blob: 6ddfe8373b05c87aafb3466851180554ffa487b0 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build windows
package libnetwork
import (
type platformNetwork struct {
resolverOnce sync.Once
dnsCompartment uint32
func executeInCompartment(compartmentID uint32, x func()) {
if err := hcsshim.SetCurrentThreadCompartmentId(compartmentID); err != nil {
defer func() {
func (n *Network) ExecFunc(f func()) error {
executeInCompartment(n.dnsCompartment, f)
return nil
func (n *Network) startResolver() {
if n.networkType == "ics" {
n.resolverOnce.Do(func() {
log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Launching DNS server for network %q", n.Name())
hnsid := n.DriverOptions()[windows.HNSID]
if hnsid == "" {
hnsresponse, err := hcsshim.HNSNetworkRequest("GET", hnsid, "")
if err != nil {
log.G(context.TODO()).Errorf("Resolver Setup/Start failed for container %s, %q", n.Name(), err)
for _, subnet := range hnsresponse.Subnets {
if subnet.GatewayAddress != "" {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
resolver := NewResolver(subnet.GatewayAddress, true, n)
log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Binding a resolver on network %s gateway %s", n.Name(), subnet.GatewayAddress)
n.dnsCompartment = hnsresponse.DNSServerCompartment
if err = resolver.Start(); err != nil {
log.G(context.TODO()).Errorf("Resolver Setup/Start failed for container %s, %q", n.Name(), err)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
} else {
log.G(context.TODO()).Debugf("Resolver bound successfully for network %s", n.Name())
n.resolver = append(n.resolver, resolver)
// addEpToResolver configures the internal DNS resolver for an endpoint.
// Windows resolvers don't consistently fall back to a secondary server if they
// get a SERVFAIL from our resolver. So, our resolver needs to forward the query
// upstream.
// To retrieve the list of DNS Servers to use for requests originating from an
// endpoint, this method finds the HNSEndpoint represented by the endpoint. If
// HNSEndpoint's list of DNS servers includes the HNSEndpoint's gateway address,
// it's the Resolver running at that address. Other DNS servers in the
// list have either come from config ('--dns') or have been set up by HNS as
// external resolvers, these are the external servers the Resolver should
// use for DNS requests from that endpoint.
func addEpToResolver(
ctx context.Context,
netName, epName string,
config *containerConfig,
epIface *EndpointInterface,
resolvers []*Resolver,
) error {
if config.dnsNoProxy {
return nil
hnsEndpoints, err := hcsshim.HNSListEndpointRequest()
if err != nil {
return nil
return addEpToResolverImpl(ctx, netName, epName, epIface, resolvers, hnsEndpoints)
func addEpToResolverImpl(
ctx context.Context,
netName, epName string,
epIface *EndpointInterface,
resolvers []*Resolver,
hnsEndpoints []hcsshim.HNSEndpoint,
) error {
// Find the HNSEndpoint represented by ep, matching on endpoint address.
hnsEp := findHNSEp(epIface.addr, epIface.addrv6, hnsEndpoints)
if hnsEp == nil || !hnsEp.EnableInternalDNS {
return nil
// Find the resolver for that HNSEndpoint, matching on gateway address.
resolver := findResolver(resolvers, hnsEp.GatewayAddress, hnsEp.GatewayAddressV6)
if resolver == nil {
"network": netName,
"endpoint": epName,
}).Debug("No internal DNS resolver to configure")
return nil
// Get the list of DNS servers HNS has set up for this Endpoint.
var dnsList []extDNSEntry
dnsServers := strings.Split(hnsEp.DNSServerList, ",")
// Create an extDNSEntry for each DNS server, apart from 'resolver' itself.
var foundSelf bool
hnsGw4, _ := netip.ParseAddr(hnsEp.GatewayAddress)
hnsGw6, _ := netip.ParseAddr(hnsEp.GatewayAddressV6)
for _, dnsServer := range dnsServers {
dnsAddr, _ := netip.ParseAddr(dnsServer)
if dnsAddr.IsValid() && (dnsAddr == hnsGw4 || dnsAddr == hnsGw6) {
foundSelf = true
} else {
dnsList = append(dnsList, extDNSEntry{IPStr: dnsServer})
if !foundSelf {
"network": netName,
"endpoint": epName,
}).Debug("Endpoint is not configured to use internal DNS resolver")
return nil
// If the internal resolver is configured as one of this endpoint's DNS servers,
// tell it which ext servers to use for requests from this endpoint's addresses.
log.G(ctx).Infof("External DNS servers for '%s': %v", epName, dnsList)
if srcAddr, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(hnsEp.IPAddress); ok {
if err := resolver.SetExtServersForSrc(srcAddr.Unmap(), dnsList); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set external DNS servers for %s address %s",
epName, hnsEp.IPAddress)
if srcAddr, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(hnsEp.IPv6Address); ok {
if err := resolver.SetExtServersForSrc(srcAddr, dnsList); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to set external DNS servers for %s address %s",
epName, hnsEp.IPv6Address)
return nil
func deleteEpFromResolver(epName string, epIface *EndpointInterface, resolvers []*Resolver) error {
hnsEndpoints, err := hcsshim.HNSListEndpointRequest()
if err != nil {
return nil
return deleteEpFromResolverImpl(epName, epIface, resolvers, hnsEndpoints)
func deleteEpFromResolverImpl(
epName string,
epIface *EndpointInterface,
resolvers []*Resolver,
hnsEndpoints []hcsshim.HNSEndpoint,
) error {
// Find the HNSEndpoint represented by ep, matching on endpoint address.
hnsEp := findHNSEp(epIface.addr, epIface.addrv6, hnsEndpoints)
if hnsEp == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no HNS endpoint for %s", epName)
// Find the resolver for that HNSEndpoint, matching on gateway address.
resolver := findResolver(resolvers, hnsEp.GatewayAddress, hnsEp.GatewayAddressV6)
if resolver == nil {
return nil
// Delete external DNS servers for the endpoint's IP addresses.
if srcAddr, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(hnsEp.IPAddress); ok {
if err := resolver.SetExtServersForSrc(srcAddr.Unmap(), nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete external DNS servers for %s address %s",
epName, hnsEp.IPv6Address)
if srcAddr, ok := netip.AddrFromSlice(hnsEp.IPv6Address); ok {
if err := resolver.SetExtServersForSrc(srcAddr, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete external DNS servers for %s address %s",
epName, hnsEp.IPv6Address)
return nil
func findHNSEp(ip4, ip6 *net.IPNet, hnsEndpoints []hcsshim.HNSEndpoint) *hcsshim.HNSEndpoint {
for _, hnsEp := range hnsEndpoints {
if (hnsEp.IPAddress != nil && hnsEp.IPAddress.Equal(ip4.IP)) ||
(hnsEp.IPv6Address != nil && hnsEp.IPv6Address.Equal(ip6.IP)) {
return &hnsEp
return nil
func findResolver(resolvers []*Resolver, gw4, gw6 string) *Resolver {
gw4addr, _ := netip.ParseAddr(gw4)
gw6addr, _ := netip.ParseAddr(gw6)
for _, resolver := range resolvers {
ns := resolver.NameServer()
if ns.IsValid() && (ns == gw4addr || ns == gw6addr) {
return resolver
return nil
func defaultIpamForNetworkType(networkType string) string {
if windows.IsBuiltinLocalDriver(networkType) {
return windowsipam.DefaultIPAM
return defaultipam.DriverName