blob: 2123876c45eef4b137f7f288f20d39466a5824f0 [file] [log] [blame]
import shlex
import logging
import re
from shlex import quote # python 3.3 and above
from pipes import quote # python 3.2 and earlier
class ShellCommand:
'''This class represents a parsed shell command (a subset, we do not support
arbitrary shell commands yet). The parsed form allows direct access to
information like the executable name, working directory or the file
to which stdin/stdout/stderr is redirected.'''
def __init__(self, executable=None, arguments=None):
self.stdin = None
self.stdout = None
self.stderr = None
self.executable = executable
if arguments is None:
arguments = []
self.arguments = arguments
self.workdir = None
self.envvars = {}
def toCommandline(self):
result = ""
if self.workdir is not None:
result += "cd %s && " % quote(self.workdir)
res_list = [self.executable] + self.arguments
result += " ".join(map(quote, res_list))
envlist = []
for key, value in self.envvars.items():
result += "%s=%s " % (key, quote(value))
if self.stdin is not None:
result += " < %s" % quote(self.stdin)
if self.stdout is not None:
result += " > %s" % quote(self.stdout)
if self.stderr is not None:
result += " 2> %s" % quote(self.stderr)
return result
def wrap(self, new_executable, args):
self.arguments = args + [self.executable] + self.arguments
self.executable = new_executable
# Tokens/keywords for shell command parsing, loosely modeled after posix
# specification for sh.
reserved_words = ['!', '{', '}', 'case', 'do', 'done', 'elif', 'else', 'esac',
'fi', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'then', 'until', 'while']
chaining_tokens = set([';', '&&', '||', '|', '&'])
unhandled_tokens = set([';;', '<<', '>>', '<&', '>&', '<>', '<<-', '>|', '(',
def parse(commandline):
previous_commands = []
result = ShellCommand()
tokens = shlex.split(commandline)
i = 0
first_word = True
while i < len(tokens):
token = tokens[i]
i += 1
if token == '<' and i < len(tokens):
result.stdin = tokens[i]
i += 1
if token == '>' and i < len(tokens):
result.stdout = tokens[i]
i += 1
if token == '2>' and i < len(tokens):
result.stderr = tokens[i]
i += 1
if first_word:
# Is it an environment variable assignment?
assignment = re.match('([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)=(.*)', token)
if assignment:
result.envvars[] =
# A reserved word?
if token in reserved_words or token in unhandled_tokens:
raise Exception("Reserved word '%s' not supported" % token)
result.executable = token
first_word = False
if token in chaining_tokens:
# Currently we only allow the special case of 'cd DIR ;'
if (token == ';' or token == '&&') and \
result.executable == 'cd' and \
len(result.arguments) == 1:
newresult = ShellCommand()
newresult.workdir = result.arguments[0]
result = newresult
first_word = True
raise Exception("Command chaining not supported yet")
if token in unhandled_tokens or token in reserved_words:
raise Exception("Commandline with '%s' not supported yet" %
return result
# Some executables are just used to cleanup/prepare for a test run, ignore them
# here.
_ignore_executables = set(['cd', 'rm', 'cp'])
def getMainExecutable(context):
"""Collect md5sum of tested executable"""
if hasattr(context, 'executable'):
return context.executable
executable = None
for line in context.parsed_runscript:
cmd = parse(line)
if cmd.executable in _ignore_executables:
# We only support one executable yet for collecting md5sums
if cmd.executable != executable and executable is not None:
logging.warning("More than one executable used in test %s",
executable = cmd.executable
if executable is None:
logging.warning("No executable found for test %s",
context.executable = executable
return executable