blob: 570d3536505c3d4b84ffe92545f7090f8713ef0f [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build !windows
// +build !windows
package daemon
import (
v2runcoptions ""
is ""
func TestInitRuntimes_InvalidConfigs(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
runtime types.Runtime
expectErr string
name: "Empty",
expectErr: "either a runtimeType or a path must be configured",
name: "ArgsOnly",
runtime: types.Runtime{Args: []string{"foo", "bar"}},
expectErr: "either a runtimeType or a path must be configured",
name: "OptionsOnly",
runtime: types.Runtime{Options: map[string]interface{}{"hello": "world"}},
expectErr: "either a runtimeType or a path must be configured",
name: "PathAndType",
runtime: types.Runtime{Path: "/bin/true", Type: "io.containerd.runsc.v1"},
expectErr: "cannot configure both",
name: "PathAndOptions",
runtime: types.Runtime{Path: "/bin/true", Options: map[string]interface{}{"a": "b"}},
expectErr: "options cannot be used with a path runtime",
name: "TypeAndArgs",
runtime: types.Runtime{Type: "io.containerd.runsc.v1", Args: []string{"--version"}},
expectErr: "args cannot be used with a runtimeType runtime",
name: "PathArgsOptions",
runtime: types.Runtime{
Path: "/bin/true",
Args: []string{"--version"},
Options: map[string]interface{}{"hmm": 3},
expectErr: "options cannot be used with a path runtime",
name: "TypeOptionsArgs",
runtime: types.Runtime{
Type: "io.containerd.kata.v2",
Options: map[string]interface{}{"a": "b"},
Args: []string{"--help"},
expectErr: "args cannot be used with a runtimeType runtime",
name: "PathArgsTypeOptions",
runtime: types.Runtime{
Path: "/bin/true",
Args: []string{"foo"},
Type: "io.containerd.runsc.v1",
Options: map[string]interface{}{"a": "b"},
expectErr: "cannot configure both",
for _, tt := range cases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
cfg, err := config.New()
assert.NilError(t, err)
d := &Daemon{configStore: cfg}
d.configStore.Root = t.TempDir()
assert.Assert(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(d.configStore.Root, "runtimes"), 0700))
err = d.initRuntimes(map[string]types.Runtime{"myruntime": tt.runtime})
assert.Check(t, is.ErrorContains(err, tt.expectErr))
func TestGetRuntime(t *testing.T) {
// Configured runtimes can have any arbitrary name, including names
// which would not be allowed as implicit runtime names. Explicit takes
// precedence over implicit.
const configuredRtName = "my/custom.runtime.v1"
configuredRuntime := types.Runtime{Path: "/bin/true"}
const rtWithArgsName = "withargs"
rtWithArgs := types.Runtime{
Path: "/bin/false",
Args: []string{"--version"},
const shimWithOptsName = "shimwithopts"
shimWithOpts := types.Runtime{
Type: plugin.RuntimeRuncV2,
Options: map[string]interface{}{"IoUid": 42},
const shimAliasName = "wasmedge"
shimAlias := types.Runtime{Type: "io.containerd.wasmedge.v1"}
const configuredShimByPathName = "shimwithpath"
configuredShimByPath := types.Runtime{Type: "/path/to/my/shim"}
cfg, err := config.New()
assert.NilError(t, err)
d := &Daemon{configStore: cfg}
d.configStore.Root = t.TempDir()
assert.Assert(t, os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(d.configStore.Root, "runtimes"), 0700))
d.configStore.Runtimes = map[string]types.Runtime{
configuredRtName: configuredRuntime,
rtWithArgsName: rtWithArgs,
shimWithOptsName: shimWithOpts,
shimAliasName: shimAlias,
configuredShimByPathName: configuredShimByPath,
assert.Assert(t, d.loadRuntimes())
stockRuntime, ok := d.configStore.Runtimes[config.StockRuntimeName]
assert.Assert(t, ok, "stock runtime could not be found (test needs to be updated)")
configdOpts := *stockRuntime.ShimConfig.Opts.(*v2runcoptions.Options)
configdOpts.BinaryName = configuredRuntime.Path
for _, tt := range []struct {
name, runtime string
wantShim string
wantOpts interface{}
name: "StockRuntime",
runtime: config.StockRuntimeName,
wantShim: stockRuntime.ShimConfig.Binary,
wantOpts: stockRuntime.ShimConfig.Opts,
name: "ShimName",
runtime: "",
wantShim: "",
// containerd is pretty loose about the format of runtime names. Perhaps too
// loose. The only requirements are that the name contain a dot and (depending
// on the containerd version) not start with a dot. It does not enforce any
// particular format of the dot-delimited components of the name.
name: "VersionlessShimName",
runtime: "",
wantShim: "",
name: "IllformedShimName",
runtime: "myshim",
name: "EmptyString",
runtime: "",
name: "PathToShim",
runtime: "/path/to/runc",
name: "PathToShimName",
runtime: "/path/to/io.containerd.runc.v2",
name: "RelPathToShim",
runtime: "my/io.containerd.runc.v2",
name: "ConfiguredRuntime",
runtime: configuredRtName,
wantShim: stockRuntime.ShimConfig.Binary,
wantOpts: &configdOpts,
name: "RuntimeWithArgs",
runtime: rtWithArgsName,
wantShim: stockRuntime.ShimConfig.Binary,
wantOpts: defaultV2ShimConfig(
name: "ShimWithOpts",
runtime: shimWithOptsName,
wantShim: shimWithOpts.Type,
wantOpts: &v2runcoptions.Options{IoUid: 42},
name: "ShimAlias",
runtime: shimAliasName,
wantShim: shimAlias.Type,
name: "ConfiguredShimByPath",
runtime: configuredShimByPathName,
wantShim: configuredShimByPath.Type,
} {
tt := tt
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
gotShim, gotOpts, err := d.getRuntime(tt.runtime)
assert.Check(t, is.Equal(gotShim, tt.wantShim))
assert.Check(t, is.DeepEqual(gotOpts, tt.wantOpts))
if tt.wantShim != "" {
assert.Check(t, err)
} else {
assert.Check(t, errdefs.IsInvalidParameter(err))