blob: 34b04e299acdfc5a8c66694d24fbc77fab653787 [file] [log] [blame]
package libcontainerd // import ""
import (
const (
sockFile = "docker-containerd.sock"
debugSockFile = "docker-containerd-debug.sock"
func (r *remote) setDefaults() {
if r.GRPC.Address == "" {
r.GRPC.Address = filepath.Join(r.stateDir, sockFile)
if r.GRPC.MaxRecvMsgSize == 0 {
r.GRPC.MaxRecvMsgSize = defaults.DefaultMaxRecvMsgSize
if r.GRPC.MaxSendMsgSize == 0 {
r.GRPC.MaxSendMsgSize = defaults.DefaultMaxSendMsgSize
if r.Debug.Address == "" {
r.Debug.Address = filepath.Join(r.stateDir, debugSockFile)
if r.Debug.Level == "" {
r.Debug.Level = "info"
if r.OOMScore == 0 {
r.OOMScore = -999
if r.snapshotter == "" {
r.snapshotter = "overlay"
// Disable CRI plugin by default if containerd is managed as child-process
// of dockerd. See
r.DisabledPlugins = append(r.DisabledPlugins, "cri")
delete(r.pluginConfs.Plugins, "cri")
func (r *remote) stopDaemon() {
// Ask the daemon to quit
syscall.Kill(r.daemonPid, syscall.SIGTERM)
// Wait up to 15secs for it to stop
for i := time.Duration(0); i < shutdownTimeout; i += time.Second {
if !system.IsProcessAlive(r.daemonPid) {
if system.IsProcessAlive(r.daemonPid) {
r.logger.WithField("pid", r.daemonPid).Warn("daemon didn't stop within 15 secs, killing it")
syscall.Kill(r.daemonPid, syscall.SIGKILL)
func (r *remote) platformCleanup() {
os.Remove(filepath.Join(r.stateDir, sockFile))