Permit Huffman only (-H) when not compiling with zopfli.

The -H option was inadvertently omitted for NOZOPFLI. This commit
fixes that. Reported by Nathan Moinvaziri.
diff --git a/pigz.c b/pigz.c
index 9a5dea4..2d1ef48 100644
--- a/pigz.c
+++ b/pigz.c
@@ -4462,8 +4462,10 @@
             case 'C':  get = 7;  break;
 #ifndef NOZOPFLI
             case 'F':  g.zopts.blocksplittinglast = 1;  break;
-            case 'I':  get = 4;  break;
             case 'H':  g.strategy = Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY;  break;
+#ifndef NOZOPFLI
+            case 'I':  get = 4;  break;
             case 'J':  get = 5;  break;
             case 'K':  g.form = 2;  g.sufx = ".zip";  break;