blob: 03f885297e2a7274447b1c268245d09dd6173cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
/// \file
/// Handle command line arguments.
#include "mycommand.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "cmdLineParser.h"
#include "parallel.h"
#include "mytype.h"
/// \page pg_running_comd Running CoMD
/// \section sec_command_line_options Command Line Options
/// CoMD accepts a number of command line options to set the parameters
/// of the simulation. Every option has both a long form and a short
/// form. The long and short form of the arguments are entirely
/// interchangeable and may be mixed. All the arguments are independent
/// with the exception of the \--potDir, \--potName, and \--potType,
/// (short forms -d, -n, and -t) arguments which are only relevant when
/// used in conjunction with \--doeam, (-e).
/// Supported options are:
/// | Long Form | Short Form | Default Value | Description
/// | :------------ | :---------: | :-----------: | :----------
/// | \--help | -h | N/A | print this message
/// | \--potDir | -d | pots | potential directory
/// | \--potName | -p | Cu_u6.eam | potential name
/// | \--potType | -t | funcfl | potential type (funcfl or setfl)
/// | \--doeam | -e | N/A | compute eam potentials (default is LJ)
/// | \--nx | -x | 20 | number of unit cells in x
/// | \--ny | -y | 20 | number of unit cells in y
/// | \--nz | -z | 20 | number of unit cells in z
/// | \--xproc | -i | 1 | number of ranks in x direction
/// | \--yproc | -j | 1 | number of ranks in y direction
/// | \--zproc | -k | 1 | number of ranks in z direction
/// | \--nSteps | -N | 100 | total number of time steps
/// | \--printRate | -n | 10 | number of steps between output
/// | \--dt | -D | 1 | time step (in fs)
/// | \--lat | -l | -1 | lattice parameter (Angstroms)
/// | \--temp | -T | 600 | initial temperature (K)
/// | \--delta | -r | 0 | initial delta (Angstroms)
/// Notes:
/// The negative value for the lattice parameter (such as the default
/// value, -1) is interpreted as a flag to indicate that the lattice
/// parameter should be set from the potential. All supplied potentials
/// are for copper and have a lattice constant of 3.615
/// Angstroms. Setting the lattice parameter to any positive value will
/// override the values provided in the potential files.
/// The default potential name for the funcfl potential type is
/// Cu_u6.eam (Adams potential). For the setfl type the default
/// potential name is Cu01.eam.alloy (Mishin potential). Although these
/// will yield similar dynamics, the table have a very different number
/// of entries (500 vs. 10,000 points, respectively) This may give very
/// different performance, depending on the hardware.
/// The default temperature is 600K. However, when using a perfect
/// lattice the system will rapidly cool to 300K due to equipartition of
/// energy.
/// \subsection ssec_example_command_lines Examples
/// All of the examples below assume:
/// - The current working directory contains a copy of the pots dir (or
/// a link to it).
/// - The CoMD bin directory is located in ../bin
/// Running in the examples directory will satisfy these requirements.
/// ------------------------------
/// The canonical base simulation, is
/// $ mpirun -np 1 ../bin/CoMD-mpi
/// Or, if the code was built without MPI:
/// $ ../bin/CoMD-serial
/// ------------------------------
/// \subsubsection cmd_examples_potential Changing Potentials
/// To run with the default (Adams) EAM potential, specify -e:
/// $ ../bin/CoMD-mpi -e
/// ------------------------------
/// To run using the Mishin EAM potential contained in the setfl file
/// Cu01.eam.alloy. This potential uses much larger tables (10,000
/// entries vs. 500 for the Adams potential).
/// $ ../bin/CoMD-mpi -e -t setfl
/// ------------------------------
/// Selecting the name of a setfl file without setting the appropriate
/// potential type
/// $ ../bin/CoMD-mpi -e -p Cu01.eam.alloy
/// will result in an error message:
/// Only FCC Lattice type supported, not . Fatal Error.
/// Instead use:
/// $ ../bin/CoMD-mpi -e -t setfl -p Cu01.eam.alloy
/// ------------------------------
/// \subsubsection cmd_example_struct Initial Structure Modifications
/// To change the lattice constant and run with an expanded or
/// compressed lattice:
/// $ ../bin/CoMD-mpi -l 3.5
/// This can be useful to test that the potential is being correctly
/// evaluated as a function of interatomic spacing (the cold
/// curve). However, due to the high degree of symmetry of a perfect
/// lattice, this type of test is unlikely to detect errors in the force
/// computation.
/// ------------------------------
/// Initialize with zero temperature (zero instantaneous particle
/// velocity) but with a random displacements of the atoms (in this
/// case the maximum displacement is 0.1 Angstrom along each axis).
/// $ ../bin/CoMD-mpi --delta 0.1 -T 0
/// Typical values of delta are in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 Angstroms.
/// Larger values of delta correspond to higher initial potential energy
/// which in turn produce higer temperatures as the structure
/// equilibrates.
/// ------------------------------
/// \subsubsection cmd_examples_scaling Scaling Examples
/// Simple shell scripts that demonstrate weak and strong scaling
/// studies are provided in the examples directory.
/// ------------------------------
/// Run the default global simulation size (32,000 atoms) distributed
/// over 8 cubic subdomains, an example of strong scaling. If the
/// number of processors does not equal (i*j*k) the run will abort.
/// Notice that spaces are optional between short form options and their
/// arguments.
/// $ mpirun -np 8 ../bin/CoMD-mpi -i2 -j2 -k2
/// ------------------------------
/// Run a weak scaling example: the simulation is doubled in each
/// dimension from the default 20 x 20 x 20 and the number of subdomains
/// in each direction is also doubled.
/// $ mpirun -np 8 ../bin/CoMD-mpi -i2 -j2 -k2 -x 40 -y 40 -z 40
/// ------------------------------
/// The same weak scaling run, but for 10,000 timesteps, with output
/// only every 100 steps.
/// $ mpirun -np 8 ../bin/CoMD-mpi -i2 -j2 -k2 -x 40 -y 40 -z 40 -N 10000 -n 100
/// \details Initialize a Command structure with default values, then
/// parse any command line arguments that were supplied to overwrite
/// defaults.
/// \param [in] argc the number of command line arguments
/// \param [in] argv the command line arguments array
Command parseCommandLine(int argc, char** argv)
Command cmd;
memset(cmd.potDir, 0, 1024);
memset(cmd.potName, 0, 1024);
memset(cmd.potType, 0, 1024);
strcpy(cmd.potDir, "pots");
strcpy(cmd.potName, "\0"); // default depends on potType
strcpy(cmd.potType, "funcfl");
cmd.doeam = 0;
cmd.nx = 20;
cmd.ny = 20; = 20;
cmd.xproc = 1;
cmd.yproc = 1;
cmd.zproc = 1;
cmd.nSteps = 100;
cmd.printRate = 10;
cmd.dt = 1.0; = -1.0;
cmd.temperature = 600.0;
cmd.initialDelta = 0.0;
int help=0;
// add arguments for processing. Please update the html documentation too!
addArg("help", 'h', 0, 'i', &(help), 0, "print this message");
addArg("potDir", 'd', 1, 's', cmd.potDir, sizeof(cmd.potDir), "potential directory");
addArg("potName", 'p', 1, 's', cmd.potName, sizeof(cmd.potName), "potential name");
addArg("potType", 't', 1, 's', cmd.potType, sizeof(cmd.potType), "potential type (funcfl or setfl)");
addArg("doeam", 'e', 0, 'i', &(cmd.doeam), 0, "compute eam potentials");
addArg("nx", 'x', 1, 'i', &(cmd.nx), 0, "number of unit cells in x");
addArg("ny", 'y', 1, 'i', &(cmd.ny), 0, "number of unit cells in y");
addArg("nz", 'z', 1, 'i', &(, 0, "number of unit cells in z");
addArg("xproc", 'i', 1, 'i', &(cmd.xproc), 0, "processors in x direction");
addArg("yproc", 'j', 1, 'i', &(cmd.yproc), 0, "processors in y direction");
addArg("zproc", 'k', 1, 'i', &(cmd.zproc), 0, "processors in z direction");
addArg("nSteps", 'N', 1, 'i', &(cmd.nSteps), 0, "number of time steps");
addArg("printRate", 'n', 1, 'i', &(cmd.printRate), 0, "number of steps between output");
addArg("dt", 'D', 1, 'd', &(cmd.dt), 0, "time step (in fs)");
addArg("lat", 'l', 1, 'd', &(, 0, "lattice parameter (Angstroms)");
addArg("temp", 'T', 1, 'd', &(cmd.temperature), 0, "initial temperature (K)");
addArg("delta", 'r', 1, 'd', &(cmd.initialDelta), 0, "initial delta (Angstroms)");
// If user didn't set potName, set type dependent default.
if (strlen(cmd.potName) == 0)
if (strcmp(cmd.potType, "setfl" ) == 0)
strcpy(cmd.potName, "Cu01.eam.alloy");
if (strcmp(cmd.potType, "funcfl") == 0)
strcpy(cmd.potName, "Cu_u6.eam");
if (help)
return cmd;
void printCmdYaml(FILE* file, Command* cmd)
if (! printRank())
"Command Line Parameters:\n"
" doeam: %d\n"
" potDir: %s\n"
" potName: %s\n"
" potType: %s\n"
" nx: %d\n"
" ny: %d\n"
" nz: %d\n"
" xproc: %d\n"
" yproc: %d\n"
" zproc: %d\n"
" Lattice constant: %g Angstroms\n"
" nSteps: %d\n"
" printRate: %d\n"
" Time step: %g fs\n"
" Initial Temperature: %g K\n"
" Initial Delta: %g Angstroms\n"
cmd->nx, cmd->ny, cmd->nz,
cmd->xproc, cmd->yproc, cmd->zproc,