blob: 3be44d11ec8f43b3c4b00eb14938b9c2a28f4480 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is used to coerce certain commands which rely on the presence of
# a go.mod into working with our repository. It works by creating a fake
# go.mod, running a specified command (passed via arguments), and removing it
# when the command is finished. This script should be dropped when this
# repository is a proper Go module with a permanent go.mod.
set -e
SCRIPTDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
ROOTDIR="$(git -C "$SCRIPTDIR" rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
if test -e "${ROOTDIR}/go.mod"; then
scriptname=$(basename "$0")
echo "${scriptname}: WARN: go.mod exists in the repository root!"
echo "${scriptname}: WARN: Using your go.mod instead of our generated version -- this may misbehave!"
} >&2
set -x
tee "${ROOTDIR}/go.mod" >&2 <<- EOF
go 1.19
trap 'rm -f "${ROOTDIR}/go.mod"' EXIT
GO111MODULE=on "$@"