blob: 1b45a9a7427b0120ac13bbb96f45f2bd5f7144fc [file] [log] [blame]
package tracefs
import (
var (
ErrInvalidInput = errors.New("invalid input")
ErrInvalidMaxActive = errors.New("can only set maxactive on kretprobes")
//go:generate go run -type=ProbeType -linecomment
type ProbeType uint8
const (
Kprobe ProbeType = iota // kprobe
Uprobe // uprobe
func (pt ProbeType) eventsFile() (*os.File, error) {
path, err := sanitizeTracefsPath(fmt.Sprintf("%s_events", pt.String()))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return os.OpenFile(path, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
type ProbeArgs struct {
Type ProbeType
Symbol, Group, Path string
Offset, RefCtrOffset, Cookie uint64
Pid, RetprobeMaxActive int
Ret bool
// RandomGroup generates a pseudorandom string for use as a tracefs group name.
// Returns an error when the output string would exceed 63 characters (kernel
// limitation), when rand.Read() fails or when prefix contains characters not
// allowed by IsValidTraceID.
func RandomGroup(prefix string) (string, error) {
if !validIdentifier(prefix) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("prefix '%s' must be alphanumeric or underscore: %w", prefix, ErrInvalidInput)
b := make([]byte, 8)
if _, err := rand.Read(b); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("reading random bytes: %w", err)
group := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%x", prefix, b)
if len(group) > 63 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("group name '%s' cannot be longer than 63 characters: %w", group, ErrInvalidInput)
return group, nil
// validIdentifier implements the equivalent of a regex match
// against "^[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*$".
// Trace event groups, names and kernel symbols must adhere to this set
// of characters. Non-empty, first character must not be a number, all
// characters must be alphanumeric or underscore.
func validIdentifier(s string) bool {
if len(s) < 1 {
return false
for i, c := range []byte(s) {
switch {
case c >= 'a' && c <= 'z':
case c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z':
case c == '_':
case i > 0 && c >= '0' && c <= '9':
return false
return true
func sanitizeTracefsPath(path ...string) (string, error) {
base, err := getTracefsPath()
if err != nil {
return "", err
l := filepath.Join(path...)
p := filepath.Join(base, l)
if !strings.HasPrefix(p, base) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("path '%s' attempts to escape base path '%s': %w", l, base, ErrInvalidInput)
return p, nil
// getTracefsPath will return a correct path to the tracefs mount point.
// Since kernel 4.1 tracefs should be mounted by default at /sys/kernel/tracing,
// but may be also be available at /sys/kernel/debug/tracing if debugfs is mounted.
// The available tracefs paths will depends on distribution choices.
var getTracefsPath = internal.Memoize(func() (string, error) {
for _, p := range []struct {
path string
fsType int64
{"/sys/kernel/tracing", unix.TRACEFS_MAGIC},
{"/sys/kernel/debug/tracing", unix.TRACEFS_MAGIC},
// RHEL/CentOS
{"/sys/kernel/debug/tracing", unix.DEBUGFS_MAGIC},
} {
if fsType, err := internal.FSType(p.path); err == nil && fsType == p.fsType {
return p.path, nil
return "", errors.New("neither debugfs nor tracefs are mounted")
// sanitizeIdentifier replaces every invalid character for the tracefs api with an underscore.
// It is equivalent to calling regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+").ReplaceAllString("_").
func sanitizeIdentifier(s string) string {
var skip bool
return strings.Map(func(c rune) rune {
switch {
case c >= 'a' && c <= 'z',
c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z',
c >= '0' && c <= '9':
skip = false
return c
case skip:
return -1
skip = true
return '_'
}, s)
// EventID reads a trace event's ID from tracefs given its group and name.
// The kernel requires group and name to be alphanumeric or underscore.
func EventID(group, name string) (uint64, error) {
if !validIdentifier(group) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid tracefs group: %q", group)
if !validIdentifier(name) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid tracefs name: %q", name)
path, err := sanitizeTracefsPath("events", group, name, "id")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
tid, err := internal.ReadUint64FromFile("%d\n", path)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return 0, err
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("reading trace event ID of %s/%s: %w", group, name, err)
return tid, nil
func probePrefix(ret bool, maxActive int) string {
if ret {
if maxActive > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("r%d", maxActive)
return "r"
return "p"
// Event represents an entry in a tracefs probe events file.
type Event struct {
typ ProbeType
group, name string
// event id allocated by the kernel. 0 if the event has already been removed.
id uint64
// NewEvent creates a new ephemeral trace event.
// Returns os.ErrNotExist if symbol is not a valid
// kernel symbol, or if it is not traceable with kprobes. Returns os.ErrExist
// if a probe with the same group and symbol already exists. Returns an error if
// args.RetprobeMaxActive is used on non kprobe types. Returns ErrNotSupported if
// the kernel is too old to support kretprobe maxactive.
func NewEvent(args ProbeArgs) (*Event, error) {
// Before attempting to create a trace event through tracefs,
// check if an event with the same group and name already exists.
// Kernels 4.x and earlier don't return os.ErrExist on writing a duplicate
// entry, so we need to rely on reads for detecting uniqueness.
eventName := sanitizeIdentifier(args.Symbol)
_, err := EventID(args.Group, eventName)
if err == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("trace event %s/%s: %w", args.Group, eventName, os.ErrExist)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("checking trace event %s/%s: %w", args.Group, eventName, err)
// Open the kprobe_events file in tracefs.
f, err := args.Type.eventsFile()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
var pe, token string
switch args.Type {
case Kprobe:
// The kprobe_events syntax is as follows (see Documentation/trace/kprobetrace.txt):
// p[:[GRP/]EVENT] [MOD:]SYM[+offs]|MEMADDR [FETCHARGS] : Set a probe
// r[MAXACTIVE][:[GRP/]EVENT] [MOD:]SYM[+0] [FETCHARGS] : Set a return probe
// -:[GRP/]EVENT : Clear a probe
// Some examples:
// r:ebpf_1234/r_my_kretprobe nf_conntrack_destroy
// p:ebpf_5678/p_my_kprobe __x64_sys_execve
// Leaving the kretprobe's MAXACTIVE set to 0 (or absent) will make the
// kernel default to NR_CPUS. This is desired in most eBPF cases since
// subsampling or rate limiting logic can be more accurately implemented in
// the eBPF program itself.
// See Documentation/kprobes.txt for more details.
if args.RetprobeMaxActive != 0 && !args.Ret {
return nil, ErrInvalidMaxActive
token = KprobeToken(args)
pe = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/%s %s", probePrefix(args.Ret, args.RetprobeMaxActive), args.Group, eventName, token)
case Uprobe:
// The uprobe_events syntax is as follows:
// p[:[GRP/]EVENT] PATH:OFFSET [FETCHARGS] : Set a probe
// r[:[GRP/]EVENT] PATH:OFFSET [FETCHARGS] : Set a return probe
// -:[GRP/]EVENT : Clear a probe
// Some examples:
// r:ebpf_1234/readline /bin/bash:0x12345
// p:ebpf_5678/main_mySymbol /bin/mybin:0x12345(0x123)
// See Documentation/trace/uprobetracer.txt for more details.
if args.RetprobeMaxActive != 0 {
return nil, ErrInvalidMaxActive
token = UprobeToken(args)
pe = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s/%s %s", probePrefix(args.Ret, 0), args.Group, eventName, token)
_, err = f.WriteString(pe)
// Since commit 97c753e62e6c, ENOENT is correctly returned instead of EINVAL
// when trying to create a retprobe for a missing symbol.
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token %s: not found: %w", token, err)
// Since commit ab105a4fb894, EILSEQ is returned when a kprobe sym+offset is resolved
// to an invalid insn boundary. The exact conditions that trigger this error are
// arch specific however.
if errors.Is(err, syscall.EILSEQ) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token %s: bad insn boundary: %w", token, os.ErrNotExist)
// ERANGE is returned when the `SYM[+offs]` token is too big and cannot
// be resolved.
if errors.Is(err, syscall.ERANGE) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token %s: offset too big: %w", token, os.ErrNotExist)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("token %s: writing '%s': %w", token, pe, err)
// Get the newly-created trace event's id.
tid, err := EventID(args.Group, eventName)
if args.RetprobeMaxActive != 0 && errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
// Kernels < 4.12 don't support maxactive and therefore auto generate
// group and event names from the symbol and offset. The symbol is used
// without any sanitization.
// See
event := fmt.Sprintf("kprobes/r_%s_%d", args.Symbol, args.Offset)
if err := removeEvent(args.Type, event); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to remove spurious maxactive event: %s", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("create trace event with non-default maxactive: %w", internal.ErrNotSupported)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("get trace event id: %w", err)
evt := &Event{args.Type, args.Group, eventName, tid}
runtime.SetFinalizer(evt, (*Event).Close)
return evt, nil
// Close removes the event from tracefs.
// Returns os.ErrClosed if the event has already been closed before.
func (evt *Event) Close() error {
if == 0 {
return os.ErrClosed
} = 0
runtime.SetFinalizer(evt, nil)
pe := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s",,
return removeEvent(evt.typ, pe)
func removeEvent(typ ProbeType, pe string) error {
f, err := typ.eventsFile()
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
// See [k,u]probe_events syntax above. The probe type does not need to be specified
// for removals.
if _, err = f.WriteString("-:" + pe); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("remove event %q from %s: %w", pe, f.Name(), err)
return nil
// ID returns the tracefs ID associated with the event.
func (evt *Event) ID() uint64 {
// Group returns the tracefs group used by the event.
func (evt *Event) Group() string {
// KprobeToken creates the SYM[+offs] token for the tracefs api.
func KprobeToken(args ProbeArgs) string {
po := args.Symbol
if args.Offset != 0 {
po += fmt.Sprintf("+%#x", args.Offset)
return po