blob: 4d364d80ebc16e989cd6185fcb119defda9dd2f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package link
import (
// KprobeMultiOptions defines additional parameters that will be used
// when opening a KprobeMulti Link.
type KprobeMultiOptions struct {
// Symbols takes a list of kernel symbol names to attach an ebpf program to.
// Mutually exclusive with Addresses.
Symbols []string
// Addresses takes a list of kernel symbol addresses in case they can not
// be referred to by name.
// Note that only start addresses can be specified, since the fprobe API
// limits the attach point to the function entry or return.
// Mutually exclusive with Symbols.
Addresses []uintptr
// Cookies specifies arbitrary values that can be fetched from an eBPF
// program via `bpf_get_attach_cookie()`.
// If set, its length should be equal to the length of Symbols or Addresses.
// Each Cookie is assigned to the Symbol or Address specified at the
// corresponding slice index.
Cookies []uint64
// KprobeMulti attaches the given eBPF program to the entry point of a given set
// of kernel symbols.
// The difference with Kprobe() is that multi-kprobe accomplishes this in a
// single system call, making it significantly faster than attaching many
// probes one at a time.
// Requires at least Linux 5.18.
func KprobeMulti(prog *ebpf.Program, opts KprobeMultiOptions) (Link, error) {
return kprobeMulti(prog, opts, 0)
// KretprobeMulti attaches the given eBPF program to the return point of a given
// set of kernel symbols.
// The difference with Kretprobe() is that multi-kprobe accomplishes this in a
// single system call, making it significantly faster than attaching many
// probes one at a time.
// Requires at least Linux 5.18.
func KretprobeMulti(prog *ebpf.Program, opts KprobeMultiOptions) (Link, error) {
return kprobeMulti(prog, opts, unix.BPF_F_KPROBE_MULTI_RETURN)
func kprobeMulti(prog *ebpf.Program, opts KprobeMultiOptions, flags uint32) (Link, error) {
if prog == nil {
return nil, errors.New("cannot attach a nil program")
syms := uint32(len(opts.Symbols))
addrs := uint32(len(opts.Addresses))
cookies := uint32(len(opts.Cookies))
if syms == 0 && addrs == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("one of Symbols or Addresses is required: %w", errInvalidInput)
if syms != 0 && addrs != 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Symbols and Addresses are mutually exclusive: %w", errInvalidInput)
if cookies > 0 && cookies != syms && cookies != addrs {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cookies must be exactly Symbols or Addresses in length: %w", errInvalidInput)
attr := &sys.LinkCreateKprobeMultiAttr{
ProgFd: uint32(prog.FD()),
KprobeMultiFlags: flags,
switch {
case syms != 0:
attr.Count = syms
attr.Syms = sys.NewStringSlicePointer(opts.Symbols)
case addrs != 0:
attr.Count = addrs
attr.Addrs = sys.NewPointer(unsafe.Pointer(&opts.Addresses[0]))
if cookies != 0 {
attr.Cookies = sys.NewPointer(unsafe.Pointer(&opts.Cookies[0]))
fd, err := sys.LinkCreateKprobeMulti(attr)
if errors.Is(err, unix.ESRCH) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find one or more symbols: %w", os.ErrNotExist)
if errors.Is(err, unix.EINVAL) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w (missing kernel symbol or prog's AttachType not AttachTraceKprobeMulti?)", err)
if err != nil {
if haveFeatErr := haveBPFLinkKprobeMulti(); haveFeatErr != nil {
return nil, haveFeatErr
return nil, err
return &kprobeMultiLink{RawLink{fd, ""}}, nil
type kprobeMultiLink struct {
var _ Link = (*kprobeMultiLink)(nil)
func (kml *kprobeMultiLink) Update(prog *ebpf.Program) error {
return fmt.Errorf("update kprobe_multi: %w", ErrNotSupported)
func (kml *kprobeMultiLink) Pin(string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("pin kprobe_multi: %w", ErrNotSupported)
func (kml *kprobeMultiLink) Unpin() error {
return fmt.Errorf("unpin kprobe_multi: %w", ErrNotSupported)
var haveBPFLinkKprobeMulti = internal.NewFeatureTest("bpf_link_kprobe_multi", "5.18", func() error {
prog, err := ebpf.NewProgram(&ebpf.ProgramSpec{
Name: "probe_kpm_link",
Type: ebpf.Kprobe,
Instructions: asm.Instructions{
asm.Mov.Imm(asm.R0, 0),
AttachType: ebpf.AttachTraceKprobeMulti,
License: "MIT",
if errors.Is(err, unix.E2BIG) {
// Kernel doesn't support AttachType field.
return internal.ErrNotSupported
if err != nil {
return err
defer prog.Close()
fd, err := sys.LinkCreateKprobeMulti(&sys.LinkCreateKprobeMultiAttr{
ProgFd: uint32(prog.FD()),
Count: 1,
Syms: sys.NewStringSlicePointer([]string{"vprintk"}),
switch {
case errors.Is(err, unix.EINVAL):
return internal.ErrNotSupported
// If CONFIG_FPROBE isn't set.
case errors.Is(err, unix.EOPNOTSUPP):
return internal.ErrNotSupported
case err != nil:
return err
return nil