capacity.
pub fn with_capacity(nodes: usize, edges: usize) -> Self
Graph{nodes: Vec::with_capacity(nodes), edges: Vec::with_capacity(edges)}
/// Return the number of nodes (vertices) in the graph.
pub fn node_count(&self) -> usize
/// Return the number of edges in the graph.
/// Computes in **O(1)** time.
pub fn edge_count(&self) -> usize
/// Return whether the graph has directed edges or not.
pub fn is_directed(&self) -> bool
/// Cast the graph as either undirected or directed. No edge adjustments
/// are done.
/// Computes in **O(1)** time.
pub fn into_edge_type<NewTy>(self) -> Graph<N, E, NewTy> where
NewTy: EdgeType
Graph{nodes: self.nodes, edges: self.edges}
/// Add a node (also called vertex) with weight **w** to the graph.
/// Computes in **O(1)** time.
/// Return the index of the new node.
pub fn add_node(&mut self, w: N) -> NodeIndex
let node = Node{weight: w, next: [EDGE_END, EDGE_END]};
let node_idx = NodeIndex(self.nodes.len());
/// Access node weight for node **a**.
pub fn node_weight(&self, a: NodeIndex) -> Option<&N>
self.nodes.get(a.0).map(|n| &n.weight)
/// Access node weight for node **a**.
pub fn node_weight_mut(&mut self, a: NodeIndex) -> Option<&mut N>
self.nodes.get_mut(a.0).map(|n| &mut n.weight)
/// Return an iterator of all nodes with an edge starting from **a**.
/// Produces an empty iterator if the node doesn't exist.
/// Iterator element type is **NodeIndex**.
pub fn neighbors(&self, a: NodeIndex) -> Neighbors<E>
if self.is_directed() {
self.neighbors_directed(a, Outgoing)
} else {
/// Return an iterator of all neighbors that have an edge between them and **a**,
/// in the specified direction.
/// If the graph is undirected, this is equivalent to *.neighbors(a)*.
/// Produces an empty iterator if the node doesn't exist.
/// Iterator element type is **NodeIndex**.
pub fn neighbors_directed(&self, a: NodeIndex, dir: EdgeDirection) -> Neighbors<E>
let mut iter = self.neighbors_undirected(a);
if self.is_directed() {
// remove the other edges not wanted.
let k = dir as usize;[1 - k] = EDGE_END;
/// Return an iterator of all neighbors that have an edge between them and **a**,
/// in either direction.
/// If the graph is undirected, this is equivalent to *.neighbors(a)*.
/// Produces an empty iterator if the node doesn't exist.
/// Iterator element type is **NodeIndex**.
pub fn neighbors_undirected(&self, a: NodeIndex) -> Neighbors<E>
edges: &*self.edges,
next: match self.nodes.get(a.0) {
Some(n) =>,
/// Return an iterator over the neighbors of node **a**, paired with their respective edge
/// weights.
/// Produces an empty iterator if the node doesn't exist.
/// Iterator element type is **(NodeIndex, &'a E)**.
pub fn edges(&self, a: NodeIndex) -> Edges<E>
let mut iter = self.edges_both(a);
if self.is_directed() {[Incoming as usize] = EDGE_END;
/// Return an iterator over the edgs from **a** to its neighbors, then *to* **a** from its
/// neighbors.
/// Produces an empty iterator if the node doesn't exist.
/// Iterator element type is **(NodeIndex, &'a E)**.
pub fn edges_both(&self, a: NodeIndex) -> Edges<E>
edges: &*self.edges,
next: match self.nodes.get(a.0) {
Some(n) =>,
/// Add an edge from **a** to **b** to the graph, with its edge weight.
/// **Note:** **Graph** allows adding parallel (“duplicate”) edges. If you want
/// to avoid this, use [*.update_edge(a, b, weight)*](#method.update_edge) instead.
/// Computes in **O(1)** time.
/// Return the index of the new edge.
/// **Panics** if any of the nodes don't exist.
pub fn add_edge(&mut self, a: NodeIndex, b: NodeIndex, weight: E) -> EdgeIndex
let edge_idx = EdgeIndex(self.edges.len());
match index_twice(self.nodes.as_mut_slice(), a.0, b.0) {
Pair::None => panic!("NodeIndices out of bounds"),
Pair::One(an) => {
let edge = Edge {
weight: weight,
node: [a, b],
};[0] = edge_idx;[1] = edge_idx;
Pair::Both(an, bn) => {
// a and b are different indices
let edge = Edge {
weight: weight,
node: [a, b],
next: [[0],[1]],
};[0] = edge_idx;[1] = edge_idx;
/// Add or update an edge from **a** to **b**.
/// If the edge already exists, its weight is updated.
/// Computes in **O(e')** time, where **e'** is the number of edges
/// connected to the vertices **a** (and **b**).
/// Return the index of the affected edge.
/// **Panics** if any of the nodes don't exist.
pub fn update_edge(&mut self, a: NodeIndex, b: NodeIndex, weight: E) -> EdgeIndex
if let Some(ix) = self.find_edge(a, b) {
match self.edge_weight_mut(ix) {
Some(ed) => {
*ed = weight;
return ix;
None => {}
self.add_edge(a, b, weight)
/// Access the edge weight for **e**.
pub fn edge_weight(&self, e: EdgeIndex) -> Option<&E>
self.edges.get(e.0).map(|ed| &ed.weight)
/// Access the edge weight for **e** mutably.
pub fn edge_weight_mut(&mut self, e: EdgeIndex) -> Option<&mut E>
self.edges.get_mut(e.0).map(|ed| &mut ed.weight)
/// Remove **a** from the graph if it exists, and return its weight.
/// If it doesn't exist in the graph, return **None**.
pub fn remove_node(&mut self, a: NodeIndex) -> Option<N>
match self.nodes.get(a.0) {
None => return None,
_ => {}
for d in DIRECTIONS.iter() {
let k = *d as usize;
println!("Starting edge removal for k={}, node={}", k, a);
for (i, n) in self.nodes.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Node {}: Edges={}", i,;
for (i, ed) in self.edges.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Edge {}: {}", i, ed);
// Remove all edges from and to this node.
loop {
let next = self.nodes[a.0].next[k];
if next == EDGE_END {
let ret = self.remove_edge(next);
let _ = ret;
// Use swap_remove -- only the swapped-in node is going to change
// NodeIndex, so we only have to walk its edges and update them.
let node = self.nodes.swap_remove(a.0);
// Find the edge lists of the node that had to relocate.
// It may be that no node had to relocate, then we are done already.
let swap_edges = match self.nodes.get(a.0) {
None => return Some(node.weight),
Some(ed) =>,
// The swapped element's old index
let old_index = NodeIndex(self.nodes.len());
let new_index = a;
// Adjust the starts of the out edges, and ends of the in edges.
for &d in DIRECTIONS.iter() {
let k = d as usize;
for (_, curedge) in EdgesMut::new(self.edges.as_mut_slice(), swap_edges[k], d) {
debug_assert!(curedge.node[k] == old_index);
curedge.node[k] = new_index;
/// For edge **e** with endpoints **edge_node**, replace links to it,
/// with links to **edge_next**.
fn change_edge_links(&mut self, edge_node: [NodeIndex; 2], e: EdgeIndex,
edge_next: [EdgeIndex; 2])
for &d in DIRECTIONS.iter() {
let k = d as usize;
let node = match self.nodes.get_mut(edge_node[k].0) {
Some(r) => r,
None => {
debug_assert!(false, "Edge's endpoint dir={:?} index={:?} not found",
d, edge_node[k]);
let fst =[k];
if fst == e {
//println!("Updating first edge 0 for node {}, set to {}", edge_node[0], edge_next[0]);[k] = edge_next[k];
} else {
for (_i, curedge) in EdgesMut::new(self.edges.as_mut_slice(), fst, d) {
if[k] == e {[k] = edge_next[k];
break; // the edge can only be present once in the list.
/// Remove an edge and return its edge weight, or **None** if it didn't exist.
/// Computes in **O(e')** time, where **e'** is the size of four particular edge lists, for
/// the vertices of **e** and the vertices of another affected edge.
pub fn remove_edge(&mut self, e: EdgeIndex) -> Option<E>
// every edge is part of two lists,
// outgoing and incoming edges.
// Remove it from both
let (edge_node, edge_next) = match self.edges.get(e.0) {
None => return None,
Some(x) => (x.node,,
// Remove the edge from its in and out lists by replacing it with
// a link to the next in the list.
self.change_edge_links(edge_node, e, edge_next);
fn remove_edge_adjust_indices(&mut self, e: EdgeIndex) -> Option<E>
// swap_remove the edge -- only the removed edge
// and the edge swapped into place are affected and need updating
// indices.
let edge = self.edges.swap_remove(e.0);
let swap = match self.edges.get(e.0) {
// no elment needed to be swapped.
None => return Some(edge.weight),
Some(ed) => ed.node,
let swapped_e = EdgeIndex(self.edges.len());
// Update the edge lists by replacing links to the old index by references to the new
// edge index.
self.change_edge_links(swap, swapped_e, [e, e]);
/// Lookup an edge from **a** to **b**.
/// Computes in **O(e')** time, where **e'** is the number of edges
/// connected to the vertices **a** (and **b**).
pub fn find_edge(&self, a: NodeIndex, b: NodeIndex) -> Option<EdgeIndex>
if !self.is_directed() {
self.find_edge_undirected(a, b).map(|(ix, _)| ix)
} else {
match self.nodes.get(a.0) {
None => None,
Some(node) => {
let mut edix =[0];
while let Some(edge) = self.edges.get(edix.0) {
if edge.node[1] == b {
return Some(edix)
edix =[0];
/// Lookup an edge between **a** and **b**, in either direction.
/// If the graph is undirected, then this is equivalent to *.find_edge()*.
pub fn find_edge_undirected(&self, a: NodeIndex, b: NodeIndex) -> Option<(EdgeIndex, EdgeDirection)>
match self.nodes.get(a.0) {
None => None,
Some(node) => {
for &d in DIRECTIONS.iter() {
let k = d as usize;
let mut edix =[k];
while let Some(edge) = self.edges.get(edix.0) {
if edge.node[1 - k] == b {
return Some((edix, d))
edix =[k];
/// Reverse the direction of all edges
pub fn reverse(&mut self)
for edge in self.edges.iter_mut() {
edge.node.swap(0, 1)
/* Removed: Easy to implement externally with iterate in reverse
/// Retain only nodes that return **true** from the predicate.
pub fn retain_nodes<F>(&mut self, mut visit: F) where
F: FnMut(&Self, NodeIndex, &Node<N>) -> bool
for index in (0..self.node_count()).rev() {
let nix = NodeIndex(index);
if !visit(&*self, nix, &self.nodes[nix.0]) {
let ret = self.remove_node(nix);
let _ = ret;
/// Retain only edges that return **true** from the predicate.
pub fn retain_edges<F>(&mut self, mut visit: F) where
F: FnMut(&Self, EdgeIndex, &Edge<E>) -> bool
for index in (0..self.edge_count()).rev() {
let eix = EdgeIndex(index);
if !visit(&*self, eix, &self.edges[eix.0]) {
let ret = self.remove_edge(EdgeIndex(index));
let _ = ret;
/// Access the internal node array
pub fn raw_nodes(&self) -> &[Node<N>]
/// Access the internal edge array
pub fn raw_edges(&self) -> &[Edge<E>]
/// Accessor for data structure internals: the first edge in the given direction.
pub fn first_edge(&self, a: NodeIndex, dir: EdgeDirection) -> Option<EdgeIndex>
match self.nodes.get(a.0) {
None => None,
Some(node) => {
let edix =[dir as usize];
if edix == EDGE_END {
} else { Some(edix) }
/// Accessor for data structure internals: the next edge for the given direction.
pub fn next_edge(&self, e: EdgeIndex, dir: EdgeDirection) -> Option<EdgeIndex>
match self.edges.get(e.0) {
None => None,
Some(node) => {
let edix =[dir as usize];
if edix == EDGE_END {
} else { Some(edix) }
/// Return an iterator over either the nodes without edges to them or from them.
/// The nodes in *.without_edges(Incoming)* are the initial nodes and
/// *.without_edges(Outgoing)* are the terminals.
/// For an undirected graph, the initials/terminals are just the vertices without edges.
/// The whole iteration computes in **O(|V|)** time.
pub fn without_edges(&self, dir: EdgeDirection) -> WithoutEdges<N, Ty>
WithoutEdges{iter: self.nodes.iter().enumerate(), dir: dir}
/// An iterator over either the nodes without edges to them or from them.
pub struct WithoutEdges<'a, N: 'a, Ty> {
iter: iter::Enumerate<slice::Iter<'a, Node<N>>>,
dir: EdgeDirection,
impl<'a, N: 'a, Ty> Iterator for WithoutEdges<'a, N, Ty> where
Ty: EdgeType
type Item = NodeIndex;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<NodeIndex>
let k = self.dir as usize;
loop {
match {
None => return None,
Some((index, node)) => {
if[k] == EDGE_END &&
(EdgeType::is_directed(None::<Ty>) ||[1-k] == EDGE_END) {
return Some(NodeIndex(index))
} else {
/// Perform a topological sort of a directed graph.
/// Return a vector of nodes in topological order: each node is ordered
/// before its successors.
/// If the returned vec contains less than all the nodes of the graph, then
/// the graph was cyclic.
pub fn toposort<N, E>(g: &Graph<N, E, Directed>) -> Vec<NodeIndex>
let mut order = Vec::with_capacity(g.node_count());
let mut ordered = BitvSet::with_capacity(g.node_count());
let mut tovisit = Vec::new();
// find all initial nodes
// Take an unvisited element and
while let Some(nix) = tovisit.pop() {
if ordered.contains(&nix.0) {
for neigh in g.neighbors_directed(nix, Outgoing) {
// Look at each neighbor, and those that only have incoming edges
// from the already ordered list, they are the next to visit.
if g.neighbors_directed(neigh, Incoming).all(|b| ordered.contains(&b.0)) {
/// Compute *Strongly connected components* using Kosaraju's algorithm.
/// Return a vector where each element is an scc.
/// For an undirected graph, the sccs are simply the connected components.
pub fn scc<N, E, Ty>(g: &Graph<N, E, Ty>) -> Vec<Vec<NodeIndex>> where
Ty: EdgeType
let mut dfs = Dfs::empty(g);
// First phase, reverse dfs pass, compute finishing times.
let mut finish_order = Vec::new();
for index in (0..g.node_count()) {
if dfs.discovered.contains(&index) {
// We want to order the vertices by finishing time --
// so record when we see them, then reverse all we have seen in this DFS pass.
let pass_start = finish_order.len();
while let Some(nx) = {
let mut sccs = Vec::new();
// Second phase
// Process in decreasing finishing time order
for &nindex in finish_order.iter().rev() {
if dfs.discovered.contains(&nindex.0) {
// Move to the leader node.
//let leader = nindex;
let mut scc = Vec::new();
while let Some(nx) = {
/// Return **true** if the input graph contains a cycle.
/// Treat the input graph as undirected.
pub fn is_cyclic<N, E, Ty>(g: &Graph<N, E, Ty>) -> bool where Ty: EdgeType
let mut edge_sets = UnionFind::new(g.node_count());
for edge in g.edges.iter() {
let (a, b) = (edge.source(),;
// union the two vertices of the edge
// -- if they were already the same, then we have a cycle
if !edge_sets.union(a.0, b.0) {
return true
/// Return the number of connected components of the graph.
/// For a directed graph, this is the *weakly* connected components.
pub fn connected_components<N, E, Ty>(g: &Graph<N, E, Ty>) -> usize where Ty: EdgeType
let mut vertex_sets = UnionFind::new(g.node_count());
for edge in g.edges.iter() {
let (a, b) = (edge.source(),;
// union the two vertices of the edge
vertex_sets.union(a.0, b.0);
let mut labels = vertex_sets.into_labeling();
/// Return a *Minimum Spanning Tree* of a graph.
/// Treat the input graph as undirected.
/// Using Kruskal's algorithm with runtime **O(|E| log |E|)**. We actually
/// return a minimum spanning forest, i.e. a minimum spanning tree for each connected
/// component of the graph.
/// The resulting graph has all the vertices of the input graph (with identical node indices),
/// and **|V| - c** edges, where **c** is the number of connected components in **g**.
pub fn min_spanning_tree<N, E, Ty>(g: &Graph<N, E, Ty>) -> Graph<N, E, Undirected> where
N: Clone,
E: Clone + PartialOrd,
Ty: EdgeType,
if g.node_count() == 0 {
return Graph::new_undirected()
// Create a mst skeleton by copying all nodes
let mut mst = Graph::with_capacity(g.node_count(), g.node_count() - 1);
for node in g.nodes.iter() {
// Initially each vertex is its own disjoint subgraph, track the connectedness
// of the pre-MST with a union & find datastructure.
let mut subgraphs = UnionFind::new(g.node_count());
let mut sort_edges = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(g.edge_count());
for edge in g.edges.iter() {
sort_edges.push(MinScored(edge.weight.clone(), (edge.source(),;
// Kruskal's algorithm.
// Algorithm is this:
// 1. Create a pre-MST with all the vertices and no edges.
// 2. Repeat:
// a. Remove the shortest edge from the original graph.
// b. If the edge connects two disjoint trees in the pre-MST,
// add the edge.
while let Some(MinScored(score, (a, b))) = sort_edges.pop() {
// check if the edge would connect two disjoint parts
if subgraphs.union(a.0, b.0) {
mst.add_edge(a, b, score);
debug_assert!(mst.node_count() == g.node_count());
debug_assert!(mst.edge_count() < g.node_count());
/// Iterator over the neighbors of a node.
/// Iterator element type is **NodeIndex**.
pub struct DiNeighbors<'a, E: 'a> {
edges: &'a [Edge<E>],
next: EdgeIndex,
dir: EdgeDirection,
impl<'a, E> Iterator for DiNeighbors<'a, E>
type Item = NodeIndex;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<NodeIndex>
let k = self.dir as usize;
match self.edges.get( {
None => None,
Some(edge) => { =[k];
/// Iterator over the neighbors of a node.
/// Iterator element type is **NodeIndex**.
pub struct Neighbors<'a, E: 'a> {
edges: &'a [Edge<E>],
next: [EdgeIndex; 2],
impl<'a, E> Iterator for Neighbors<'a, E>
type Item = NodeIndex;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<NodeIndex>
match self.edges.get([0].0) {
None => {}
Some(edge) => {[0] =[0];
return Some(edge.node[1])
match self.edges.get([1].0) {
None => None,
Some(edge) => {[1] =[1];
struct EdgesMut<'a, E: 'a> {
edges: &'a mut [Edge<E>],
next: EdgeIndex,
dir: EdgeDirection,
impl<'a, E> EdgesMut<'a, E>
fn new(edges: &'a mut [Edge<E>], next: EdgeIndex, dir: EdgeDirection) -> Self
edges: edges,
next: next,
dir: dir
impl<'a, E> Iterator for EdgesMut<'a, E>
type Item = (EdgeIndex, &'a mut Edge<E>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(EdgeIndex, &'a mut Edge<E>)>
let this_index =;
let k = self.dir as usize;
match self.edges.get_mut( {
None => None,
Some(edge) => { =[k];
// We cannot in safe rust, derive a &'a mut from &mut self,
// when the life of &mut self is shorter than 'a.
// We guarantee that this will not allow two pointers to the same
// edge, and use unsafe to extend the life.
// See
let long_life_edge = unsafe {
&mut *(edge as *mut _)
Some((this_index, long_life_edge))
/// Iterator over the edges of a node.
pub struct Edges<'a, E: 'a> {
edges: &'a [Edge<E>],
next: [EdgeIndex; 2],
impl<'a, E> Iterator for Edges<'a, E>
type Item = (NodeIndex, &'a E);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(NodeIndex, &'a E)>
// First any outgoing edges
match self.edges.get([0].0) {
None => {}
Some(edge) => {[0] =[0];
return Some((edge.node[1], &edge.weight))
// Then incoming edges
match self.edges.get([1].0) {
None => None,
Some(edge) => {[1] =[1];
Some((edge.node[0], &edge.weight))
impl<N, E, Ty> Index<NodeIndex> for Graph<N, E, Ty> where
Ty: EdgeType
type Output = N;
/// Index the **Graph** by **NodeIndex** to access node weights.
fn index(&self, index: &NodeIndex) -> &N {
impl<N, E, Ty> IndexMut<NodeIndex> for Graph<N, E, Ty> where
Ty: EdgeType
type Output = N;
/// Index the **Graph** by **NodeIndex** to access node weights.
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: &NodeIndex) -> &mut N {
impl<N, E, Ty> Index<EdgeIndex> for Graph<N, E, Ty> where
Ty: EdgeType
type Output = E;
/// Index the **Graph** by **EdgeIndex** to access edge weights.
fn index(&self, index: &EdgeIndex) -> &E {
impl<N, E, Ty> IndexMut<EdgeIndex> for Graph<N, E, Ty> where
Ty: EdgeType
type Output = E;
/// Index the **Graph** by **EdgeIndex** to access edge weights.
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: &EdgeIndex) -> &mut E {