blob: c41134379973953a405cf8ffe59e3103bbe8dbf8 [file] [log] [blame]
extern crate quickcheck;
extern crate rand;
extern crate petgraph;
use rand::Rng;
use petgraph::{Graph, GraphMap, Undirected, Directed, EdgeType, Incoming, Outgoing};
use petgraph::algo::{
use petgraph::graph::{IndexType, node_index, edge_index};
use petgraph::graph::stable::StableGraph;
fn prop(g: Graph<(), u32>) -> bool {
// filter out isolated nodes
let no_singles = g.filter_map(
|nx, w| g.neighbors_undirected(nx).next().map(|_| w),
|_, w| Some(w));
for i in no_singles.node_indices() {
assert!(no_singles.neighbors_undirected(i).count() > 0);
assert_eq!(no_singles.edge_count(), g.edge_count());
let mst = min_spanning_tree(&no_singles);
fn prop_undir(g: Graph<(), u32, Undirected>) -> bool {
// filter out isolated nodes
let no_singles = g.filter_map(
|nx, w| g.neighbors_undirected(nx).next().map(|_| w),
|_, w| Some(w));
for i in no_singles.node_indices() {
assert!(no_singles.neighbors_undirected(i).count() > 0);
assert_eq!(no_singles.edge_count(), g.edge_count());
let mst = min_spanning_tree(&no_singles);
fn arbitrary() {
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(_) -> bool);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop_undir as fn(_) -> bool);
fn reverse_undirected() {
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(g: Graph<(), (), Ty>) -> bool {
if g.edge_count() > 30 {
return true; // iso too slow
let mut h = g.clone();
is_isomorphic(&g, &h)
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Graph<_, _, Undirected>) -> bool);
fn assert_graph_consistent<N, E, Ty, Ix>(g: &Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>)
where Ty: EdgeType,
Ix: IndexType,
assert_eq!(g.node_count(), g.node_indices().count());
assert_eq!(g.edge_count(), g.edge_indices().count());
for edge in g.raw_edges() {
"Edge not in graph! {:?} to {:?}", edge.source(),;
fn reverse_directed() {
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(mut g: Graph<(), (), Ty>) -> bool {
let node_outdegrees = g.node_indices()
.map(|i| g.neighbors_directed(i, Outgoing).count())
let node_indegrees = g.node_indices()
.map(|i| g.neighbors_directed(i, Incoming).count())
let new_outdegrees = g.node_indices()
.map(|i| g.neighbors_directed(i, Outgoing).count())
let new_indegrees = g.node_indices()
.map(|i| g.neighbors_directed(i, Incoming).count())
assert_eq!(node_outdegrees, new_indegrees);
assert_eq!(node_indegrees, new_outdegrees);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Graph<_, _, Directed>) -> bool);
fn retain_nodes() {
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(mut g: Graph<i32, i32, Ty>) -> bool {
// Remove all negative nodes, these should be randomly spread
let og = g.clone();
let nodes = g.node_count();
let num_negs = g.raw_nodes().iter().filter(|n| n.weight < 0).count();
let mut removed = 0;
g.retain_nodes(|g, i| {
let keep = g[i] >= 0;
if !keep {
removed += 1;
let num_negs_post = g.raw_nodes().iter().filter(|n| n.weight < 0).count();
let num_pos_post = g.raw_nodes().iter().filter(|n| n.weight >= 0).count();
assert_eq!(num_negs_post, 0);
assert_eq!(removed, num_negs);
assert_eq!(num_negs + g.node_count(), nodes);
assert_eq!(num_pos_post, g.node_count());
// check against filter_map
let filtered = og.filter_map(|_, w| if *w >= 0 { Some(*w) } else { None },
|_, w| Some(*w));
assert_eq!(g.node_count(), filtered.node_count());
println!("Iso of graph with nodes={}, edges={}",
g.node_count(), g.edge_count());
assert!(is_isomorphic_matching(&filtered, &g, PartialEq::eq, PartialEq::eq));
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Graph<_, _, Directed>) -> bool);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Graph<_, _, Undirected>) -> bool);
fn retain_edges() {
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(mut g: Graph<(), i32, Ty>) -> bool {
// Remove all negative edges, these should be randomly spread
let og = g.clone();
let edges = g.edge_count();
let num_negs = g.raw_edges().iter().filter(|n| n.weight < 0).count();
let mut removed = 0;
g.retain_edges(|g, i| {
let keep = g[i] >= 0;
if !keep {
removed += 1;
let num_negs_post = g.raw_edges().iter().filter(|n| n.weight < 0).count();
let num_pos_post = g.raw_edges().iter().filter(|n| n.weight >= 0).count();
assert_eq!(num_negs_post, 0);
assert_eq!(removed, num_negs);
assert_eq!(num_negs + g.edge_count(), edges);
assert_eq!(num_pos_post, g.edge_count());
if og.edge_count() < 30 {
// check against filter_map
let filtered = og.filter_map(
|_, w| Some(*w),
|_, w| if *w >= 0 { Some(*w) } else { None });
assert_eq!(g.node_count(), filtered.node_count());
assert!(is_isomorphic(&filtered, &g));
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Graph<_, _, Directed>) -> bool);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Graph<_, _, Undirected>) -> bool);
fn isomorphism_1() {
// using small weights so that duplicates are likely
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(g: Graph<i8, i8, Ty>) -> bool {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
// several trials of different isomorphisms of the same graph
// mapping of node indices
let mut map = g.node_indices().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut ng = Graph::<_, _, Ty>::with_capacity(g.node_count(), g.edge_count());
for _ in 0..1 {
rng.shuffle(&mut map);
for _ in g.node_indices() {
// Assign node weights
for i in g.node_indices() {
ng[map[i.index()]] = g[i];
// Add edges
for i in g.edge_indices() {
let (s, t) = g.edge_endpoints(i).unwrap();
if g.node_count() < 20 && g.edge_count() < 50 {
assert!(is_isomorphic(&g, &ng));
assert!(is_isomorphic_matching(&g, &ng, PartialEq::eq, PartialEq::eq));
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop::<Undirected> as fn(_) -> bool);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop::<Directed> as fn(_) -> bool);
fn isomorphism_modify() {
// using small weights so that duplicates are likely
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(g: Graph<i16, i8, Ty>, node: u8, edge: u8) -> bool {
let mut ng = g.clone();
let i = node_index(node as usize);
let j = edge_index(edge as usize);
if i.index() < g.node_count() {
ng[i] = (g[i] == 0) as i16;
if j.index() < g.edge_count() {
ng[j] = (g[j] == 0) as i8;
if i.index() < g.node_count() || j.index() < g.edge_count() {
assert!(!is_isomorphic_matching(&g, &ng, PartialEq::eq, PartialEq::eq));
} else {
assert!(is_isomorphic_matching(&g, &ng, PartialEq::eq, PartialEq::eq));
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop::<Undirected> as fn(_, _, _) -> bool);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop::<Directed> as fn(_, _, _) -> bool);
fn graph_remove_edge() {
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(mut g: Graph<(), (), Ty>, a: u8, b: u8) -> bool {
let a = node_index(a as usize);
let b = node_index(b as usize);
let edge = g.find_edge(a, b);
if !g.is_directed() {
assert_eq!(edge.is_some(), g.find_edge(b, a).is_some());
if let Some(ex) = edge {
assert!(g.find_edge(a, b).is_none());
assert!(g.neighbors(a).find(|x| *x == b).is_none());
if !g.is_directed() {
assert!(g.neighbors(b).find(|x| *x == a).is_none());
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Graph<_, _, Undirected>, _, _) -> bool);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Graph<_, _, Directed>, _, _) -> bool);
fn stable_graph_remove_edge() {
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(mut g: StableGraph<(), (), Ty>, a: u8, b: u8) -> bool {
let a = node_index(a as usize);
let b = node_index(b as usize);
let edge = g.find_edge(a, b);
if !g.is_directed() {
assert_eq!(edge.is_some(), g.find_edge(b, a).is_some());
if let Some(ex) = edge {
assert!(g.find_edge(a, b).is_none());
assert!(g.neighbors(a).find(|x| *x == b).is_none());
if !g.is_directed() {
assert!(g.find_edge(b, a).is_none());
assert!(g.neighbors(b).find(|x| *x == a).is_none());
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(StableGraph<_, _, Undirected>, _, _) -> bool);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(StableGraph<_, _, Directed>, _, _) -> bool);
fn stable_graph_add_remove_edges() {
fn prop<Ty: EdgeType>(mut g: StableGraph<(), (), Ty>, edges: Vec<(u8, u8)>) -> bool {
for &(a, b) in &edges {
let a = node_index(a as usize);
let b = node_index(b as usize);
let edge = g.find_edge(a, b);
if edge.is_none() && g.contains_node(a) && g.contains_node(b) {
let _index = g.add_edge(a, b, ());
if !g.is_directed() {
assert_eq!(edge.is_some(), g.find_edge(b, a).is_some());
if let Some(ex) = edge {
assert!(g.find_edge(a, b).is_none(), "failed to remove edge {:?} from graph {:?}", (a, b), g);
assert!(g.neighbors(a).find(|x| *x == b).is_none());
if !g.is_directed() {
assert!(g.find_edge(b, a).is_none());
assert!(g.neighbors(b).find(|x| *x == a).is_none());
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(StableGraph<_, _, Undirected>, _) -> bool);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(StableGraph<_, _, Directed>, _) -> bool);
fn graphmap_remove() {
fn prop(mut g: GraphMap<i8, ()>, a: i8, b: i8) -> bool {
let contains = g.contains_edge(a, b);
assert_eq!(contains, g.contains_edge(b, a));
assert_eq!(g.remove_edge(a, b).is_some(), contains);
assert!(!g.contains_edge(a, b) &&
g.neighbors(a).find(|x| *x == b).is_none() &&
g.neighbors(b).find(|x| *x == a).is_none());
assert!(g.remove_edge(a, b).is_none());
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(_, _, _) -> bool);
fn graphmap_add_remove() {
fn prop(mut g: GraphMap<i8, ()>, a: i8, b: i8) -> bool {
assert_eq!(g.contains_edge(a, b), g.add_edge(a, b, ()).is_some());
g.remove_edge(a, b);
!g.contains_edge(a, b) &&
g.neighbors(a).find(|x| *x == b).is_none() &&
g.neighbors(b).find(|x| *x == a).is_none()
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(_, _, _) -> bool);