blob: 63f92bf2e30b4a3bcbe7ecfe2cfa5d81a1f788f5 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __SimpleMOC_header
#define __SimpleMOC_header
#ifdef MPI
#ifdef OPENMP
#ifdef PAPI
#define TIMIING_INFO 0
#include "glibc_compat_rand.h"
#define rand glibc_compat_rand
#define srand glibc_compat_srand
// User inputs
typedef struct{
int x_assemblies; /* Number of assemblies in the x-axis of the
reactor */
int y_assemblies; /* Number of assemblies in the y-axis of the
reactor */
int cai; // Number of course axial intervals
int fai; /* Number of fine axial intervals per coarse
axial interval */
int axial_exp; // Axial source expansion order
float radial_ray_sep; // Radial ray separation
float axial_z_sep; // Axial stacked z-ray separation
int n_azimuthal; // Number of azimuthal angles
int n_polar_angles; // Number of polar angles
int n_egroups; // Number of energy groups
bool decompose; // Turn decomposition on/off
int decomp_assemblies_ax; // Number of sub-domains per assembly (axially)
long segments_per_track; // Average number of segments per track
float assembly_width; // Width of an assembly - 1.26 x 17 cm
float height; // Height of the reactor - 400 cm
float domain_height; // Z Height of a domain
float precision; // precision for source convergence
long mype; // MPI Rank
long ntracks_2D; // Number of 2D tracks (derived)
int z_stacked; // Number of z rays (derived)
long ntracks; /* Total number of 3D tracks per assembly
(derived) */
int nthreads; // Number of OpenMP Threads
int papi_event_set; // PAPI event set
// 0 - FLOPS 1 - Bandwidth 2 - CPU Stall reason
// Source regions per assembly (3M estimate)
long n_2D_source_regions_per_assembly;
// Source regions per node (derived)
long n_source_regions_per_node;
#ifdef PAPI
// String for command line PAPI event
char event_name[PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN];
// Array to accumulate PAPI counts across all threads
long long *vals_accum;
bool load_tracks; // Turn on/off loading 2D tracks from file
char* track_file; // Name/address of tracking file to load
long segments_processed; // Total number of segments processed per node
} Input;
// Localized geometrical region ID
typedef struct{
long assembly; // Assembly ID
long pin; // Pin Cell ID
long zone; // Zone (inside pin cell) ID
} RegionID;
// Segment Structure
typedef struct{
float length;
long source_id;
} Segment;
// Track2D Structure
typedef struct{
float az_weight; // Azimuthal Quadrature Weight (rand)
long n_segments; // Number of Segments (gaussian)
Segment * segments; // Array of Segments
int n_3D_segments; // Number of intersections in 3D tracks
} Track2D;
// Track Structure
typedef struct{
float p_weight; // Polar Quadrature Weight (rand)
float z_height; // Z-height
long rank_in; // MPI rank to receive from
long rank_out; // MPI rank to send to
float * f_psi; // Forward angular flux along track
float * b_psi; // Backward angular flux along track
} Track;
// Source Region Structure
typedef struct{
float ** fine_flux;
float ** fine_source;
float vol;
float * sigT;
float ** XS;
float ** scattering_matrix;
#ifdef OPENMP
omp_lock_t * locks;
} Source;
// Table structure for computing exponential
typedef struct{
float * values;
float dx;
float maxVal;
int N;
} Table;
// Params Structure for easier data pointer passing
typedef struct{
Track2D * tracks_2D;
Track *** tracks;
Source * sources;
float * polar_angles;
float * leakage;
Table expTable;
} Params;
// MPI 3D Grid info
typedef struct{
#ifdef MPI
MPI_Comm cart_comm_3d;
MPI_Datatype Flux_Array;
int x_pos_src;
int x_pos_dest;
int x_neg_src;
int x_neg_dest;
int y_pos_src;
int y_pos_dest;
int y_neg_src;
int y_neg_dest;
int z_pos_src;
int z_pos_dest;
int z_neg_src;
int z_neg_dest;
} CommGrid;
// Attenuation Arrays
typedef struct{
float * q0;
float * q1;
float * q2;
float * sigT;
float * tau;
float * sigT2;
float * expVal;
float * reuse;
float * flux_integral;
float * tally;
float * t1;
float * t2;
float * t3;
float * t4;
} AttenuateVars;
// init.c
Input set_default_input( void );
void set_small_input( Input * I );
Params build_tracks( Input* I );
CommGrid init_mpi_grid( Input I );
void calculate_derived_inputs( Input * I );
#ifdef OPENMP
omp_lock_t * init_locks( Input I );
// io.c
void logo(int version);
void center_print(const char *s, int width);
void border_print(void);
void fancy_int( int a );
void print_input_summary(Input input);
void read_CLI( int argc, char * argv[], Input * input );
void print_CLI_error(void);
void read_input_file( Input * I, char * fname);
// tracks.c
Track2D * generate_2D_tracks( Input input, size_t * nbytes );
void generate_2D_segments( Input input, Track2D * tracks,
size_t * nbytes );
void free_2D_tracks( Track2D * tracks );
Track *** generate_tracks(Input input, Track2D * tracks_2D, size_t * nbytes);
void free_tracks( Track *** tracks );
long segments_per_2D_track_distribution( Input I );
float * generate_polar_angles( Input I );
Track2D * load_OpenMOC_tracks(char* fname, bool CMFD_obj, Input* I, size_t* nbytes);
// utils.c
float urand(void);
float nrand(float mean, float sigma);
float pairwise_sum(float * vector, long size);
Table buildExponentialTable( float precision, float maxVal );
float interpolateTable( Table table, float x);
double get_time(void);
size_t est_mem_usage( Input I );
double time_per_intersection( Input I, double time );
// source.c
Source * initialize_sources( Input I, size_t * nbytes );
void free_sources( Input I, Source * sources );
// solver.c
void transport_sweep( Params * params, Input * I );
int get_pos_interval( float z, float dz);
int get_neg_interval( float z, float dz);
int get_alt_neg_interval( float z, float dz);
void attenuate_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * QSR, Input * I,
Params * params, float ds, float mu, float az_weight, AttenuateVars * A );
void attenuate_FSR_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * FSR, Input * I,
Params * params, float ds, float mu, float az_weight, AttenuateVars * A );
void alt_attenuate_fluxes( Track * track, bool forward, Source * FSR, Input * I,
Params * params, float ds, float mu, float az_weight );
void renormalize_flux( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid );
float update_sources( Params params, Input I, float keff );
float compute_keff( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid);
// test.c
void gen_norm_pts(float mean, float sigma, int n_pts);
void print_Input_struct( Input I );
// papi.c
void papi_serial_init(void);
void counter_init( int *eventset, int *num_papi_events, Input * I );
void counter_stop( int * eventset, int num_papi_events, Input * I );
// comms.c
#ifdef MPI
void fast_transfer_boundary_fluxes( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid);
void transfer_boundary_fluxes( Params params, Input I, CommGrid grid);