Add workaround for older versions of lit.

Some users rely on the version of lit provided by pypi.
diff --git a/litsupport/ b/litsupport/
index 86ca6c6..91b435a 100644
--- a/litsupport/
+++ b/litsupport/
@@ -14,10 +14,15 @@
 NOCHANGE = lit.Test.ResultCode('NOCHANGE', False)
-lit.main.add_result_category(NOCHANGE, "Executable Unchanged")
 NOEXE = lit.Test.ResultCode('NOEXE', True)
-lit.main.add_result_category(NOEXE, "Executable Missing")
+# add_result_category has been added recently to lit. Lit will crash if it encounters a result code that has not been registered.
+# However, some users rely on the lit version provided by pypi that does not require or have add_result_category.
+# See for more details:
+if lit.main.add_result_category:
+    lit.main.add_result_category(NOEXE, "Executable Missing")
+    lit.main.add_result_category(NOCHANGE, "Executable Unchanged")
 class TestSuiteTest(lit.formats.ShTest):
     def __init__(self):