blob: b55c966e8597154f0a19e3ce25b8d64a3f7d00cc [file] [log] [blame]
// See README-LCALS_license.txt for access and distribution restrictions
// Source file containing LCALS "A" subset raw loops using the google
// benchmark library
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h>
#include "../LCALSSuite.hxx"
#include "../SubsetDataA.hxx"
static void BM_PRESSURE_CALC_RAW(benchmark::State& state) {
LoopData& loop_data = getLoopData();
Real_ptr compression = loop_data.array_1D_Real[0];
Real_ptr bvc = loop_data.array_1D_Real[1];
Real_ptr p_new = loop_data.array_1D_Real[2];
Real_ptr e_old = loop_data.array_1D_Real[3];
Real_ptr vnewc = loop_data.array_1D_Real[4];
const Real_type cls = loop_data.scalar_Real[0];
const Real_type p_cut = loop_data.scalar_Real[1];
const Real_type pmin = loop_data.scalar_Real[2];
const Real_type eosvmax = loop_data.scalar_Real[3];
for( auto _ : state) {
for (Index_type i=0 ; i<state.range(0) ; i++ ) {
bvc[i] = cls * (compression[i] + 1.0);
for (Index_type i=0 ; i<state.range(0) ; i++ ) {
p_new[i] = bvc[i] * e_old[i] ;
if ( fabs(p_new[i]) < p_cut ) p_new[i] = 0.0 ;
if ( vnewc[i] >= eosvmax ) p_new[i] = 0.0 ;
if ( p_new[i] < pmin ) p_new[i] = pmin ;
static void BM_ENERGY_CALC_RAW(benchmark::State& state) {
LoopData& loop_data = getLoopData();
Real_ptr e_new = loop_data.array_1D_Real[0];
Real_ptr e_old = loop_data.array_1D_Real[1];
Real_ptr delvc = loop_data.array_1D_Real[2];
Real_ptr p_new = loop_data.array_1D_Real[3];
Real_ptr p_old = loop_data.array_1D_Real[4];
Real_ptr q_new = loop_data.array_1D_Real[5];
Real_ptr q_old = loop_data.array_1D_Real[6];
Real_ptr work = loop_data.array_1D_Real[7];
Real_ptr compHalfStep = loop_data.array_1D_Real[8];
Real_ptr pHalfStep = loop_data.array_1D_Real[9];
Real_ptr bvc = loop_data.array_1D_Real[10];
Real_ptr pbvc = loop_data.array_1D_Real[11];
Real_ptr ql_old = loop_data.array_1D_Real[12];
Real_ptr qq_old = loop_data.array_1D_Real[13];
Real_ptr vnewc = loop_data.array_1D_Real[14];
const Real_type rho0 = loop_data.scalar_Real[0];
const Real_type e_cut = loop_data.scalar_Real[1];
const Real_type emin = loop_data.scalar_Real[2];
const Real_type q_cut = loop_data.scalar_Real[3];
for( auto _ : state) {
for (Index_type i=0 ; i< state.range(0) ; i++ ) {
e_new[i] = e_old[i] - 0.5 * delvc[i] *
(p_old[i] + q_old[i]) + 0.5 * work[i];
for (Index_type i=0 ; i< state.range(0) ; i++ ) {
if ( delvc[i] > 0.0 ) {
q_new[i] = 0.0 ;
else {
Real_type vhalf = 1.0 / (1.0 + compHalfStep[i]) ;
Real_type ssc = ( pbvc[i] * e_new[i]
+ vhalf * vhalf * bvc[i] * pHalfStep[i] ) / rho0 ;
if ( ssc <= 0.1111111e-36 ) {
ssc = 0.3333333e-18 ;
} else {
ssc = sqrt(ssc) ;
q_new[i] = (ssc*ql_old[i] + qq_old[i]) ;
for (Index_type i=0 ; i< state.range(0) ; i++ ) {
e_new[i] = e_new[i] + 0.5 * delvc[i]
* ( 3.0*(p_old[i] + q_old[i])
- 4.0*(pHalfStep[i] + q_new[i])) ;
for (Index_type i=0 ; i< state.range(0) ; i++ ) {
e_new[i] += 0.5 * work[i];
if ( fabs(e_new[i]) < e_cut ) { e_new[i] = 0.0 ; }
if ( e_new[i] < emin ) { e_new[i] = emin ; }
for (Index_type i=0 ; i< state.range(0) ; i++ ) {
Real_type q_tilde ;
if (delvc[i] > 0.0) {
q_tilde = 0. ;
else {
Real_type ssc = ( pbvc[i] * e_new[i]
+ vnewc[i] * vnewc[i] * bvc[i] * p_new[i] ) / rho0 ;
if ( ssc <= 0.1111111e-36 ) {
ssc = 0.3333333e-18 ;
} else {
ssc = sqrt(ssc) ;
q_tilde = (ssc*ql_old[i] + qq_old[i]) ;
e_new[i] = e_new[i] - ( 7.0*(p_old[i] + q_old[i])
- 8.0*(pHalfStep[i] + q_new[i])
+ (p_new[i] + q_tilde)) * delvc[i] / 6.0 ;
if ( fabs(e_new[i]) < e_cut ) {
e_new[i] = 0.0 ;
if ( e_new[i] < emin ) {
e_new[i] = emin ;
for (Index_type i=0 ; i< state.range(0) ; i++ ) {
if ( delvc[i] <= 0.0 ) {
Real_type ssc = ( pbvc[i] * e_new[i]
+ vnewc[i] * vnewc[i] * bvc[i] * p_new[i] ) / rho0 ;
if ( ssc <= 0.1111111e-36 ) {
ssc = 0.3333333e-18 ;
} else {
ssc = sqrt(ssc) ;
q_new[i] = (ssc*ql_old[i] + qq_old[i]) ;
if (fabs(q_new[i]) < q_cut) q_new[i] = 0.0 ;
static void BM_VOL3D_CALC_RAW(benchmark::State& state) {
LoopData& loop_data = getLoopData();
Real_ptr x = loop_data.array_1D_Real[0];
Real_ptr y = loop_data.array_1D_Real[1];
Real_ptr z = loop_data.array_1D_Real[2];
Real_ptr vol = loop_data.array_1D_Real[3];
ADomain domain(state.range(0), /* ndims = */ 3);
UnalignedReal_ptr x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7 ;
UnalignedReal_ptr y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7 ;
UnalignedReal_ptr z0,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7 ;
NDPTRSET(x,x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7) ;
NDPTRSET(y,y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7) ;
NDPTRSET(z,z0,z1,z2,z3,z4,z5,z6,z7) ;
const Real_type vnormq = 0.083333333333333333; /* vnormq = 1/12 */
for (auto _ : state) {
for (Index_type i = domain.fpz ; i <= domain.lpz ; i++ ) {
Real_type x71 = x7[i] - x1[i] ;
Real_type x72 = x7[i] - x2[i] ;
Real_type x74 = x7[i] - x4[i] ;
Real_type x30 = x3[i] - x0[i] ;
Real_type x50 = x5[i] - x0[i] ;
Real_type x60 = x6[i] - x0[i] ;
Real_type y71 = y7[i] - y1[i] ;
Real_type y72 = y7[i] - y2[i] ;
Real_type y74 = y7[i] - y4[i] ;
Real_type y30 = y3[i] - y0[i] ;
Real_type y50 = y5[i] - y0[i] ;
Real_type y60 = y6[i] - y0[i] ;
Real_type z71 = z7[i] - z1[i] ;
Real_type z72 = z7[i] - z2[i] ;
Real_type z74 = z7[i] - z4[i] ;
Real_type z30 = z3[i] - z0[i] ;
Real_type z50 = z5[i] - z0[i] ;
Real_type z60 = z6[i] - z0[i] ;
Real_type xps = x71 + x60 ;
Real_type yps = y71 + y60 ;
Real_type zps = z71 + z60 ;
Real_type cyz = y72 * z30 - z72 * y30 ;
Real_type czx = z72 * x30 - x72 * z30 ;
Real_type cxy = x72 * y30 - y72 * x30 ;
vol[i] = xps * cyz + yps * czx + zps * cxy ;
xps = x72 + x50 ;
yps = y72 + y50 ;
zps = z72 + z50 ;
cyz = y74 * z60 - z74 * y60 ;
czx = z74 * x60 - x74 * z60 ;
cxy = x74 * y60 - y74 * x60 ;
vol[i] += xps * cyz + yps * czx + zps * cxy ;
xps = x74 + x30 ;
yps = y74 + y30 ;
zps = z74 + z30 ;
cyz = y71 * z50 - z71 * y50 ;
czx = z71 * x50 - x71 * z50 ;
cxy = x71 * y50 - y71 * x50 ;
vol[i] += xps * cyz + yps * czx + zps * cxy ;
vol[i] *= vnormq ;
static void BM_DEL_DOT_VEC_2D_RAW(benchmark::State& state) {
LoopData& loop_data = getLoopData();
Real_ptr x = loop_data.array_1D_Real[0];
Real_ptr y = loop_data.array_1D_Real[1];
Real_ptr xdot = loop_data.array_1D_Real[2];
Real_ptr ydot = loop_data.array_1D_Real[3];
Real_ptr div = loop_data.array_1D_Real[4];
ADomain domain(state.range(0), /* ndims = */ 2);
UnalignedReal_ptr x1,x2,x3,x4 ;
UnalignedReal_ptr y1,y2,y3,y4 ;
UnalignedReal_ptr fx1,fx2,fx3,fx4 ;
UnalignedReal_ptr fy1,fy2,fy3,fy4 ;
NDSET2D(x,x1,x2,x3,x4) ;
NDSET2D(y,y1,y2,y3,y4) ;
NDSET2D(xdot,fx1,fx2,fx3,fx4) ;
NDSET2D(ydot,fy1,fy2,fy3,fy4) ;
const Real_type ptiny = 1.0e-20;
const Real_type half = 0.5;
for ( auto _ : state ) {
for (Index_type ii = 0 ; ii < domain.n_real_zones ; ii++ ) {
Index_type i = domain.real_zones[ii] ;
Real_type xi = half * ( x1[i] + x2[i] - x3[i] - x4[i] ) ;
Real_type xj = half * ( x2[i] + x3[i] - x4[i] - x1[i] ) ;
Real_type yi = half * ( y1[i] + y2[i] - y3[i] - y4[i] ) ;
Real_type yj = half * ( y2[i] + y3[i] - y4[i] - y1[i] ) ;
Real_type fxi = half * ( fx1[i] + fx2[i] - fx3[i] - fx4[i] ) ;
Real_type fxj = half * ( fx2[i] + fx3[i] - fx4[i] - fx1[i] ) ;
Real_type fyi = half * ( fy1[i] + fy2[i] - fy3[i] - fy4[i] ) ;
Real_type fyj = half * ( fy2[i] + fy3[i] - fy4[i] - fy1[i] ) ;
Real_type rarea = 1.0 / ( xi * yj - xj * yi + ptiny ) ;
Real_type dfxdx = rarea * ( fxi * yj - fxj * yi ) ;
Real_type dfydy = rarea * ( fyj * xi - fyi * xj ) ;
Real_type affine = ( fy1[i] + fy2[i] + fy3[i] + fy4[i] ) /
( y1[i] + y2[i] + y3[i] + y4[i] ) ;
div[i] = dfxdx + dfydy + affine ;
static void BM_COUPLE_RAW(benchmark::State& state) {
LoopData& loop_data = getLoopData();
Complex_ptr t0 = loop_data.array_1D_Complex[0];
Complex_ptr t1 = loop_data.array_1D_Complex[1];
Complex_ptr t2 = loop_data.array_1D_Complex[2];
Complex_ptr denac = loop_data.array_1D_Complex[3];
Complex_ptr denlw = loop_data.array_1D_Complex[4];
ADomain domain(state.range(0), /* ndims = */ 3);
Index_type imin = domain.imin;
Index_type imax = domain.imax;
Index_type jmin = domain.jmin;
Index_type jmax = domain.jmax;
Index_type kmin = domain.kmin;
Index_type kmax = domain.kmax;
const Real_type clight=3.e+10;
const Real_type csound=3.09e+7;
const Real_type omega0= 0.9;
const Real_type omegar= 0.9;
const Real_type dt= 0.208;
const Real_type c10 = 0.25 * (clight / csound);
const Real_type fratio = sqrt(omegar / omega0);
const Real_type r_fratio = 1.0/fratio;
const Real_type c20 = 0.25 * (clight / csound) * r_fratio;
const Complex_type ireal(0.0, 1.0);
for ( auto _ : state ) {
for (Index_type k = kmin; k < kmax; k++) {
for (Index_type j = jmin; j < jmax; j++) {
Index_type it0= ((k)*(jmax+1) + (j))*(imax+1) ;
Index_type idenac= ((k)*(jmax+2) + (j))*(imax+2) ;
for (Index_type i = imin; i < imax; i++) {
Complex_type c1 = c10 * denac[idenac+i];
Complex_type c2 = c20 * denlw[it0+i];
/* promote to doubles to avoid possible divide by zero
errors later on. */
Real_type c1re = real(c1); Real_type c1im = imag(c1);
Real_type c2re = real(c2); Real_type c2im = imag(c2);
/* compute lamda = sqrt(|c1|^2 + |c2|^2) using doubles
to avoid underflow. */
Real_type zlam = c1re*c1re + c1im*c1im +
c2re*c2re + c2im*c2im + 1.0e-34;
zlam = sqrt(zlam);
Real_type snlamt = sin(zlam * dt * 0.5);
Real_type cslamt = cos(zlam * dt * 0.5);
Complex_type a0t = t0[it0+i];
Complex_type a1t = t1[it0+i];
Complex_type a2t = t2[it0+i] * fratio;
Real_type r_zlam= 1.0/zlam;
c1 *= r_zlam;
c2 *= r_zlam;
Real_type zac1 = zabs2(c1);
Real_type zac2 = zabs2(c2);
/* compute new A0 */
Complex_type z3 = ( c1 * a1t + c2 * a2t ) * snlamt ;
t0[it0+i] = a0t * cslamt - ireal * z3;
/* compute new A1 */
Real_type r = zac1 * cslamt + zac2;
Complex_type z5 = c2 * a2t;
Complex_type z4 = conj(c1) * z5 * (cslamt-1);
z3 = conj(c1) * a0t * snlamt;
t1[it0+i] = a1t * r + z4 - ireal * z3;
/* compute new A2 */
r = zac1 + zac2 * cslamt;
z5 = c1 * a1t;
z4 = conj(c2) * z5 * (cslamt-1);
z3 = conj(c2) * a0t * snlamt;
t2[it0+i] = ( a2t * r + z4 - ireal * z3 ) * r_fratio;
} // i loop
} // j loop
} // k loop
} // benchmark loop
static void BM_FIR_RAW(benchmark::State& state) {
LoopData& loop_data = getLoopData();
Real_ptr out = loop_data.array_1D_Real[0];
Real_ptr in = loop_data.array_1D_Real[1];
const Index_type coefflen = 16;
Real_type coeff[coefflen] = { 3.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-1.0, 3.0, -1.0, -1.0,
-1.0, -1.0, 3.0, -1.0,
-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 3.0 };
const Index_type len_minus_coeff = state.range(0) - coefflen;
Index_type val = 0;
for ( auto _ : state ) {
for (Index_type i = 0 ; i < len_minus_coeff ; i++ ) {
Real_type sum = 0.0;
for (Index_type j = 0; j < coefflen; ++j ) {
sum += coeff[j]*in[i+j];
out[i] = sum;