blob: 3cb12994c854c4b3a1aefa89ff8700cfae96fc4d [file] [log] [blame]
//! Module for identifiers.
//! Identifiers are used to _identify_ edges and nodes.
//! Primarily this module defines one type: [`GraphId`], which should not be implemented alone, but
//! instead be implemented alongside [`ManagedGraphId`] and [`ArbitraryGraphId`], which are mutually
//! exclusive and define if a node or edge id will be automatically assigned by the graph (are
//! managed) and a user has no control over their value or are arbitrary, allowing the user to use
//! _any_ value.
mod associative;
mod linear;
use core::fmt::Debug;
pub use self::{
associative::{AssociativeGraphId, AttributeMapper, BooleanMapper},
linear::{IndexMapper, LinearGraphId},
use crate::attributes::NoValue;
// The `PartialEq` bound is required for the default implementation, we could in theory remove it,
// but would need to remove _many_ default implementations that rely on it.
// Another possibility would've been to use `Hash` for `GraphId`, but `ArbitaryGraphId` needs to be
// a wrapper type anyway, so it could just require `Hash` for the inner type, and then implement
// `PartialEq` based on that.
/// A unique identifier for a node or edge.
/// This trait is implemented for all types that are used as node or edge identifiers in the graph.
/// A type should never only implement this trait, but also [`ManagedGraphId`] or
/// [`ArbitraryGraphId`].
pub trait GraphId: Debug + Copy + Clone + PartialEq {
/// The type of value used to index attributes.
/// Used to differentiate between [`ManagedGraphId`] and [`ArbitraryGraphId`] and to allow for
/// inference on weights via the [`Attributes`] type.
/// There are essentially two valid values for this type: [`NoValue`] and `Self`.
/// [`Attributes`]: crate::attributes::Attributes
type AttributeIndex;
/// A unique identifier for a node or edge that is managed by the graph.
/// Marker trait to indicate that the graph manages the identifier of the node or edge, and cannot
/// be specified by the user itself.
/// This is analogous to an index in a `Vec`.
pub trait ManagedGraphId: GraphId<AttributeIndex = NoValue> {}
/// A unique identifier for a node or edge that is not managed by the graph.
/// Marker trait to indicate that the graph does not manage the identifier of the node or edge, and
/// must be specified by the user itself.
/// This is analogous to a key in a `HashMap`.
pub trait ArbitraryGraphId: GraphId<AttributeIndex = Self> {}