blob: 237a12c5a16f2ad804a4c4a836ad8a1265e97ef0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* the name was converted to pgm5.c */
program: MISR.C
This program creates two MISR's one which contains the
true outputs and the other in which the outputs are
not currupted with the probability given in the input.
The values of the MISR's are compared to see if the
introduced errors have cancelled themselves.
The usage is : MISR fileout reg_len #_vectors prob
#_times [structure] [seed] [seed] [seed].
fileout has been nullified in this case to fit with
the description of the project.
reg_len is the length of the MISR's in considerstion.
#_vectors is the number of vectors to input to the
MISR's before checking to see of they are
identical. If '0', assume large value (infinite).
prob described above.
#_times is the number of times that the MISR's are
initialized and the experiment done before the
# of times outputs same/ # of times it is run
(#_times) is calculated.
[structure] gives the feedback structure of the MISR's.
if it is omitted, the situition where the end
feeds back to the beginning is used.
[seed]* is the seed to be used to initialize the random
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define INF 10000
#define MAX_REG_LN 100
#define BIN_MASK 1
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
int reg_len;
typedef struct cells {
int f_free;
int faulty;
struct cells *next;
/* Prototypes */
int simulate(int iterations, misr_type *present, double prob, char *structure);
void init(misr_type *present);
void kill_list(misr_type *present);
void create_link_list(misr_type *cell_array);
/* Main Program */
void main(int argc,char *argv[])
misr_type cell_array;
int num_vect, num_times, num_true, i;
double prob;
char structure[MAX_REG_LN];
unsigned short seed[3];
/* Check usage */
if (0 && argc < 6)
printf("Usage: MISR fileout reg_len #_vectors prob #_times [structure] [seed] [seed] [seed]\n");
/* input and translate arguments */
/*sscanf(argv[2], "%lu", &reg_len);
sscanf(argv[3], "%lu", &num_vect);
sscanf(argv[4], "%le", &prob);
sscanf(argv[5], "%lu", &num_times);*/
reg_len = num_vect = 10;
prob = .25;
num_times = 100000;
if (argc > 6) strcpy(structure, argv[6]);
else {
for (i=1; i<reg_len; i++)
structure[i] = '0';
structure[0] = '1';
structure[reg_len] = NULL;
if (argc > 7) sscanf(argv[7], "%hu", &seed[0]); else seed[0] = 1;
if (argc > 8) sscanf(argv[8], "%hu", &seed[1]); else seed[1] = 0;
if (argc > 9) sscanf(argv[9], "%hu", &seed[2]); else seed[2] = 0;
/* Check validity of input */
if (reg_len > MAX_REG_LN)
printf("Register too long; Max. = %d\n", MAX_REG_LN);
if ((prob > 1) || (prob < 0))
printf("Prob. out of range 0=<Prob>=1\n");
if (strlen(structure) != reg_len)
printf("Structure does not match Register length:\n");
/*initialize random f'n generator */
/* create MISRs of reg_len length */
/* simulate both circuits */
num_true = 0;
if (num_vect != 0)
for (i=0; i<num_times; i++)
num_true += simulate(num_vect, &cell_array, prob, structure);
else /* ie. infinite case */
simulate(INF, &cell_array, prob, structure);
for(i=0; i<num_times; i++)
num_true += simulate(1, &cell_array, prob, structure);
/* output results */
printf("reg_len #_vect prob #_tms struct seed1 seed2 seed3 Prob same output\n ");
printf("%d %d %.3e %d %s %d %d %d %.8e\n", reg_len, num_vect, prob, num_times, structure, seed[0], seed[1], seed[2],(double)(num_times - num_true)/(double)num_times);
create and initialize the MISR's which is a linked list of
void create_link_list(misr_type *cell_array)
int i;
misr_type *temp, *present;
memset(cell_array, 0, sizeof(*cell_array));
present = cell_array ;
for(i=0; i<reg_len+1; i++)
temp = (misr_type *) malloc(sizeof(misr_type));
temp->f_free = 1;
temp->faulty = 1;
temp->next = NULL;
present->next = temp;
present = present->next;
release linked list when finished
void kill_list(misr_type *present)
misr_type *temp;
temp = present->next;
present = temp;
make both MISR's identical to start the experiment
void init(misr_type *present)
while(present->next != NULL)
present->faulty = present->f_free;
present = present->next;
this proceedure is the workhorse of the program. Each time it
is called, it calculates the next value of each cell in the
MISR's and does this for hte number of times necessary.
int simulate(int iterations, misr_type *present, double prob, char *structure)
misr_type *temp;
int different, savef_free, savefaulty;
int rem, quot, h, i, j;
long rand;
double randprob;
different = FALSE;
quot = (reg_len-1) / 31;
rem = (reg_len-1) % 31;
temp = present;
for(h=0; h<iterations; h++)
savef_free = 0;
savefaulty = 0;
for (i=0; i<quot; i++)
rand = lrand48();
for (j=0; j<31; j++)
if (structure[i*31 + j] == '1')
savef_free += temp->f_free;
savefaulty += temp->faulty;
temp->f_free = ((temp->next->f_free + rand) & BIN_MASK);
randprob = ((double)(lrand48() % 1000) / 1000);
if (prob > randprob) rand ^= BIN_MASK;
temp->faulty = ((temp->next->faulty + rand) & BIN_MASK);
temp = temp->next;
rand >>= 1;
rand = lrand48();
for (j=0; j<rem; j++)
if (structure[quot*31 + j] == '1')
savef_free += temp->f_free;
savefaulty += temp->faulty;
temp->f_free = ((temp->next->f_free + rand) & BIN_MASK);
randprob = ((double)(lrand48() % 1000) / 1000); if (prob > randprob) rand ^= BIN_MASK;
temp->faulty = ((temp->next->faulty + rand) & BIN_MASK);
temp = temp->next;
rand >>= 1;
rand = lrand48();
if (structure[reg_len - 1] == '1')
savef_free += temp->f_free;
savefaulty += temp->faulty;
temp->f_free = ((savef_free + rand) & BIN_MASK);
randprob = ((double)(lrand48() % 10000) / 10000);
if (prob > randprob) rand ^= BIN_MASK;
temp->faulty = ((savefaulty + rand) & BIN_MASK);
temp = present;
for (i=0; i<reg_len; i++)
if (temp->f_free != temp->faulty) different = TRUE;
temp = temp->next;
return different;