blob: 23114e874a45688dc8389b1b0516bd602dd234e0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- template3.cpp --- Test Cases for Bit Accurate Types --------------===//
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This is a test for partial specialization.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef int __attribute__ ((bitwidth(17))) int17;
typedef int __attribute__ ((bitwidth(15))) int15;
template<class T, class U, int I> struct X
{ void f() { printf("Primary template\n"); } };
template<class T, int I> struct X<T, T*, I>
{ void f() { printf("Partial specialization 1\n"); } };
template<class T, class U, int I> struct X<T*, U, I>
{ void f() { printf("Partial specialization 2\n"); } };
template<class T> struct X<int, T*, 10>
{ void f() { printf("Partial specialization 3\n"); } };
template<class T, class U, int I> struct X<T, U*, I>
{ void f() { printf("Partial specialization 4\n"); } };
int main() {
X<int17, int17, 10> a;
X<int15, int15*, 5> b;
X<int17, int15*, 5> bb;
X<int17*, float, 10> c;
X<int15, char*, 10> d;
X<float, int15*, 10> e;
return 0;