blob: 753b2afd1cc622fb18379f8465527281d37b59a4 [file] [log] [blame]
//go:build !windows
package daemon
import (
v2runcoptions ""
const (
defaultRuntimeName = "runc"
// The runtime used to specify the containerd v2 runc shim
linuxV2RuntimeName = "io.containerd.runc.v2"
type shimConfig struct {
Shim string
Opts interface{}
Features *features.Features
// Check if the ShimConfig is valid given the current state of the system.
PreflightCheck func() error
type runtimes struct {
Default string
configured map[string]*shimConfig
func stockRuntimes() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
linuxV2RuntimeName: defaultRuntimeName,
config.StockRuntimeName: defaultRuntimeName,
func defaultV2ShimConfig(conf *config.Config, runtimePath string) *shimConfig {
shim := &shimConfig{
Shim: plugin.RuntimeRuncV2,
Opts: &v2runcoptions.Options{
BinaryName: runtimePath,
Root: filepath.Join(conf.ExecRoot, "runtime-"+defaultRuntimeName),
SystemdCgroup: UsingSystemd(conf),
NoPivotRoot: os.Getenv("DOCKER_RAMDISK") != "",
var featuresStderr bytes.Buffer
featuresCmd := exec.Command(runtimePath, "features")
featuresCmd.Stderr = &featuresStderr
if featuresB, err := featuresCmd.Output(); err != nil {
log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warnf("Failed to run %v: %q", featuresCmd.Args, featuresStderr.String())
} else {
var features features.Features
if jsonErr := json.Unmarshal(featuresB, &features); jsonErr != nil {
log.G(context.TODO()).WithError(err).Warnf("Failed to unmarshal the output of %v as a JSON", featuresCmd.Args)
} else {
shim.Features = &features
return shim
func runtimeScriptsDir(cfg *config.Config) string {
return filepath.Join(cfg.Root, "runtimes")
// initRuntimesDir creates a fresh directory where we'll store the runtime
// scripts (i.e. in order to support runtimeArgs).
func initRuntimesDir(cfg *config.Config) error {
runtimeDir := runtimeScriptsDir(cfg)
if err := os.RemoveAll(runtimeDir); err != nil {
return err
return system.MkdirAll(runtimeDir, 0o700)
func setupRuntimes(cfg *config.Config) (runtimes, error) {
if _, ok := cfg.Runtimes[config.StockRuntimeName]; ok {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime name '%s' is reserved", config.StockRuntimeName)
newrt := runtimes{
Default: cfg.DefaultRuntime,
configured: make(map[string]*shimConfig),
for name, path := range stockRuntimes() {
newrt.configured[name] = defaultV2ShimConfig(cfg, path)
if newrt.Default != "" {
_, isStock := newrt.configured[newrt.Default]
_, isConfigured := cfg.Runtimes[newrt.Default]
if !isStock && !isConfigured && !isPermissibleC8dRuntimeName(newrt.Default) {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("specified default runtime '%s' does not exist", newrt.Default)
} else {
newrt.Default = config.StockRuntimeName
dir := runtimeScriptsDir(cfg)
for name, rt := range cfg.Runtimes {
var c *shimConfig
if rt.Path == "" && rt.Type == "" {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime %s: either a runtimeType or a path must be configured", name)
if rt.Path != "" {
if rt.Type != "" {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime %s: cannot configure both path and runtimeType for the same runtime", name)
if len(rt.Options) > 0 {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime %s: options cannot be used with a path runtime", name)
binaryName := rt.Path
needsWrapper := len(rt.Args) > 0
if needsWrapper {
var err error
binaryName, err = wrapRuntime(dir, name, rt.Path, rt.Args)
if err != nil {
return runtimes{}, err
c = defaultV2ShimConfig(cfg, binaryName)
if needsWrapper {
path := rt.Path
c.PreflightCheck = func() error {
// Check that the runtime path actually exists so that we can return a well known error.
_, err := exec.LookPath(path)
return errors.Wrap(err, "error while looking up the specified runtime path")
} else {
if len(rt.Args) > 0 {
return runtimes{}, errors.Errorf("runtime %s: args cannot be used with a runtimeType runtime", name)
// Unlike implicit runtimes, there is no restriction on configuring a shim by path.
c = &shimConfig{Shim: rt.Type}
if len(rt.Options) > 0 {
// It has to be a pointer type or there'll be a panic in containerd/typeurl when we try to start the container.
var err error
c.Opts, err = shimopts.Generate(rt.Type, rt.Options)
if err != nil {
return runtimes{}, errors.Wrapf(err, "runtime %v", name)
newrt.configured[name] = c
return newrt, nil
// A non-standard Base32 encoding which lacks vowels to avoid accidentally
// spelling naughty words. Don't use this to encode any data which requires
// compatibility with anything outside of the currently-running process.
var base32Disemvoweled = base32.NewEncoding("0123456789BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ-")
// wrapRuntime writes a shell script to dir which will execute binary with args
// concatenated to the script's argv. This is needed because the
// io.containerd.runc.v2 shim has no options for passing extra arguments to the
// runtime binary.
func wrapRuntime(dir, name, binary string, args []string) (string, error) {
var wrapper bytes.Buffer
sum := sha256.New()
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(io.MultiWriter(&wrapper, sum), "#!/bin/sh\n%s %s $@\n", binary, strings.Join(args, " "))
// Generate a consistent name for the wrapper script derived from the
// contents so that multiple wrapper scripts can coexist with the same
// base name. The existing scripts might still be referenced by running
// containers.
suffix := base32Disemvoweled.EncodeToString(sum.Sum(nil))
scriptPath := filepath.Join(dir, name+"."+suffix)
if err := ioutils.AtomicWriteFile(scriptPath, wrapper.Bytes(), 0o700); err != nil {
return "", err
return scriptPath, nil
// Get returns the containerd runtime and options for name, suitable to pass
// into containerd.WithRuntime(). The runtime and options for the default
// runtime are returned when name is the empty string.
func (r *runtimes) Get(name string) (string, interface{}, error) {
if name == "" {
name = r.Default
rt := r.configured[name]
if rt != nil {
if rt.PreflightCheck != nil {
if err := rt.PreflightCheck(); err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return rt.Shim, rt.Opts, nil
if !isPermissibleC8dRuntimeName(name) {
return "", nil, errdefs.InvalidParameter(errors.Errorf("unknown or invalid runtime name: %s", name))
return name, nil, nil
func (r *runtimes) Features(name string) *features.Features {
if name == "" {
name = r.Default
rt := r.configured[name]
if rt != nil {
return rt.Features
return nil
// isPermissibleC8dRuntimeName tests whether name is safe to pass into
// containerd as a runtime name, and whether the name is well-formed.
// It does not check if the runtime is installed.
// A runtime name containing slash characters is interpreted by containerd as
// the path to a runtime binary. If we allowed this, anyone with Engine API
// access could get containerd to execute an arbitrary binary as root. Although
// Engine API access is already equivalent to root on the host, the runtime name
// has not historically been a vector to run arbitrary code as root so users are
// not expecting it to become one.
// This restriction is not configurable. There are viable workarounds for
// legitimate use cases: administrators and runtime developers can make runtimes
// available for use with Docker by installing them onto PATH following the
// [binary naming convention] for containerd Runtime v2.
// [binary naming convention]:
func isPermissibleC8dRuntimeName(name string) bool {
// containerd uses a rather permissive test to validate runtime names:
// - Any name for which filepath.IsAbs(name) is interpreted as the absolute
// path to a shim binary. We want to block this behaviour.
// - Any name which contains at least one '.' character and no '/' characters
// and does not begin with a '.' character is a valid runtime name. The shim
// binary name is derived from the final two components of the name and
// searched for on the PATH. The name "a.." is technically valid per
// containerd's implementation: it would resolve to a binary named
// "containerd-shim---".
return !filepath.IsAbs(name) && !strings.ContainsRune(name, '/') && shim.BinaryName(name) != ""