blob: fc24381a3318277866d5e28fdad6dd8618284b34 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
type DockerCLITopSuite struct {
ds *DockerSuite
func (s *DockerCLITopSuite) TearDownTest(ctx context.Context, c *testing.T) {
s.ds.TearDownTest(ctx, c)
func (s *DockerCLITopSuite) OnTimeout(c *testing.T) {
func (s *DockerCLITopSuite) TestTopMultipleArgs(c *testing.T) {
out := runSleepingContainer(c, "-d")
cleanedContainerID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
var expected icmd.Expected
switch testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType {
case "windows":
expected = icmd.Expected{ExitCode: 1, Err: "Windows does not support arguments to top"}
expected = icmd.Expected{Out: "PID"}
result := cli.Docker(cli.Args("top", cleanedContainerID, "-o", "pid"))
result.Assert(c, expected)
func (s *DockerCLITopSuite) TestTopNonPrivileged(c *testing.T) {
out := runSleepingContainer(c, "-d")
cleanedContainerID := strings.TrimSpace(out)
out1 := cli.DockerCmd(c, "top", cleanedContainerID).Combined()
out2 := cli.DockerCmd(c, "top", cleanedContainerID).Combined()
cli.DockerCmd(c, "kill", cleanedContainerID)
// Windows will list the name of the launched executable which in this case is busybox.exe, without the parameters.
// Linux will display the command executed in the container
var lookingFor string
if testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows" {
lookingFor = "busybox.exe"
} else {
lookingFor = "top"
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out1, lookingFor), "top should've listed `%s` in the process list, but failed the first time", lookingFor)
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out2, lookingFor), "top should've listed `%s` in the process list, but failed the second time", lookingFor)
// TestTopWindowsCoreProcesses validates that there are lines for the critical
// processes which are found in a Windows container. Note Windows is architecturally
// very different to Linux in this regard.
func (s *DockerCLITopSuite) TestTopWindowsCoreProcesses(c *testing.T) {
testRequires(c, DaemonIsWindows)
cID := runSleepingContainer(c, "-d")
out1 := cli.DockerCmd(c, "top", cID).Combined()
lookingFor := []string{"smss.exe", "csrss.exe", "wininit.exe", "services.exe", "lsass.exe", "CExecSvc.exe"}
for i, s := range lookingFor {
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out1, s), "top should've listed `%s` in the process list, but failed. Test case %d", s, i)
func (s *DockerCLITopSuite) TestTopPrivileged(c *testing.T) {
// Windows does not support --privileged
testRequires(c, DaemonIsLinux, NotUserNamespace)
cID := cli.DockerCmd(c, "run", "--privileged", "-i", "-d", "busybox", "top").Stdout()
cID = strings.TrimSpace(cID)
out1 := cli.DockerCmd(c, "top", cID).Combined()
out2 := cli.DockerCmd(c, "top", cID).Combined()
cli.DockerCmd(c, "kill", cID)
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out1, "top"), "top should've listed `top` in the process list, but failed the first time")
assert.Assert(c, strings.Contains(out2, "top"), "top should've listed `top` in the process list, but failed the second time")