blob: 239a0eae641a6d8bee84391476e0f991606ecff0 [file] [log] [blame]
package container // import ""
import (
is ""
func TestInspectCpusetInConfigPre120(t *testing.T) {
skip.If(t, testEnv.DaemonInfo.OSType == "windows" || !testEnv.DaemonInfo.CPUSet)
defer setupTest(t)()
client := request.NewAPIClient(t, client.WithVersion("1.19"))
ctx := context.Background()
name := strings.ToLower(t.Name())
// Create container with up to-date-API
container.Run(ctx, t, request.NewAPIClient(t), container.WithName(name),
func(c *container.TestContainerConfig) {
c.HostConfig.Resources.CpusetCpus = "0"
poll.WaitOn(t, container.IsInState(ctx, client, name, "exited"), poll.WithDelay(100*time.Millisecond))
_, body, err := client.ContainerInspectWithRaw(ctx, name, false)
assert.NilError(t, err)
var inspectJSON map[string]interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &inspectJSON)
assert.NilError(t, err, "unable to unmarshal body for version 1.19: %s", err)
config, ok := inspectJSON["Config"]
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(true, ok), "Unable to find 'Config'")
cfg := config.(map[string]interface{})
_, ok = cfg["Cpuset"]
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(true, ok), "API version 1.19 expected to include Cpuset in 'Config'")
func TestInspectAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
defer setupTest(t)()
client := request.NewAPIClient(t)
ctx := context.Background()
annotations := map[string]string{
"hello": "world",
"foo": "bar",
name := strings.ToLower(t.Name())
id := container.Create(ctx, t, client,
func(c *container.TestContainerConfig) {
c.HostConfig.Annotations = annotations
inspect, err := client.ContainerInspect(ctx, id)
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Check(t, is.DeepEqual(inspect.HostConfig.Annotations, annotations))