blob: 14bbec487104337158eb09fa2e17fde53ed6d322 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build go1.10
// +build go1.10
package unshare // import ""
import (
func init() {
// The startup thread of a process is special in a few different ways.
// Most pertinent to the discussion at hand, any per-thread kernel state
// reflected in the /proc/[pid]/ directory for a process is taken from
// the state of the startup thread. Same goes for /proc/self/; it shows
// the state of the current process' startup thread, no matter which
// thread the files are being opened from. For most programs this is a
// distinction without a difference as the kernel state, such as the
// mount namespace and current working directory, is shared among (and
// kept synchronized across) all threads of a process. But things start
// to break down once threads start unsharing and modifying parts of
// their kernel state.
// The Go runtime schedules goroutines to execute on the startup thread,
// same as any other. How this could be problematic is best illustrated
// with a concrete example. Consider what happens if a call to
// Go(unix.CLONE_NEWNS, ...) spawned a goroutine which gets scheduled
// onto the startup thread. The thread's mount namespace will be
// unshared and modified. The contents of the /proc/[pid]/mountinfo file
// will then describe the mount tree of the unshared namespace, not the
// namespace of any other thread. It will remain this way until the
// process exits. (The startup thread is special in another way: exiting
// it puts the process into a "non-waitable zombie" state. To avoid this
// fate, the Go runtime parks the thread instead of exiting if a
// goroutine returns while locked to the startup thread. More
// information can be found in the Go runtime sources:
// `go doc -u -src runtime.mexit`.) The
// package reads from /proc/self/mountinfo, so will read the mount tree
// for the wrong namespace if the startup thread has had its mount
// namespace unshared! The /proc/thread-self/ directory, introduced in
// Linux 3.17, is one potential solution to this problem, but every
// package which opens files in /proc/self/ would need to be updated,
// and fallbacks to /proc/self/task/[tid]/ would be required to support
// older kernels. Overlooking any reference to /proc/self/ would
// manifest as stochastically-reproducible bugs, so this is far from an
// ideal solution.
// Reading from /proc/self/ would not be a problem if we could prevent
// the per-thread state of the startup thread from being modified
// nondeterministically in the first place. We can accomplish this
// simply by locking the main() function to the startup thread! Doing so
// excludes any other goroutine from being scheduled on the thread.
// reversibleSetnsFlags maps the unshare(2) flags whose effects can be fully
// reversed using setns(2). The values are the basenames of the corresponding
// /proc/self/task/[tid]/ns/ magic symlinks to use to save and restore the
// state.
var reversibleSetnsFlags = map[int]string{
unix.CLONE_NEWCGROUP: "cgroup",
unix.CLONE_NEWNET: "net",
unix.CLONE_NEWUTS: "uts",
unix.CLONE_NEWPID: "pid",
unix.CLONE_NEWTIME: "time",
// The following CLONE_NEW* flags are not included because they imply
// another, irreversible flag when used with unshare(2).
// - unix.CLONE_NEWNS: implies CLONE_FS
// - unix.CLONE_NEWUSER: implies CLONE_FS since Linux 3.9
// Go calls the given functions in a new goroutine, locked to an OS thread,
// which has had the parts of its execution state disassociated from the rest of
// the current process using [unshare(2)]. It blocks until the new goroutine has
// started and setupfn has returned. fn is only called if setupfn returns nil. A
// nil setupfn or fn is equivalent to passing a no-op function.
// The disassociated execution state and any changes made to it are only visible
// to the goroutine which the functions are called in. Any other goroutines,
// including ones started from the function, will see the same execution state
// as the rest of the process.
// The acceptable flags are documented in the [unshare(2)] Linux man-page.
// The corresponding CLONE_* constants are defined in package [unix].
// # Warning
// This function may terminate the thread which the new goroutine executed on
// after fn returns, which could cause subprocesses started with the
// [syscall.SysProcAttr] Pdeathsig field set to be signaled before process
// termination. Any subprocess started before this function is called may be
// affected, in addition to any subprocesses started inside setupfn or fn.
// There are more details at
// [unshare(2)]:
func Go(flags int, setupfn func() error, fn func()) error {
started := make(chan error)
maskedFlags := flags
for f := range reversibleSetnsFlags {
maskedFlags &^= f
isReversible := maskedFlags == 0
go func() {
// Prepare to manipulate per-thread kernel state.
// Not all changes to the execution state can be reverted.
// If an irreversible change to the execution state is made, our
// only recourse is to have the tampered thread terminated by
// returning from this function while the goroutine remains
// wired to the thread. The Go runtime will terminate the thread
// and replace it with a fresh one as needed.
if isReversible {
defer func() {
if isReversible {
// All execution state has been restored without error.
// The thread is once again fungible.
tid := unix.Gettid()
for f, ns := range reversibleSetnsFlags {
if flags&f != f {
// The /proc/thread-self directory was added in Linux 3.17.
// We are not using it to maximize compatibility.
pth := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/self/task/%d/ns/%s", tid, ns)
fd, err := unix.Open(pth, unix.O_RDONLY|unix.O_CLOEXEC, 0)
if err != nil {
started <- &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: pth, Err: err}
defer func() {
if isReversible {
if err := unix.Setns(fd, 0); err != nil {
isReversible = false
_ = unix.Close(fd)
// Threads are implemented under Linux as processes which share
// a virtual memory space. Therefore in a multithreaded process
// unshare(2) disassociates parts of the calling thread's
// context from the thread it was clone(2)'d from.
if err := unix.Unshare(flags); err != nil {
started <- os.NewSyscallError("unshare", err)
if setupfn != nil {
if err := setupfn(); err != nil {
started <- err
if fn != nil {
return <-started