blob: 885cd0563ce81393f307ad8a3855aa88a944d7bc [file] [log] [blame]
#include "XSbench_header.h"
#ifdef MPI
// Generates randomized energy grid for each nuclide
// Note that this is done as part of initialization (serial), so
// rand() is used.
void generate_grids( NuclideGridPoint ** nuclide_grids,
long n_isotopes, long n_gridpoints ) {
for( long i = 0; i < n_isotopes; i++ )
for( long j = 0; j < n_gridpoints; j++ )
nuclide_grids[i][j].energy =((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX);
nuclide_grids[i][j].total_xs =((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX);
nuclide_grids[i][j].elastic_xs =((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX);
nuclide_grids[i][j].fission_xs =((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX);
// Verification version of this function (tighter control over RNG)
void generate_grids_v( NuclideGridPoint ** nuclide_grids,
long n_isotopes, long n_gridpoints ) {
for( long i = 0; i < n_isotopes; i++ )
for( long j = 0; j < n_gridpoints; j++ )
nuclide_grids[i][j].energy = rn_v();
nuclide_grids[i][j].total_xs = rn_v();
nuclide_grids[i][j].elastic_xs = rn_v();
nuclide_grids[i][j].absorbtion_xs= rn_v();
nuclide_grids[i][j].fission_xs = rn_v();
nuclide_grids[i][j].nu_fission_xs= rn_v();
// Sorts the nuclide grids by energy (lowest -> highest)
void sort_nuclide_grids( NuclideGridPoint ** nuclide_grids, long n_isotopes,
long n_gridpoints )
int (*cmp) (const void *, const void *);
cmp = NGP_compare;
for( long i = 0; i < n_isotopes; i++ )
qsort( nuclide_grids[i], n_gridpoints, sizeof(NuclideGridPoint),
cmp );
// error debug check
for( int i = 0; i < n_isotopes; i++ )
printf("NUCLIDE %d ==============================\n", i);
for( int j = 0; j < n_gridpoints; j++ )
printf("E%d = %lf\n", j, nuclide_grids[i][j].energy);
// Allocates unionized energy grid, and assigns union of energy levels
// from nuclide grids to it.
GridPoint * generate_energy_grid( long n_isotopes, long n_gridpoints,
NuclideGridPoint ** nuclide_grids) {
int mype = 0;
#ifdef MPI
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mype);
if( mype == 0 ) printf("Generating Unionized Energy Grid...\n");
long n_unionized_grid_points = n_isotopes*n_gridpoints;
int (*cmp) (const void *, const void *);
cmp = NGP_compare;
GridPoint * energy_grid = (GridPoint *)malloc( n_unionized_grid_points
* sizeof( GridPoint ) );
if( mype == 0 ) printf("Copying and Sorting all nuclide grids...\n");
NuclideGridPoint ** n_grid_sorted = gpmatrix( n_isotopes, n_gridpoints );
memcpy( n_grid_sorted[0], nuclide_grids[0], n_isotopes*n_gridpoints*
sizeof( NuclideGridPoint ) );
qsort( &n_grid_sorted[0][0], n_unionized_grid_points,
sizeof(NuclideGridPoint), cmp);
if( mype == 0 ) printf("Assigning energies to unionized grid...\n");
for( long i = 0; i < n_unionized_grid_points; i++ )
energy_grid[i].energy = n_grid_sorted[0][i].energy;
int * full = (int *) malloc( n_isotopes * n_unionized_grid_points
* sizeof(int) );
if( full == NULL )
fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Out Of Memory!\n");
for( long i = 0; i < n_unionized_grid_points; i++ )
energy_grid[i].xs_ptrs = &full[n_isotopes * i];
// debug error checking
for( int i = 0; i < n_unionized_grid_points; i++ )
printf("E%d = %lf\n", i, energy_grid[i].energy);
return energy_grid;
// Searches each nuclide grid for the closest energy level and assigns
// pointer from unionized grid to the correct spot in the nuclide grid.
// This process is time consuming, as the number of binary searches
// required is: binary searches = n_gridpoints * n_isotopes^2
void set_grid_ptrs( GridPoint * energy_grid, NuclideGridPoint ** nuclide_grids,
long n_isotopes, long n_gridpoints )
int mype = 0;
#ifdef MPI
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mype);
if( mype == 0 ) printf("Assigning pointers to Unionized Energy Grid...\n");
#ifdef OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) \
shared( energy_grid, nuclide_grids, n_isotopes, n_gridpoints, mype )
for( long i = 0; i < n_isotopes * n_gridpoints ; i++ )
int nthreads = 1, tid = 0;
double quarry = energy_grid[i].energy;
#ifdef OPENMP
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
tid = omp_get_thread_num();
if( INFO && mype == 0 && tid == 0 && i % 200 == 0 )
printf("\rAligning Unionized Grid...(%.0lf%% complete)",
100.0 * (double) i / (n_isotopes*n_gridpoints /
nthreads) );
for( long j = 0; j < n_isotopes; j++ )
// j is the nuclide i.d.
// log n binary search
energy_grid[i].xs_ptrs[j] =
binary_search( nuclide_grids[j], quarry, n_gridpoints);
if( mype == 0 ) printf("\n");
for( int i=0; i < n_isotopes * n_gridpoints; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < n_isotopes; j++ )
printf("E = %.4lf\tNuclide %d->%p->%.4lf\n",