blob: ae5a322c19d9c45453eb9506491073bcae3e70a9 [file] [log] [blame]
package ops
import (
digest ""
const execCacheType = "buildkit.exec.v0"
type execOp struct {
op *pb.ExecOp
cm cache.Manager
md *metadata.Store
exec executor.Executor
w worker.Worker
numInputs int
func NewExecOp(v solver.Vertex, op *pb.Op_Exec, cm cache.Manager, md *metadata.Store, exec executor.Executor, w worker.Worker) (solver.Op, error) {
return &execOp{
op: op.Exec,
cm: cm,
md: md,
exec: exec,
numInputs: len(v.Inputs()),
w: w,
}, nil
func cloneExecOp(old *pb.ExecOp) pb.ExecOp {
n := *old
meta := *n.Meta
n.Meta = &meta
n.Mounts = nil
for i := range n.Mounts {
m := *n.Mounts[i]
n.Mounts = append(n.Mounts, &m)
return n
func (e *execOp) CacheMap(ctx context.Context, index int) (*solver.CacheMap, bool, error) {
op := cloneExecOp(e.op)
for i := range op.Mounts {
op.Mounts[i].Selector = ""
op.Meta.ProxyEnv = nil
dt, err := json.Marshal(struct {
Type string
Exec *pb.ExecOp
OS string
Arch string
Type: execCacheType,
Exec: &op,
OS: runtime.GOOS,
Arch: runtime.GOARCH,
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
cm := &solver.CacheMap{
Digest: digest.FromBytes(dt),
Deps: make([]struct {
Selector digest.Digest
ComputeDigestFunc solver.ResultBasedCacheFunc
}, e.numInputs),
deps, err := e.getMountDeps()
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
for i, dep := range deps {
if len(dep.Selectors) != 0 {
dgsts := make([][]byte, 0, len(dep.Selectors))
for _, p := range dep.Selectors {
dgsts = append(dgsts, []byte(p))
cm.Deps[i].Selector = digest.FromBytes(bytes.Join(dgsts, []byte{0}))
if !dep.NoContentBasedHash {
cm.Deps[i].ComputeDigestFunc = llbsolver.NewContentHashFunc(dedupePaths(dep.Selectors))
return cm, true, nil
func dedupePaths(inp []string) []string {
old := make(map[string]struct{}, len(inp))
for _, p := range inp {
old[p] = struct{}{}
paths := make([]string, 0, len(old))
for p1 := range old {
var skip bool
for p2 := range old {
if p1 != p2 && strings.HasPrefix(p1, p2) {
skip = true
if !skip {
paths = append(paths, p1)
sort.Slice(paths, func(i, j int) bool {
return paths[i] < paths[j]
return paths
type dep struct {
Selectors []string
NoContentBasedHash bool
func (e *execOp) getMountDeps() ([]dep, error) {
deps := make([]dep, e.numInputs)
for _, m := range e.op.Mounts {
if m.Input == pb.Empty {
if int(m.Input) >= len(deps) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid mountinput %v", m)
sel := m.Selector
if sel != "" {
sel = path.Join("/", sel)
deps[m.Input].Selectors = append(deps[m.Input].Selectors, sel)
if !m.Readonly || m.Dest == pb.RootMount { // exclude read-only rootfs
deps[m.Input].NoContentBasedHash = true
return deps, nil
func (e *execOp) getRefCacheDir(ctx context.Context, ref cache.ImmutableRef, id string, m *pb.Mount) (cache.MutableRef, error) {
key := "cache-dir:" + id
if ref != nil {
key += ":" + ref.ID()
return sharedCacheRefs.get(key, func() (cache.MutableRef, error) {
return e.getRefCacheDirNoCache(ctx, key, ref, id, m)
func (e *execOp) getRefCacheDirNoCache(ctx context.Context, key string, ref cache.ImmutableRef, id string, m *pb.Mount) (cache.MutableRef, error) {
makeMutable := func(cache.ImmutableRef) (cache.MutableRef, error) {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("cached mount %s from exec %s", m.Dest, strings.Join(e.op.Meta.Args, " "))
return, ref, cache.WithDescription(desc), cache.CachePolicyRetain)
sis, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, si := range sis {
if mRef, err :=, si.ID()); err == nil {
logrus.Debugf("reusing ref for cache dir: %s", mRef.ID())
return mRef, nil
mRef, err := makeMutable(ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
si, _ :=
v, err := metadata.NewValue(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v.Index = key
if err := si.Update(func(b *bolt.Bucket) error {
return si.SetValue(b, key, v)
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return mRef, nil
func (e *execOp) Exec(ctx context.Context, inputs []solver.Result) ([]solver.Result, error) {
var mounts []executor.Mount
var root cache.Mountable
var readonlyRootFS bool
var outputs []cache.Ref
defer func() {
for _, o := range outputs {
if o != nil {
go o.Release(context.TODO())
// loop over all mounts, fill in mounts, root and outputs
for _, m := range e.op.Mounts {
var mountable cache.Mountable
var ref cache.ImmutableRef
if m.Dest == pb.RootMount && m.MountType != pb.MountType_BIND {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid mount type %s for %s", m.MountType.String(), m.Dest)
// if mount is based on input validate and load it
if m.Input != pb.Empty {
if int(m.Input) > len(inputs) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("missing input %d", m.Input)
inp := inputs[int(m.Input)]
workerRef, ok := inp.Sys().(*worker.WorkerRef)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.Errorf("invalid reference for exec %T", inp.Sys())
ref = workerRef.ImmutableRef
mountable = ref
makeMutable := func(cache.ImmutableRef) (cache.MutableRef, error) {
desc := fmt.Sprintf("mount %s from exec %s", m.Dest, strings.Join(e.op.Meta.Args, " "))
return, ref, cache.WithDescription(desc))
switch m.MountType {
case pb.MountType_BIND:
// if mount creates an output
if m.Output != pb.SkipOutput {
// it it is readonly and not root then output is the input
if m.Readonly && ref != nil && m.Dest != pb.RootMount {
outputs = append(outputs, ref.Clone())
} else {
// otherwise output and mount is the mutable child
active, err := makeMutable(ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputs = append(outputs, active)
mountable = active
} else if ref == nil {
// this case is empty readonly scratch without output that is not really useful for anything but don't error
active, err := makeMutable(ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer active.Release(context.TODO())
mountable = active
case pb.MountType_CACHE:
if m.CacheOpt == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("missing cache mount options")
mRef, err := e.getRefCacheDir(ctx, ref, m.CacheOpt.ID, m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mountable = mRef
defer func() {
go mRef.Release(context.TODO())
if m.Output != pb.SkipOutput && ref != nil {
outputs = append(outputs, ref.Clone())
case pb.MountType_TMPFS:
mountable = newTmpfs()
return nil, errors.Errorf("mount type %s not implemented", m.MountType)
// validate that there is a mount
if mountable == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("mount %s has no input", m.Dest)
// if dest is root we need mutable ref even if there is no output
if m.Dest == pb.RootMount {
root = mountable
readonlyRootFS = m.Readonly
if m.Output == pb.SkipOutput && readonlyRootFS {
active, err := makeMutable(ref)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
go active.Release(context.TODO())
root = active
} else {
mounts = append(mounts, executor.Mount{Src: mountable, Dest: m.Dest, Readonly: m.Readonly, Selector: m.Selector})
// sort mounts so parents are mounted first
sort.Slice(mounts, func(i, j int) bool {
return mounts[i].Dest < mounts[j].Dest
meta := executor.Meta{
Args: e.op.Meta.Args,
Env: e.op.Meta.Env,
Cwd: e.op.Meta.Cwd,
User: e.op.Meta.User,
ReadonlyRootFS: readonlyRootFS,
if e.op.Meta.ProxyEnv != nil {
meta.Env = append(meta.Env, proxyEnvList(e.op.Meta.ProxyEnv)...)
stdout, stderr := logs.NewLogStreams(ctx, os.Getenv("BUILDKIT_DEBUG_EXEC_OUTPUT") == "1")
defer stdout.Close()
defer stderr.Close()
if err := e.exec.Exec(ctx, meta, root, mounts, nil, stdout, stderr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "executor failed running %v", meta.Args)
refs := []solver.Result{}
for i, out := range outputs {
if mutable, ok := out.(cache.MutableRef); ok {
ref, err := mutable.Commit(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error committing %s", mutable.ID())
refs = append(refs, worker.NewWorkerRefResult(ref, e.w))
} else {
refs = append(refs, worker.NewWorkerRefResult(out.(cache.ImmutableRef), e.w))
outputs[i] = nil
return refs, nil
func proxyEnvList(p *pb.ProxyEnv) []string {
out := []string{}
if v := p.HttpProxy; v != "" {
out = append(out, "HTTP_PROXY="+v, "http_proxy="+v)
if v := p.HttpsProxy; v != "" {
out = append(out, "HTTPS_PROXY="+v, "https_proxy="+v)
if v := p.FtpProxy; v != "" {
out = append(out, "FTP_PROXY="+v, "ftp_proxy="+v)
if v := p.NoProxy; v != "" {
out = append(out, "NO_PROXY="+v, "no_proxy="+v)
return out
func newTmpfs() cache.Mountable {
return &tmpfs{}
type tmpfs struct {
func (f *tmpfs) Mount(ctx context.Context, readonly bool) (snapshot.Mountable, error) {
return &tmpfsMount{readonly: readonly}, nil
type tmpfsMount struct {
readonly bool
func (m *tmpfsMount) Mount() ([]mount.Mount, error) {
opt := []string{"nosuid"}
if m.readonly {
opt = append(opt, "ro")
return []mount.Mount{{
Type: "tmpfs",
Source: "tmpfs",
Options: opt,
}}, nil
func (m *tmpfsMount) Release() error {
return nil
var sharedCacheRefs = &cacheRefs{}
type cacheRefs struct {
mu sync.Mutex
shares map[string]*cacheRefShare
func (r *cacheRefs) get(key string, fn func() (cache.MutableRef, error)) (cache.MutableRef, error) {
if r.shares == nil {
r.shares = map[string]*cacheRefShare{}
share, ok := r.shares[key]
if ok {
return share.clone(), nil
mref, err := fn()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
share = &cacheRefShare{MutableRef: mref, main: r, key: key, refs: map[*cacheRef]struct{}{}}
r.shares[key] = share
return share.clone(), nil
type cacheRefShare struct {
mu sync.Mutex
refs map[*cacheRef]struct{}
main *cacheRefs
key string
func (r *cacheRefShare) clone() cache.MutableRef {
cacheRef := &cacheRef{cacheRefShare: r}
r.refs[cacheRef] = struct{}{}
return cacheRef
func (r *cacheRefShare) release(ctx context.Context) error {
delete(r.main.shares, r.key)
return r.MutableRef.Release(ctx)
type cacheRef struct {
func (r *cacheRef) Release(ctx context.Context) error {
delete(r.refs, r)
if len(r.refs) == 0 {
return r.release(ctx)
return nil