blob: 5cf848f9eab3ba74adb88da62693c8db1c3c7d82 [file] [log] [blame]
:title: Port redirection
:description: usage about port redirection
:keywords: Usage, basic port, docker, documentation, examples
Port redirection
Docker can redirect public tcp ports to your container, so it can be reached over the network.
Port redirection is done on ``docker run`` using the -p flag.
A port redirect is specified as PUBLIC:PRIVATE, where tcp port PUBLIC will be redirected to
tcp port PRIVATE. As a special case, the public port can be omitted, in which case a random
public port will be allocated.
.. code-block:: bash
# A random PUBLIC port is redirected to PRIVATE port 80 on the container
docker run -p 80 <image> <cmd>
# PUBLIC port 80 is redirected to PRIVATE port 80
docker run -p 80:80 <image> <cmd>
Default port redirects can be built into a container with the EXPOSE build command.