blob: 09ea4851ff5d5b9d56b87975338ff468dfba442c [file] [log] [blame]
Package client is a Go client for the Docker Engine API.
For more information about the Engine API, see the documentation:
# Usage
You use the library by constructing a client object using [NewClientWithOpts]
and calling methods on it. The client can be configured from environment
variables by passing the [FromEnv] option, or configured manually by passing any
of the other available [Opts].
For example, to list running containers (the equivalent of "docker ps"):
package main
import (
func main() {
cli, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(client.FromEnv)
if err != nil {
containers, err := cli.ContainerList(context.Background(), types.ContainerListOptions{})
if err != nil {
for _, container := range containers {
fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", container.ID[:10], container.Image)
package client // import ""
import (
// ErrRedirect is the error returned by checkRedirect when the request is non-GET.
var ErrRedirect = errors.New("unexpected redirect in response")
// Client is the API client that performs all operations
// against a docker server.
type Client struct {
// scheme sets the scheme for the client
scheme string
// host holds the server address to connect to
host string
// proto holds the client protocol i.e. unix.
proto string
// addr holds the client address.
addr string
// basePath holds the path to prepend to the requests.
basePath string
// client used to send and receive http requests.
client *http.Client
// version of the server to talk to.
version string
// custom http headers configured by users.
customHTTPHeaders map[string]string
// manualOverride is set to true when the version was set by users.
manualOverride bool
// negotiateVersion indicates if the client should automatically negotiate
// the API version to use when making requests. API version negotiation is
// performed on the first request, after which negotiated is set to "true"
// so that subsequent requests do not re-negotiate.
negotiateVersion bool
// negotiated indicates that API version negotiation took place
negotiated bool
// CheckRedirect specifies the policy for dealing with redirect responses:
// If the request is non-GET return ErrRedirect, otherwise use the last response.
// Go 1.8 changes behavior for HTTP redirects (specifically 301, 307, and 308)
// in the client. The Docker client (and by extension docker API client) can be
// made to send a request like POST /containers//start where what would normally
// be in the name section of the URL is empty. This triggers an HTTP 301 from
// the daemon.
// In go 1.8 this 301 will be converted to a GET request, and ends up getting
// a 404 from the daemon. This behavior change manifests in the client in that
// before, the 301 was not followed and the client did not generate an error,
// but now results in a message like Error response from daemon: page not found.
func CheckRedirect(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
if via[0].Method == http.MethodGet {
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
return ErrRedirect
// NewClientWithOpts initializes a new API client with a default HTTPClient, and
// default API host and version. It also initializes the custom HTTP headers to
// add to each request.
// It takes an optional list of Opt functional arguments, which are applied in
// the order they're provided, which allows modifying the defaults when creating
// the client. For example, the following initializes a client that configures
// itself with values from environment variables (client.FromEnv), and has
// automatic API version negotiation enabled (client.WithAPIVersionNegotiation()).
// cli, err := client.NewClientWithOpts(
// client.FromEnv,
// client.WithAPIVersionNegotiation(),
// )
func NewClientWithOpts(ops ...Opt) (*Client, error) {
client, err := defaultHTTPClient(DefaultDockerHost)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &Client{
host: DefaultDockerHost,
version: api.DefaultVersion,
client: client,
proto: defaultProto,
addr: defaultAddr,
for _, op := range ops {
if err := op(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.scheme == "" {
c.scheme = "http"
tlsConfig := resolveTLSConfig(c.client.Transport)
if tlsConfig != nil {
// TODO(stevvooe): This isn't really the right way to write clients in Go.
// `NewClient` should probably only take an `*http.Client` and work from there.
// Unfortunately, the model of having a host-ish/url-thingy as the connection
// string has us confusing protocol and transport layers. We continue doing
// this to avoid breaking existing clients but this should be addressed.
c.scheme = "https"
return c, nil
func defaultHTTPClient(host string) (*http.Client, error) {
hostURL, err := ParseHostURL(host)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
transport := &http.Transport{}
_ = sockets.ConfigureTransport(transport, hostURL.Scheme, hostURL.Host)
return &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
CheckRedirect: CheckRedirect,
}, nil
// Close the transport used by the client
func (cli *Client) Close() error {
if t, ok := cli.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
return nil
// getAPIPath returns the versioned request path to call the api.
// It appends the query parameters to the path if they are not empty.
func (cli *Client) getAPIPath(ctx context.Context, p string, query url.Values) string {
var apiPath string
if cli.negotiateVersion && !cli.negotiated {
if cli.version != "" {
v := strings.TrimPrefix(cli.version, "v")
apiPath = path.Join(cli.basePath, "/v"+v, p)
} else {
apiPath = path.Join(cli.basePath, p)
return (&url.URL{Path: apiPath, RawQuery: query.Encode()}).String()
// ClientVersion returns the API version used by this client.
func (cli *Client) ClientVersion() string {
return cli.version
// NegotiateAPIVersion queries the API and updates the version to match the API
// version. NegotiateAPIVersion downgrades the client's API version to match the
// APIVersion if the ping version is lower than the default version. If the API
// version reported by the server is higher than the maximum version supported
// by the client, it uses the client's maximum version.
// If a manual override is in place, either through the "DOCKER_API_VERSION"
// (EnvOverrideAPIVersion) environment variable, or if the client is initialized
// with a fixed version (WithVersion(xx)), no negotiation is performed.
// If the API server's ping response does not contain an API version, or if the
// client did not get a successful ping response, it assumes it is connected with
// an old daemon that does not support API version negotiation, in which case it
// downgrades to the latest version of the API before version negotiation was
// added (1.24).
func (cli *Client) NegotiateAPIVersion(ctx context.Context) {
if !cli.manualOverride {
ping, _ := cli.Ping(ctx)
// NegotiateAPIVersionPing downgrades the client's API version to match the
// APIVersion in the ping response. If the API version in pingResponse is higher
// than the maximum version supported by the client, it uses the client's maximum
// version.
// If a manual override is in place, either through the "DOCKER_API_VERSION"
// (EnvOverrideAPIVersion) environment variable, or if the client is initialized
// with a fixed version (WithVersion(xx)), no negotiation is performed.
// If the API server's ping response does not contain an API version, we assume
// we are connected with an old daemon without API version negotiation support,
// and downgrade to the latest version of the API before version negotiation was
// added (1.24).
func (cli *Client) NegotiateAPIVersionPing(pingResponse types.Ping) {
if !cli.manualOverride {
// negotiateAPIVersionPing queries the API and updates the version to match the
// API version from the ping response.
func (cli *Client) negotiateAPIVersionPing(pingResponse types.Ping) {
// default to the latest version before versioning headers existed
if pingResponse.APIVersion == "" {
pingResponse.APIVersion = "1.24"
// if the client is not initialized with a version, start with the latest supported version
if cli.version == "" {
cli.version = api.DefaultVersion
// if server version is lower than the client version, downgrade
if versions.LessThan(pingResponse.APIVersion, cli.version) {
cli.version = pingResponse.APIVersion
// Store the results, so that automatic API version negotiation (if enabled)
// won't be performed on the next request.
if cli.negotiateVersion {
cli.negotiated = true
// DaemonHost returns the host address used by the client
func (cli *Client) DaemonHost() string {
// HTTPClient returns a copy of the HTTP client bound to the server
func (cli *Client) HTTPClient() *http.Client {
c := *cli.client
return &c
// ParseHostURL parses a url string, validates the string is a host url, and
// returns the parsed URL
func ParseHostURL(host string) (*url.URL, error) {
protoAddrParts := strings.SplitN(host, "://", 2)
if len(protoAddrParts) == 1 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("unable to parse docker host `%s`", host)
var basePath string
proto, addr := protoAddrParts[0], protoAddrParts[1]
if proto == "tcp" {
parsed, err := url.Parse("tcp://" + addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addr = parsed.Host
basePath = parsed.Path
return &url.URL{
Scheme: proto,
Host: addr,
Path: basePath,
}, nil
// Dialer returns a dialer for a raw stream connection, with an HTTP/1.1 header,
// that can be used for proxying the daemon connection.
// Used by `docker dial-stdio` (docker/cli#889).
func (cli *Client) Dialer() func(context.Context) (net.Conn, error) {
return func(ctx context.Context) (net.Conn, error) {
if transport, ok := cli.client.Transport.(*http.Transport); ok {
if transport.DialContext != nil && transport.TLSClientConfig == nil {
return transport.DialContext(ctx, cli.proto, cli.addr)
return fallbackDial(cli.proto, cli.addr, resolveTLSConfig(cli.client.Transport))