vndr swarmkit to bring in fix for PullOptions

Signed-off-by: Andrew Hsu <>
diff --git a/vendor.conf b/vendor.conf
index e365a9a..76b5ae5 100644
--- a/vendor.conf
+++ b/vendor.conf
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ 1405643975692217d6720f8b54aeee1bf2cd5cf4
 # cluster a0a7f6f663c35c92ddcd73e2c1b97b0f4ed8caf3 bf3d9a21fa618289839963138923b1534103486a v0.4 7fb22c8cba7ecaf98e4082d22d65800cf45e042a d90e65c3a07988180c5b1ece71791c0b6506826e
diff --git a/vendor/ b/vendor/
index 32a22d5..0a4218f 100644
--- a/vendor/
+++ b/vendor/
@@ -67,7 +67,29 @@
 		return false
-	return !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Spec.Task, t.Spec) ||
+	// Make a deep copy of the service and task spec for the comparison.
+	serviceTaskSpec := *s.Spec.Task.Copy()
+	// For non-failed tasks with a container spec runtime that have already
+	// pulled the required image (i.e., current state is between READY and
+	// RUNNING inclusively), ignore the value of the `PullOptions` field by
+	// setting the copied service to have the same PullOptions value as the
+	// task. A difference in only the `PullOptions` field should not cause
+	// a running (or ready to run) task to be considered 'dirty' when we
+	// handle updates.
+	// See
+	currentState := t.Status.State
+	// Ignore PullOpts if the task is desired to be in a "runnable" state
+	// and its last known current state is between READY and RUNNING in
+	// which case we know that the task either successfully pulled its
+	// container image or didn't need to.
+	ignorePullOpts := t.DesiredState <= api.TaskStateRunning && currentState >= api.TaskStateReady && currentState <= api.TaskStateRunning
+	if ignorePullOpts && serviceTaskSpec.GetContainer() != nil && t.Spec.GetContainer() != nil {
+		// Modify the service's container spec.
+		serviceTaskSpec.GetContainer().PullOptions = t.Spec.GetContainer().PullOptions
+	}
+	return !reflect.DeepEqual(serviceTaskSpec, t.Spec) ||
 		(t.Endpoint != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(s.Spec.Endpoint, t.Endpoint.Spec))