blob: fe7bbee76627fcf3542fc8be1e8d419ee1ec4338 [file] [log] [blame]
/* rpmalloc.h - Memory allocator - Public Domain - 2016 Mattias Jansson / Rampant Pixels
* This library provides a cross-platform lock free thread caching malloc implementation in C11.
* The latest source code is always available at
* This library is put in the public domain; you can redistribute it and/or modify it without any restrictions.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
# define RPMALLOC_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__((__malloc__))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# define RPMALLOC_RESTRICT __declspec(restrict)
# define RPMALLOC_CDECL __cdecl
//! Flag to rpaligned_realloc to not preserve content in reallocation
typedef struct rpmalloc_global_statistics_t {
//! Current amount of virtual memory mapped (only if ENABLE_STATISTICS=1)
size_t mapped;
//! Current amount of memory in global caches for small and medium sizes (<64KiB)
size_t cached;
//! Total amount of memory mapped (only if ENABLE_STATISTICS=1)
size_t mapped_total;
//! Total amount of memory unmapped (only if ENABLE_STATISTICS=1)
size_t unmapped_total;
} rpmalloc_global_statistics_t;
typedef struct rpmalloc_thread_statistics_t {
//! Current number of bytes available for allocation from active spans
size_t active;
//! Current number of bytes available in thread size class caches
size_t sizecache;
//! Current number of bytes available in thread span caches
size_t spancache;
//! Current number of bytes in pending deferred deallocations
size_t deferred;
//! Total number of bytes transitioned from thread cache to global cache
size_t thread_to_global;
//! Total number of bytes transitioned from global cache to thread cache
size_t global_to_thread;
} rpmalloc_thread_statistics_t;
typedef struct rpmalloc_config_t {
//! Map memory pages for the given number of bytes. The returned address MUST be
// aligned to the rpmalloc span size, which will always be a power of two.
// Optionally the function can store an alignment offset in the offset variable
// in case it performs alignment and the returned pointer is offset from the
// actual start of the memory region due to this alignment. The alignment offset
// will be passed to the memory unmap function. The alignment offset MUST NOT be
// larger than 65535 (storable in an uint16_t), if it is you must use natural
// alignment to shift it into 16 bits. If you set a memory_map function, you
// must also set a memory_unmap function or else the default implementation will
// be used for both.
void* (*memory_map)(size_t size, size_t* offset);
//! Unmap the memory pages starting at address and spanning the given number of bytes.
// If release is set to non-zero, the unmap is for an entire span range as returned by
// a previous call to memory_map and that the entire range should be released. The
// release argument holds the size of the entire span range. If release is set to 0,
// the unmap is a partial decommit of a subset of the mapped memory range.
// If you set a memory_unmap function, you must also set a memory_map function or
// else the default implementation will be used for both.
void (*memory_unmap)(void* address, size_t size, size_t offset, size_t release);
//! Size of memory pages. The page size MUST be a power of two. All memory mapping
// requests to memory_map will be made with size set to a multiple of the page size.
size_t page_size;
//! Size of a span of memory blocks. MUST be a power of two, and in [4096,262144]
// range (unless 0 - set to 0 to use the default span size).
size_t span_size;
//! Number of spans to map at each request to map new virtual memory blocks. This can
// be used to minimize the system call overhead at the cost of virtual memory address
// space. The extra mapped pages will not be written until actually used, so physical
// committed memory should not be affected in the default implementation. Will be
// aligned to a multiple of spans that match memory page size in case of huge pages.
size_t span_map_count;
//! Enable use of large/huge pages
int enable_huge_pages;
} rpmalloc_config_t;
//! Initialize allocator with default configuration
extern int
//! Initialize allocator with given configuration
extern int
rpmalloc_initialize_config(const rpmalloc_config_t* config);
//! Get allocator configuration
extern const rpmalloc_config_t*
//! Finalize allocator
extern void
//! Initialize allocator for calling thread
extern void
//! Finalize allocator for calling thread
extern void
//! Perform deferred deallocations pending for the calling thread heap
extern void
//! Query if allocator is initialized for calling thread
extern int
//! Get per-thread statistics
extern void
rpmalloc_thread_statistics(rpmalloc_thread_statistics_t* stats);
//! Get global statistics
extern void
rpmalloc_global_statistics(rpmalloc_global_statistics_t* stats);
//! Allocate a memory block of at least the given size
rpmalloc(size_t size) RPMALLOC_ATTRIBUTE;
//! Free the given memory block
extern void
rpfree(void* ptr);
//! Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and zero initialize it
rpcalloc(size_t num, size_t size) RPMALLOC_ATTRIBUTE;
//! Reallocate the given block to at least the given size
extern void*
rprealloc(void* ptr, size_t size);
//! Reallocate the given block to at least the given size and alignment, with optional control flags (see RPMALLOC_NO_PRESERVE)
extern void*
rpaligned_realloc(void* ptr, size_t alignment, size_t size, size_t oldsize, unsigned int flags);
//! Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment
rpaligned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t size) RPMALLOC_ATTRIBUTE;
//! Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment
rpmemalign(size_t alignment, size_t size) RPMALLOC_ATTRIBUTE;
//! Allocate a memory block of at least the given size and alignment
extern int
rpposix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size);
//! Query the usable size of the given memory block (from given pointer to the end of block)
extern size_t
rpmalloc_usable_size(void* ptr);
#ifdef __cplusplus