blob: 9b76740ec09c861400d62a0bd3f03e6e5a5c04f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source License.
// See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// RUN: cxx_compiler -S %s -o %t.s
// RUN: cat %t.s | FileCheck prefixes %s
// CHECK-DAG: _ZN4pqrsD1Ev
// CHECK-DAG: _ZN5pqrsRD1Ev
struct pqrs { int a; int b; ~pqrs();}; // has non trivial dtor
struct abcd { int a; int b; abcd(const abcd&); }; // has non trivial copy ctor
struct efgh { int a; int b; };
void foo(abcd x);
void foo(efgh x);
void foo(pqrs x);
extern abcd v_abcd;
extern efgh v_efgh;
extern pqrs v_pqrs;
void bar()
// class with no copy ctor or non trivial dtor: 3.1.1: no copy ctor call
// class with non-trivial copy-ctor. call it
// class with non-trivial dtor
struct pqrsR { int a; int b; ~pqrsR();}; // has non trivial dtor
struct abcdR { int a; int b; abcdR(const abcdR&); }; // has non trivial copy ctor
struct efghR { int a; int b; };
abcdR foo_abcd();
efghR foo_efgh();
pqrsR foo_pqrs();
extern abcdR r_abcd;
extern efghR r_efgh;
extern pqrsR r_pqrs;
// check the caller action at return
void barx()
// class with no copy ctor or non trivial dtor: 3.1.1: no copy ctor call
r_abcd = foo_abcd();
// class with non-trivial copy-ctor. call it
r_efgh = foo_efgh();
// class with non-trivial dtor
r_pqrs = foo_pqrs();
// check the callee action for return
struct pqrsS { int a; int b; ~pqrsS();}; // has non trivial dtor
struct abcdS { int a; int b; abcdS(const abcdS&); }; // has non trivial copy ctor
struct efghS { int a; int b; };
extern abcdS s_abcd;
extern efghS s_efgh;
extern pqrsS s_pqrs;
abcdS bar_abcd(){ return s_abcd;}
efghS bar_efgh(){ return s_efgh;}
pqrsS bar_pqrs(){ return s_pqrs;}